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● 3. 菊貝/ 希爾貝特Gilberte

文章推薦人 (1)

角色菊貝/ 希爾貝特Gilberte

角色原型:Marie de Benardaky(童年初戀女孩)/ 珍娜布桂Jeanne Pouquet(雖是Proust戀人但又與Proust好友Gaston de Caillavet 半公開地形成三角關係)

角色介紹:敘述者初戀, 後嫁聖盧


(與談論菊貝與其先生聖廬) ↑《追憶逝水年華電影劇照

父親和母親的兩種特性, 不僅在她身上混血, 而且還爭奪她。/ 然後像滑溜溜的水精一樣(這是她的習慣)大笑起來。她的笑聲往往與話語極不協調,象音樂一樣在另一平面勾畫出另一個看不見的表層。

與Jeanne Pouquet 打網球時假裝彈吉他

from le14nov 

The most conjectural chapter relates the curious relationship between Marcel Proust and "Jeanne Pouquet", a model for Gilberte Swann in "Remembrance of Things Past." It is a complicated chapter, for Gilberte in Proust's novel is part of the legend of the writer Bergotte, himself modeled on "Anatole France". Moreover, Proust and Jeanne Pouquet were engaged in a triangular situation. The love expressed by young Marcel for Jeanne was apparently without hope, as she was secretly (but Proust was informed) betrothed to Proust's good friend "Gaston de Caillavet", the son of Anatole France's mistress. It is a somewhat haunting story, raising several possibilities. Was the range of Proust's amatory experience broader than we thought? Were his protestations of love for Jeanne a screen for his homosexuality, or were they evidence of a desperate hope that he might be heterosexual after all? We shall never know the full story. Jeanne Pouquet destroyed a great many of his letters. All we can assert is that this non-relation also took a literary turn, revealing love as a "mnemonic act," a theme central to Proust's fiction.(from NY TIMES)

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