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紐時摘譯:亞洲新富多 引來法國人


Asia’s Nouveau Riche Lure French
By Bettina Wassener


HONG KONG — Gregory Joinau-Baronnet arrived in Hong Kong about a year ago with a couple of suitcases and a desire to sell French wine. He left home after his real estate business in wine-related (like vineyards) ground to a halt.

In January last year, he got on a plane to a place he knew was booming: Hong Kong. “I needed to move,” said Mr. Joinau-Baronnet, 31, who has set up Jetson Trading, a small business that sells high-end wines and mineral water from his native Bordeaux.

As luxury companies storm Asia to soak up its rising wealth and sate a voracious appetite for their goods, a flood of French expatriates is arriving with them, catering to the Asian nouveau riche with a savoir faire that is changing the face of the traditionally Anglo-Saxon communities in Hong Kong and Singapore.

Both cities are favored destinations for their functioning legal systems and access to hinterland markets in mainland China and Southeast Asia.

The flow of Westerners to Asia in search of jobs or business opportunities has picked up in the past few years, said James Carss, a senior executive at the recruitment firm Hudson in Hong Kong. Many French companies have subsidiaries or regional headquarters in the city.

The French community in Hong Kong has grown more than 60 percent since 2006, and numbers more than 10,000, according to the French consulate here. In Singapore, it has approximately doubled to more than 9,200 during the same period.

There are also sizeable French groupings in mainland China, Bangkok and southern India, partly because French companies associated with luxury, fine dining, wines, banking and other industries want French nationals on their local teams.

The size of the United States, and Hong Kong’s traditional ties to Britain, mean that there are still about 10 times as many Americans and many more Britons than French in the city, which is a special administrative region of China. But the number of American and British residents has increased less than 10 percent since late 2006. The German community has stayed flat.

But walk through Hong Kong’s bar districts or high-end shopping malls, and it is likely you will encounter passers-by speaking French. The French international school is bursting. French-run restaurants have multiplied.

Pastis, a small restaurant in Hong Kong, has been a favorite for French expatriates since it opened in late 2009. At least two more French restaurants have opened in just the past few months.

Hong Kong’s appeal to shoppers from neighboring China, who benefit from the city’s lower taxes on many goods, makes Hong Kong a key location for anyone catering to Chinese consumers. It has also helped ensure that Hong Kong’s French community is one of the Asia’s largest.

Edouard Malingue, 38, an art dealer from Paris, moved to Hong Kong in 2009 after deciding it offered better prospects than Europe for a new art gallery. He was attracted by the lack of bureaucratic delays and the relative ease of setting up a business.

Hong Kong is not without challenges. Competition in many sectors is fierce. Salaries, if not augmented by increasingly rare benefits for expatriates, do not meet many Westerners’ expectations. Employers prefer people with experience in Asia and language skills to match, said Mr. Carss. And commercial and residential rents are sky-high.

Retailers must work to cultivate taste and habits among customers who may not know their products. In Hong Kong, Mr. Malingue noted, “there is not as much of a culture of visiting galleries as there is in Europe. It takes a lot more effort to grab people’s attention.”



2012-03-13聯合報/G9/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽譯原文參見紐時週報七版左

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