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Greenaway的"夜巡"8月底真善美戲院~林布蘭特, Proust 20歲問卷最喜歡的畫家

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夜巡林布蘭 The Nightwatching
導  演:大盜、廚師與他的情人】【枕邊書
彼得葛林納威(Peter Greenaway)
編  劇:彼得葛林納威(Peter Greenaway)
演  員:星際大奇航】馬丁費里曼(Martin Freeman)
冥王星早餐】伊娃柏西斯托(Eva Birthistle)
【紅路】娜塔莉普萊斯(Nathalie Press)
上映日期:2008/8/22 揭開跨世紀之謎







彼得格林納威 Peter Greenaway


 1942年出生在英國威爾斯新港(Newport)的導演 - 彼得格林納威,在他迷離誘人的鏡頭下,以一種異於常人邏輯的方式“說故事”,加上迷戀數字、符號、光線、藝術、建築、景觀、構圖、女體、性愛的歡愉和死亡的痛苦,因此被公認為當代最受爭議的導演之一。

 格林納威在很年輕的時候先是立志成為畫家,後來才漸漸開始接觸歐洲電影,16歲那年看了瑞典導演伯格曼(Bergman)的【第七封印】,從此立志成為導演。之後又受法國新浪潮導演影響,例如高達(Godard)和雷奈(Resnais)常使用的“推軌鏡頭”(Long Tracking Shots)攝影技巧,就常出現在格林納威的電影裡。

 格林納威於1962年進入沃森斯道藝術學院(Walthamstow College of Art)就讀,花了三年的時間接受壁畫的訓練,並在此時期拍了第一部短片【情感之死】(Death of Sentiment),內容關於殯葬習俗以及墓碑上的彫刻,場景設在倫敦的四座大墓園中。1965年他加入英國新聞局(Central Office of Information)工作,往後15年間拍攝了一系列實驗性電影,包括混合“具象音樂”與滑鐵盧車站最後一台蒸汽火車影像的【火車】(Train),以及在數字和剪接結構上面玩花樣的【重製垂直面】(Vertical Features Remake),這些珍貴的畫面曾在2000年的台北金馬影展中作特別放映。

 1980年他完成了第一部長片【崩潰】(The Falls),本片長達3個多小時,為格林納威92部未完成作品之集大成,以“仿紀錄片”的形式訴說這個世界終結的92種方式,超現實的表現手法雖古怪卻讓他受到注目。自1982年【繪圖師的合約】開始,彼得格林納威樹立了無人能出其右的謎樣情色風格,隨後又拍攝關於John Cage和Philip Glass等四位知名美國現代作曲家的紀錄片【四個美國音樂家】。





 除了電影之外,彼得格林納威也出版多本著作,包括一系列的電影書以及藝術史籍。其中《100 Allegories to Represent the World》,用100幅電腦後製編輯的人體攝影搭著短文,構成現代版的希臘羅馬神話,一種格林納威式的”自我指涉”神話體系。另外還有描述諾亞方舟故事的抽象畫集,以及分析林布蘭《夜巡》畫中每一個角色與謀殺始末關係的同名書。

 格林納威在1999年與妻子離異後離開威爾斯定居荷蘭,現今雖已60多歲,卻不斷在嘗試各種新的藝術創作媒材。2005年6月,在視覺音樂組織noTV於阿姆斯特丹一間ART CLUB - CLUB 11所舉辦的 CNCDNC 視覺藝術晚會中,格林納威獻出了他的VJ處女秀,他運用荷蘭當地投影技術公司BeamSystem特別為他量身打造的超大型電漿觸控螢幕與多螢幕輸出播放系統,將92個【塔斯魯波的故事】投射在12個螢幕上,並配合由DJ Serge Dodwell(又名Radar)負責的音樂部份,把各個畫面混合在一起,結果大受歡迎,於是決定與noTV合作,舉辦世界巡迴表演,行程遍及西班牙塞維爾、法國、巴西等地。



馬丁費里曼(Martin Freeman)

