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The Great Inversion

By Roger Cohen


Rio de Janeiro

A European arriving on United States shores in 1950 could not mistake the fact that the mantle had passed. American power would define the rest of the 20th century; the nation’s energy and confidence were palpable. Today, arrival in Brazil has something of the same giddying effect: the promise of the Americas is here.

When I first came to know a languishing Brazil in the 1980s, I always pushed back when told that I could hardly expect anything other than instability in Latin America. Brazil, I would insist, is better viewed as a tropical United States – its size, diversity and can-do culture demanded that – than as part of the Latin disease of hyperinflation and failure.

It’s not that I foresaw this perfect Brazilian storm: Massive oil finds have helped generate a powerful exuberance. I did, however, understand what a steel executive in São Paulo meant when he told me back in 1986 that he often worried about the end of the month but he never worried about the future. Lurching, Brazil was nonetheless headed forward. Unlike tormented Argentina, it had an unquenchable self-belief and more interest in profit than elegant pretense.

In the quarter century since then, Brazil has been transformed. Today it offers a potent reminder that the counterpart to the travails of Europe and the United States is an intense vitality in the developing world. The West’s deep recession has coincided with an awakening in the nations from Brazil to India where most of the world’s population lives. We are living through the Great Inversion.

Talk in Rio is of all that oil offshore, and skyrocketing real estate, and the World Cup in 2014, and the Olympics in 2016, and the commodities boom, and full employment, and gridlocked traffic, and crazy prices (anyone for a plate of spaghetti at $60?), and huge infrastructure projects like a proposed Rio-São Paulo high-speed rail, and the fact that Brazil recently overtook Britain to become the world’s sixth-largest economy.

Of course, there are close to 200 million Brazilians, so per capita income is still only a third of that in Britain; and an overvalued currency plays its part in boosting the apparent dimensions of Brazilian wealth. Still, the strong real reflects Brazil’s attractiveness to investors, individual and corporate, whose faith in the dollar and the euro has been shaken.

The big change since the mid-1980s, when I started covering Latin America, is the arrival of democratic institutional stability. I covered the fall of Pinochet and lived through the turbulent immediate aftermath of dictatorships in Brazil and Argentina. These dictators, as in the Middle East, had been propped up by the West as the only alternatives to violent extremism – of the communist variety in the Latin American case, whereas the specter from Cairo to Damascus today is jihadist Islamism.

Dilma Rousseff, the president of Brazil, was one such leftist. She was tortured by the military and imprisoned for nearly three years in the early 1970s. Now, a little over a year into her presidency, she governs Brazil with an intense pragmatism praised by business leaders and social reformers alike. Perhaps that says something about the kinds of ex-radicals, adjusting to the realities of power, who will be governing Egypt or Tunisia a generation from now.

Rousseff will visit the United States next month and has a meeting scheduled with Barack Obama on April 9. Brazilians are angry that her trip has not been accorded the status of a “state visit,” as was the case for the presidents of China, India and Mexico. State visits usually include a formal address by the visiting leader to Congress and a black-tie dinner at the White House. There is also dismay at the United States Air Force’s recent cancellation of a $355 million contract to buy 20 military planes from Embraer, the Brazilian aircraft manufacturer.

On the American side, unease persists at Rousseff’s coziness with Cuba (in part a hangover from leftist days) and Brazil’s cordial relations with Iran.

I think it’s a mistake to have slighted Rousseff, even if the White House has tried to insist state visits in an election year are not done. America needs a close Brazilian partnership not only to help revive global economic growth but also for its energy needs and for precisely the difficult diplomatic dilemmas presented by the likes of Iran. Brazil’s global heft is growing, but it does not carry the baggage of the United States or Europe, and can be a useful intermediary in negotiations with powers that still bear grudges over Western imperial intervention. Nobody in Iran has forgotten the American-British coup of 1953.

In 1950, a European had to look west. In 2012, there is much to be said for an American to look south to a power that will help define the 21st century.


2012-03-27聯合報/G5/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 馮克芸譯 原文參見紐時週報二版左

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