Usually if the law defines the crime with a too broad language. It will be easily chanllenged in court and repelled.
For instance, The prohibit words, you defined as 賤貨, 賤人, 賤招 are no problem, but the language "或近似之意皆不可" is a no no. Why? The defination is too broad and too easy to be abused by any two-bits attorney that's sure making the court looks like a circus.
I would like propose to you to list all the words you see offending into a table. Then, we will clearly know what's not to be use. Of course, the table would allow to grow and one day could be published as an official profanity dictionary.
ps. When it's necessary, for any 10 minites fame, I'll use them anyway.
The moral cops have to keep awaken 24 hours a day...Crazy Monk is on the loose.