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紐時摘譯:消滅腫瘤 徵召病毒上陣

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Viruses Are Recruited As Killer of Tumors

By Rachel Nuwer

In the early 1900s, not much could be done for cancer patients. Unless surgeons could excise a tumor, the disease typically spelled a swift and inevitable end. But in dozens of published cases over the years, doctors noticed a peculiar trend: cancer patients sometimes enjoyed a brief reprieve from their malignancies when they caught a viral infection.

It was not a coincidence. Common viruses sometimes attack tumor cells, researchers discovered. For decades, they tried to harness this phenomenon, to transform it into a cancer treatment. Now, after a long string of failures, they are nearing success with viruses engineered to kill cancer.

“It’s a very exciting time,” said Dr. Robert Martuza, chief neurosurgeon at the Massachusetts General Hospital. “I think it will work out in some tumor, with some virus.” Candidates are already in advanced trials, he noted.

Cancer cells are able to replicate wildly, but they cannot ward off infection as effectively as healthy cells. So scientists have been looking for ways to create viruses that are too weak to damage healthy cells yet strong enough to destroy tumor cells.

Researchers began in 1904 when they discovered that women with cervical cancer temporarily recovered when given a rabies vaccination. By midcentury, physicians were administering live viruses to cancer patients.

These experiments proved ill fated. The cancer returned, or – or the worst cases – the injections themselves caused “the development of lethal infection in the host,” according to a 1964 American Journal of Pathology report. The field was abandoned for a time.

But in 1991, Dr. Martuza seized upon the idea of using the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) as a cancer-fighter. The genome of HSV-1 is comparatively large and can accommodate a number of mutations and deletions. Dr. Martuza weakened the virus by removing some of its genes. The modified virus was injected into mice with brain cancer, and it did bring about remission. But most of the mice died of encephalitis.

In 1990, Bernard Roizman, a virologist at the University of Chicago, found a “master gene” in the herpes virus. When this gene is removed, the virus no longer has the strength to overcome healthy cells’ defenses. As it turned out, the modified virus was so crippled that it could only slow tumor growth.

Then, in 1996, Dr. Ian Mohr, a virologist at New York University, happened on a way of further altering Dr. Roizman’s crippled virus. He exposed it repeatedly to cancer cells until a new viral mutant evolved with the ability to replicate in those cells. Dr. Mohr and a doctoral student, Matt Mulvey, then engineered a way for their virus to evade the immune system, making it an even more potent cancer-killing agent.

Unlike in chemotherapy, which can diminish in effectiveness over time, oncolytic viruses multiply in the body and gain strength as the infection becomes established. In addition to attacking cancer cells directly, some also produce an immune response that targets tumors.

Today, several potential cancer-fighting viruses are in trials, including two in Phase 3 trials.

An engineered form of vaccinia – the viral agent that helped eradicate smallpox – is being tested against advanced liver cancer, the third leading cause of cancer deaths globally. In a recent trial, survival for patients treated with high doses of the virus, called JX-594, doubled to 14 months from 7, compared with that of patients treated with low doses.

“To see that kind of response in a randomized trial is simply unheard of,” said Tony Reid, the director of clinical investigation at the Moores Cancer Center of the University of California, San Diego.

A herpes virus based on Dr. Mohr’s original discovery is in advanced trials against melanoma; initial data showed a 26 percent response rate in patient regression and survival.

A reovirus is being tested against head and neck cancers, often difficult to treat.

According to the researchers, the side effects of treatment with these viruses are minimal, and include nausea, fatigue and aches.

Dr. Mulvey now heads a firm in Baltimore testing viruses to fight melanoma and bladder cancer. The biggest challenge now, he said, is simply convincing others that the new treatment is “not science fiction.”

“Thankfully, that hurdle is diminishing,” he said.


2012-04-03聯合報/G5/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽譯 原文參見紐時週報十版左

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