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■巴黎畫派Marcel Gromaire

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個人很喜歡這位得過1952卡內基國際藝術大獎的Gromaire, 他從軍六年(1914~18)受傷慘烈, 風格卻能總帶著沉靜的批判,!

Gromaire本是學法律的, 1910與Matisse學畫, 在Academie Ranson向Felix Vallotton學版畫, 1911在沙龍展初試啼聲, 戰後展覽不斷,1921終得個展, 1922傑出的石版畫開始受到重視, 立體派與表現主義兼具的精神, 不斷更迭的畫風, 使他與眾不同, 但他則認為自己只是"I am seeking to give man his place in nature"!


1950, 1952作品


 1892  Marcel Gromaire was born in Noyelles-sur-Sambre (North).
 1909  After his classical studies at Douai, then in Paris where his father was a teacher at the Buffon High School, Gromaire receives his baccalauréat in law and then quickly abandons a judiciary career path.
 1910  He frequents some studios in Montparnasse.
 1912  He performs his military service in Lille. The war begins and during his six years in the army, he is hurt (1916) at la Somme.
 1919  Gromaire returns to Paris and he ensures the cinematographic criticism of the "Crapouillot".
 1920  The notoriety of Gromaire is established and it is a meeting with Dr. Girardin who during 10 years, will buy (by contract) the whole of his production. When Dr. Girardin passed away in 1953, the Museum of Modern Art in Paris received 78 oil paintings as well as some watercolors from him.
 1933  Retrospective at the Kunsthalle de Bâle: it is confirms his body of work.
 1937  Paris, Exposition Internationale: orders from the State
 1939 - 1944  He resides at Aubusson and participates in the renewal of the tapestry movement with Jean Lurçat.
 1947  He begins exhibiting at the Galerie Louis Carré
 1950  Named professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des arts décoratifs. He leaves this position in 1962.
 1950  He moves to the United States and becomes a member of the Jury for the Carnegie Prize which went to Jacques Villon that year. This same prize is awarded to him in 1952.
 1954  He is made commander of the Légion d'honneur.
 1956  Gromaire obtains the National Guggenheim prize and in 1958 the Grand Prix national des arts.
 1971  Gromaire passes away after a long hospitalization

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