 電視、電影、劇場三棲的演員馬丁費里曼,1971年出生於英國,青少年時期放棄原本擅長的壁球,立志成為演員,往後進入Central School of Speech and Drama就讀,期間經常參與青少年行動劇團的業餘製作表演,並於戈巴契夫在任時蘇聯尚未解體前,加入一個前進基輔(烏克蘭首都)的戲劇交換計畫,畢業後隨即在多齣英國國家戲劇院的製作中演出。


 馬丁費里曼第一個正式的電影角色是【誰與爭瘋】(Ali G Indahouse)中的Ricky C,他在片中與主演【芭樂特:哈薩克青年必修(理)美國文化】的喜劇演員薩夏拜倫柯恩合力搞笑,漸漸打開知名度,近年又以英國BBC熱門影集【辦公室風雲】(The Office)中的角色走紅,並參與【愛是您‧愛是我】、【星際大奇航】、【活人甡吃】等電影的演出,近年更向一線男主角邁進,先在由大導演安東尼明格拉執導的【非法入侵】中與茱麗葉畢諾許、裘德洛飆戲;又跟曼蒂摩兒合演浪漫愛情喜劇【插畫情緣】(Dedication);以及參與由葛妮絲派特羅主演、其弟傑克派特羅執導的【夜夜成癮的男人】(The Good Night);還有演出由【活人甡吃】原班人馬製作的【終棘警探】(Hot Fuzz)。


 伊娃柏西斯托(Eva Birthistle)

 1974年出生於愛爾蘭都柏林的伊娃柏西斯托,14歲時隨家人搬到北愛爾蘭的Derry,雖然身為天主教徒,她讀的卻是一所新教學校,後來回到都柏林就讀Gaiety表演學院,1995年得到第一個電視劇角色,在愛爾蘭評價最高的影集【Glenroe】中連續演出三年。1997年主演首部電影【萬聖節】(All Saint’s Day),接著與柯林法洛合演【Drinking Crude】。2004年在坎城金棕櫚獎得主導演肯洛區“格拉斯哥三部曲”最終篇的【蘇格蘭之吻】(Ae Fond Kiss…)中有突破性表現,並以此片獲得愛爾蘭奧斯卡獎(IFTA)最佳女主角。隨後在【冥王星早餐】中飾演男主角席利安莫菲的母親,又參與女同志愛情小品【新娘向後跑】,以及BBC迷你影集【國家內部】(The State Within)的演出。在【夜巡林布蘭】中,伊娃飾演林布蘭的妻子薩絲琪雅,戲份十分吃重。

 裘蒂梅(Jodhi May)

 1975年出生在倫敦的裘蒂梅具有一半德國和一半法國血統,12歲那年首度參與英國電影【分離世界】(A World Apart)演出,就與同片合演女星一起獲得當年(1988)坎城影展的最佳女主角,至今仍是此獎項得主中最年輕的紀錄保持人,電影作品另有與丹尼爾戴路易斯合演的【大地英豪】。裘蒂梅的演藝事業橫跨電影、電視、劇場,曾參與全程以法文演出的舞台劇,並曾自編自導一部探討兩性親密關係的奇情短片【Spyhole】。

 愛蜜莉荷姆斯(Emily Holmes)

 在【夜巡林布蘭】中飾演第二任情婦的艾蜜莉荷姆斯大部分的時間都在小螢幕發展,曾演出科幻影集【星際大爭霸】(Battlestar Galactica),並客串【暗夜天使】(Dark Angel)、【神鬼禁區】(The Dead Zone)、【女歡女愛】(The L World)、【超人首部曲】(Smallville)等多部受歡迎的美國影集。電影作品包括【記憶裂痕】、【飛機上有蛇】,並參與尼可拉斯凱吉主演的【惡靈線索】,以及曾在2006台北電影節播映的加拿大電影【末路狂媽】(Familia)。

娜塔莉普萊斯(Nathalie Press)



