In Iran Standoff, A Boon For Russia
By Andrew E. Kramer
MOSCOW – For months, the Russian government has opposed Western petroleum sanctions against Iran. But new threats to Iranian oil flow could have at least one beneficiary: Russia.
The Russian oil industry was already reaping the rewards of higher global oil prices from Iranian tensions, even before Tehran on February 15 threatened to cut off oil to six European nations.
Now, Russia’s pipelines stand ready to serve customers willing to pay a premium price.
“It’s pretty good for Russia right now,” said Jesse Mercer, a senior oil analyst in Houston.
Russia is now the world’s largest oil producer, pumping about 10 million barrels of oil a day. Of this, Russia exports 7 million barrels a day, mostly to Europe and Asia.
For Russian oil companies like Rosneft and Lukoil and the Russian-British joint venture TNK-BP, the international tensions that began over Iran’s nuclear development program last autumn have meant a windfall. Analysts estimate that Iran jitters have added $5 to $15 a barrel to the global price of oil, which means an extra $35 million to $105 million a day for the Russian industry. And the taxes from those sales have been a political windfall for Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin as he campaigns to return as Russia’s president. “In the United States, when oil prices go up, the president’s ratings go down,” Mr. Mercer said. “In Russia, it’s the opposite.”
Rising prices are a boon for every oil producer. But Russia has a particular advantage: the ability to direct more or less of its oil either eastward or westward, to Europe and Asia. Also, the grade of Russia’s main export oil, Ural Blend crude, is similar to Iran’s and has already been in greater demand as an alternative to Iranian oil for European refineries. Both grades are now trading for about $119.50 a barrel, analysts say.
The six nations Iran threatened to cut off – Italy, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Greece and Portugal – plan to stop buying Iranian oil in July, as part of a European Union embargo. At its recent peak, Europe was buying up to 660,000 barrels of Iranian oil a day, according to PFC Energy.
On February 19, Iran said it had cut off sales to Britain and France.
If the sanctions take effect then, oil prices could rise further.
And even if oil prices later fall, Russia’s natural gas monopoly, Gazprom, would continue to benefit for a time. Russian gas prices in Europe, Gazprom’s biggest export customer, are tied to the price of oil under long-term contracts.
In December the United States Congress passed sanctions that, among other measures, impose penalties on foreign banks that clear payments for Iranian oil.
But the White House also cautioned that the bank strictures could interfere in the business dealings of American allies. Some provisions of the measure, also to begin in July, would be nonbinding.
China is expected to circumvent the sanctions with tacit American approval. And India has negotiated to barter wheat for oil, or pay Iran directly in rupees.
There are other limits to Russia’s ability to fully capitalize on the Iranian oil upheaval. The Russian industry is already producing petroleum at full capacity, since so much of it comes from far northern and Arctic wells that must operate full time to keep from freezing. So Russia cannot suddenly increase export capacity.
But its extensive pipeline network gives Russia enviable flexibility to direct its oil to wherever demand – and prices – are highest. That could be a boon for its Asian oil distribution.
And a trans-Siberian pipeline scheduled for completion this autumn will allow Russia to export petroleum more cheaply than its current railroad shipments to a Pacific port where it is then pumped into tankers for shipments to Japan and South Korea.
Russian exporters will gain the ability to easily exploit likely price differences between China, if it continues as expected to buy Iranian oil, and Japan and South Korea, which probably will not.
“Russia could arbitrage between the two,” said Mr. Mercer, “and it could play to their advantage.”
2012-03-06聯合報/G9版/UNITEDDAILYNEWS 陳世欽譯原文參見紐時週報七版上