Prix Goncourt 龔固爾獎
It is the most prestigious prize in French language literature, given to "the best imaginary prose work of the year".自1903起每年12月頒獎, 一人終身只能得一次. 頒給Proust 那次的爭議最有名, 因為他得獎年齡太老, 已經48歲, 而且與另一角逐者相比, Proust因氣喘沒有參加一戰: this was met with indignation, since many in the public felt that the prize should have gone to Roland Dorgelès(杜哲萊) for Les Croix de bois (木十字架), a novel about the First World War, for the following reasons:
- the prize was supposed to be awarded to promising young authors, whereas Proust was 48 (Proust was a beginning author, though, which is the only eligibility requirement for the prize, age being unimportant);
- this was immediately after the end of the war, where Dorgelès had fought, whereas Proust had been deemed unfit for service for medical reasons (he had asthma)
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