 在1642年完成的《夜巡》畫作中,可以看見忙亂的三十四個人在一場有組織的混戰中,很明顯地要做槍械演習,可是在畫作的前半部有個穿著整齊軍服的少年。他的臉被擋住了,所以無法辨識他的身份,但是他在開槍射擊,這就像在尖峰時刻對皮卡迪利車站(Piccadilly station)開槍一樣,是件極度愚蠢的事。這樣的舉動一定其來有因,而我拍攝這部片的動機就在於想要解釋這件事。有人開槍,企圖為何,子彈射中了誰,歷史學家說這幅畫裡有五十一個謎團,而我敢大膽地說我的理論可以解開所有的疑惑。這有點像電視影集CSI犯罪現場。

 我們的設想這幅畫就像一項指控,指控那些富豪,那些超級有錢的財閥;1640年代12個在阿姆斯特丹呼風喚雨的家族。 在這個陰謀裡,每個人都想再往上爬,而我認為在荷蘭社會的權力中心存在著暴力行為,所以才有畫中的槍擊。


 在1600-1650這約兩個世代的時間,阿姆斯特丹的確是西方世界的中心,富裕、有權、資源豐富、有舊世界的龐大資金交易,新世界也逐漸被開發。 荷蘭人不太提起這件事,但是當時阿姆斯特丹中心有個叫做Dam的有名廣場,每天都在販賣黑奴,這樣的販奴交易行為持續了至少八十年。



地址: 台北市漢中街116號 (地圖)
電話: 02-23312270


The feature film - Synopsis
In 1654 the Dutch painter Rembrandt awakes from a dream of blindness in his marital bed in Amsterdam, to remember the year 1642, and his most celebrated work later to be known as the Nightwatch. He was then at the height of his powers, his career and his wealth and as a consequence� commissioned by the Amsterdam Musketeer's Militia to paint their group portrait, thirty one amateur soldiers of the Amsterdam Home Guard on parade. At the insistence of his pregnant wife Saskia, anxious to create a secure future for their longed-for, unborn child, he finally agrees to accept the commission, prophetically fearing ill fortune.

From the retrospective standpoint of 1654, where his young mistress Hendrickje comforts him in his fear of blindness, Rembrandt recalls his preparations for the Nightwatch, considering the tradition of Dutch Militia painting, visiting the Militia at their musket-firing exercises in the Amsterdam fields, and working on experimental compositions with his usual army of tramps and vagrants taken from the streets around his house in the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam.
Suddenly there is a death. The sympathetic captain of the Militia is shot dead at musket practice. It is pronounced an accident. There is a new commanding officer backed by new family members and associates. The commission is re-ordered.
Happy at the healthy birth of a longed for son, after having witnessed the death of three infant daughters, and confident in his continually soaring reputation, Rembrandt begins the preparatory drawings of the 31 sitters of the group portrait, only to become gradually disenchanted with their arrogance and their hypocrisy, their unashamed lust and greed. The Golden Age of Holland, is seen to be not so Golden. The reported calumnies he uncovers increase. Child sexual exploitation at the Amsterdam Orphanages governed by some of his sitters, appears on the agenda. Finally evidence surfaces that the so-called accidental death of the last commanding officer of the Amsterdam Militia was not so accidental.
Forward in 1654, in the marital bed between dreaming and waking, Rembrandt's wife, Saskia appears, and she, Hendrickje, and Rembrandt, argue and discuss and quarrel about their past lives, refashioning their memories of the year 1642, when, with his three painter friends and former pupils, Ferdinand Bol, Gerrit Dou and Carel Fabritius, Rembrandt investigates the apparent murder, uncovering more corroborating evidence. Rembrandt very confidently imagines he can build his accusation of murder against the conspiring soldier-merchants into the painting they have commissioned. He collects all the information he needs to make the entire painting an indictment for those who have eyes to see.
And then his moment of great good fortune changes. He confidently, even arrogantly, unveils the finished Nightwatch to his public, his critics, admirers, the Amsterdam bourgeoisie, and the mob of the Jewish quarter. The painted conspirators understand the message and recoil from his accusation. The reaction of the sitters proves their discomfort and guilt, and they seek at once to try to destroy Rembrandt because they dare not destroy the painting which is already being acclaimed a significant work. They start to create the financial and social circumstances for his descent into penury. His wife Saskia dies, having never fully recovered from childbirth. Grief-struck, miserable and lonely, Rembrandt's confidence falters. He takes into his bed, his child's nurse, Geertje, not suspecting she is a treacherous mistress coerced by the conspirators to degrade him socially.

