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紐時摘譯:腦刻新槽 不做習慣的奴隸


New Grooves for Creatures of Habit

By Kevin Delaney


In a fable, a scorpion stings a frog carrying him across a river, dooming them both. It may have been suicidal, the scorpion explains in his last drowning moments, but he just couldn’t not sting. It was his nature.

Are we, like the self-destructive scorpion, simply creatures of habit?

That question has been driving a new wave of research from neuroscientists, psychologists and corporate retailers.

Charles Duhigg, author of “The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business,” wrote in The Times about a Duke University study that estimated 45 percent of the choices people make every day are based on habits, rather than conscious choices.

Understanding those habits, and learning to alter or influence them, is the holy grail for merchants. Target, the retail chain, has been compiling a deluge of data on the habits of their shoppers. Pregnant women draw particular interest. When people become parents, many of their previous assumptions and habits are jolted, creating a perfect opportunity for a retailer to shift their brand loyalties.

“We knew that if we could identify them in their second trimester, there’s a good chance we could capture them for years,” Andrew Pole, a statistician for Target, told Mr. Duhigg. “As soon as we get them buying diapers from us, they’re going to start buying everything else too.”

From a neurological point of view, those habits all come down to grooves. In the brain, that is, where the neural pathways are literally worn down by the constant repetition. But as Timothy D. Wilson, author of “Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change,”  wrote in The Times, those grooves – which sometimes transmit scorpionlike, self-destructive habits – can be very hard to shake. To create a better habit, he wrote, “we have to painstakingly practice a better response that wears a new groove.”

One problem in finding the perseverance to alter habits may be caused by a disconnect from our future selves. Kelly McGonigal, author of “The Willpower Instinct,” told The Times that people often believe that in the future they will have fewer problems. So why floss or save money now, when we’ll have a better opportunity to work things out in the future?

“It’s hard to imagine that we’re going to be under the same stress,” Ms. McGonigal told The Times. “It seems like we will have more time and energy, and we can let the future person deal with what we can’t deal with now.”

As Emily Pronin, an associate professor of psychology at Princeton University in New Jersey, added, “If you don’t want to do it now, don’t assume your future self will want to do it.”

Back in the present, stress can compound negative behaviors, turning those brain grooves into deep ruts. But again, even deep ruts in the brain can be reversed. As The Times reported, lab rats subjected to great stress in a study developed neurotic patterns. But when the stress was alleviated, some of those bad habits disappeared.

The key is something called neural plasticity, which enables the brain to eventually reshape its grooves. As Christopher Chabris, a psychology professor at Union College in Schenectady, New York, wrote in The Times, “Like a piece of software stuck in permanent beta, it has its share of bugs, but its plasticity allows for frequent updates.”

Good news for rats and people. If not scorpions.


2012-04-03聯合報/G9/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 任中原譯 原文參見紐時週報三版右

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