In 1654, Geertje joins Rembrandt's other women in the marital bed, and the squabbling and bickering, accusations and counter-accusations, the protestations of love and the revealing of confidences, the jealousies and the plans for revenge increase between Rembrandt and his three women.
Moving between 1654 and 1642, after his excessively carnal affair with Geertje has reached depths of self abasement, Rembrandt realises the subterfuge of her treachery, which supported behind the scenes by the conspirators, creates an issue at the law courts and the blackmailed Rembrandt is obliged to make humiliating concessions. He throws Geertje out of his house, where no longer useful, she is imprisoned in a house of correction by the conspirators to shut her up, and Rembrandt is forced to care for her keep. Rembrandt finds a new sentimental sexual love with his young servant and model Hendrickje and the conspirators turn their attentions to her, seeking to humiliate her and Rembrandt in the church courts when she becomes pregnant. Deprived of patrons and commissions, with his creditors baying, and his debts all called in, Rembrandt will sink further into insolvency.
Back in 1642, the denouement has been instigated - the troubled commissioners express their anger, adjust their positions and begin to fall out amongst themselves, and the finished painting is hung in its appointed place in the Amsterdam Militia Headquarters, on a court occasion where the Militia painting commissioners are seeking preferment. There they plan Rembrandt's blinding, the blinding that Rembrandt continues to dream about in 1654, a blinding that is in fact no dream but a reality.

The Nightwatching feature film premiered on September 6 2007 during the Venice Filmfestival.
The exhibition
A poetic combination between theater, moving image and innovating technology. For the exhibition we will use the Philips rooms 11 and 12, the Jan Steen room and the Night Watch room.
In room 11 we plan to stage the Nightwatching installation bringing forward the personal story of all the 34 figures in the painting the Nightwatch. We will create a combination between innovating technology and moving image to display the world of the Nightwatch and the stories behind the people in the painting.
For the installation we will use many screens and various interfaces for the audience, the many screens will be a three dimensional object hanging free in the exhibition space.

Peter Greenaway is a pioneer in combining film, art and technology. In his famous exhibitions he creates new worlds of interactive and moving images to tell stories behind the objects in the exhibition.
One of the other great creative aspects of Greenaway's exhibitions is the use of light - always designed by artist and director of photography Reinier van Brummelen. In the room where the Nightwatch is exposed, we will create a second theatrical installation. The Nightwatch and its surroundings will be put in a theatrical light installation (with many different lighting sequences) and the public will feel and become part of the romantic period of the GOLDEN age.
We will create spaces and emotions by making use of a custom designed lighting system and we will work with state-of-the-art lighting technology, to find possibilities for using light in new ways in the museum environment.
Greenaway's passion for painting and new technology in art, combined with his established international acclaim as an original filmmaker, will make this project a creative and innovating new experience for a large and diverse audience.

Nightwatching the exhibition, June 2 - August 6, 2006, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Nightwatching is a project of The Kasander Film Company.
The exhibition at the Rijksmuseum is a co-production with the Holland Festival and the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.


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被導演華美而複雜的走位弄得瞠目結舌, 但至少比上回那個"手提箱"(the Tulse Luper Suitcases http://www.tulselupernetwork.com/basis.html)  情節單純多, 不會看到想哭, 因為跟不上情節的細節實在很痛苦, 大概得看5次才會看通吧!


把林布蘭特的床變成舞台的一部份 ~~ 生產, 妻子真假莫辨的死亡過程, 三段愛與迷戀挑逗.....鏡頭自一開始的"追殺紊亂"走到"床前的瞎眼獨白"再轉為現實, 最後回到"床前的瞎眼"的那一幕時, 兩次很像卻又完全不是同一個拍攝場景, 再度呈現"真假莫辨"的特質, 以及故事本身真假莫辨的神秘 ~~ 都離不開床

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