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Bruhlmeier: 一顆心臟的代價是多少? 浪子回頭的艱辛,有什麼可比擬?霎时之间失去至愛的親人,頓时消失色彩的生命,剩下的是什样的人生?我们的靈魂可以用什麼來計算?
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導演:Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
演員:Naomi Watts娜歐蜜華茲、Sean Penn西恩潘、Benicio Del Toro班尼西歐狄托羅
A master director of actors, Iñárritu elicits the very best from a brilliant cast. Penn plays Paul, a mild mannered, unhappily married mathematician waiting for a heart transplant, as a 180-degree turn inward from his volatile Mystic River stint. Watts is luminous as Christina, a clean and sober former drug addict with a loving husband and children. Not least among the film's myriad accomplishments is Del Toro's towering performance, as Jack, a born-again ex-con, a role that proves him the screen equal of Penn — a feat unmatched by any of his Mystic River cohort.
Paul, Christina and Jack undergo emotional and physical changes that none could possibly imagine, as they are battered by life at its most capricious and ugly. How they're finally drawn together and with what tragic consequences is played with both razor-sharp insights and occasional borderline melodramatics. At one point Jack's wife — an excellent supporting performance by the too-little-seen Melissa Leo — tells her overzealous husband, Life has to go on, with or without God, and while it sounds a bit pretentious, it certainly sums up the human condition in a nutshell.
21 Grams takes us on a roller-coaster ride through such immense themes as life, death, responsibility, guilt, grief, survival and even that most amorphous state — grace. Is it God, or fate or random chance that takes life, gives life, exchanges life? And who may receive forgiveness? Audaciously careening between the portentous and the sublime, Iñárritu lands securely as one of the year's best directors, with one of its most thoughtful and thought-provoking films.
Puerto Rican pleads guilty Feb 27 2004 By Tim Oglethorpe, Evening Gazette
B喜欢的男配角Benicio Del Toro
If ever there was a role guaranteed to bring on a bad touch of the blues then it was Benicio Del Toro's in 21 Grams.
He may have received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor, but it's hard to believe there wasn't some emotional fall-out from his time spent playing the much troubled Jack.
It was tough, admits 37-year-old Benicio. My character has what the psychologists would call survival guilt.
It's what people who survive a catastrophe sometimes go through when the person right next to them does not make it.
They go into this depression where they think to themselves: 'Why me? Why am I living? Why am I breathing? Why am I enjoying life?'
And they go into a massive, massive depression. And it can be very dangerous to themselves or to others and that is basically the bottom line of the character I play.
So how did Puerto Rican-born Benicio deal with the problem?
I played music at the end of every day's filming! Music is a great pacifier, so the minute I finished shooting I would basically get into my car and have a tape of some music that I like.
The 6ft 2in star admits to being no Bing Crosby when it comes to singing but, as well as playing Jack, he has a rather unusual credit on 21 Grams.
It was me who suggested we put Shake, Rattle 'N' Roll on the soundtrack from the movie and it's me providing my own rendition!
Actually, there's a nice story about how that came about. We were shooting in Memphis and I stopped by the world famous Sun Records.
And I was so moved by the place. It's just a tiny recording studio, but it's where people like Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash did their first recordings.
Then we found out that you can still rent the space and listen to music or record music. So the guys that were doing the music for the movie came down to play some of the music and they said: 'Why don't we record something?' So I jumped at the chance to get involved.
The musical interlude was light relief for Benicio. There's hardly a moment in 21 Grams when his character isn't dealing with one demon or another.
Told out of sequence, Jack is at various points in a stinking jail cell, coming to terms with his guilt over the death of people he accidentally killed, and thumping his children over their failure to obey the way of The Lord.... it's hardly The Good Life or Love Actually.
But it's not a part I would ever have considered turning down, says Benicio. The writing was simply too good and the fellow cast members too classy!
They include Sean Penn, Naomi Watts and rising London actor Eddie Marsan (a bit part player in the BBC2 comedy Game On and guest star in TV dramas such as Judge John Deed).
Eddie plays Reverend John, a friend of Jack's after he turns to the Church for spiritual guidance.
Says Benicio: Eddie is a terrific actor and I think has a big future in front of him.
Much the same can be said for Benicio, who became only the third Puerto Rican to win an Oscar (when he was recognised for his performance in Traffic in 2000).
Leading American magazines have put him in their lists of Most Eligible Bachelors and Most Beautiful People and his list of girlfriends have included Alicia Silverstone, Chiara Mastroianni and Valeria Golino.
Covered in blood (sometimes other people's), tears and grime for much of 21 Grams, this could be a movie that does little for Benicio's image as a sex symbol. Although one never knows...
There's a simple explanation for the title... It's the amount of weight your body loses when you die, explains Benicio. Nobody seems to know why this is always the case .
I like to think it's the weight of the soul that's been lost - or maybe it's the weight that transfers to other people, who carry the 21-gram memory of that dead person.
『若妳想做牢也無妨 …在這裡可是男女同監』
『給我一個好理由 , 讓我不打電話給移民局』
『清高只會讓妳陷入危險 , 害妳自己被驅逐出境』
『我不想獲走妳的童貞 , 但妳有一張美麗的嘴』
『你知道我現在做的工作是什麼嗎 !』
驚魂未定的 “桑娜” 痛苦地嘶喊著
“桑娜” 再也受不了 “車衣工廠”老板
乘人之危 , 可惡的壓榨
食髓知味的老板 , 貪得無厭的
她假裝溫馴的跪下來 , 然後
狠狠的咬了 , 不瞭得已經玷辱了多少
迫於無奈的非法女工 , 的那個
Link : 英文官方網站:
像這樣的酒店 , 在 倫敦 到處可見
510 , 這個房間可不一樣
一天 , 一個值大夜班的服務生 , 發現馬桶阻塞了
他找了鐵絲勾呀勾 , 突然湧出一堆鮮紅的血
原來 , 是顆健康人的心臟
“奧奎” 是位受政治連累 ,奈及利亞 有執照的醫生
如今隱姓埋名 , 逃到 倫敦 非法居留打工
總於 , 這個酒店的經理, 查出“奧奎”的真實身份
於是經理跟他說了 :
『若你只是位 普通的非洲人 , 交易就很簡單』
『你給我腎臟 , 我給你一個新的身份』
『賣一顆腎臟 ,可以讓我賺進一萬英鎊 ,我很高興』
『急需換腎的人 ,如願以償 , 他們高興』
可以居留在這美麗的國家 , 非常高興』
『你看 ! 我的目的 , 是要讓每一個人都高興』
『至於你 , 這位非法入境的醫生
你每操刀來摘一次腎臟 , 我就給你三千英鎊
再加上你和 “桑娜” 的二本護照 …』
『現在你應該知道 , 為什麼會有心臟阻在馬桶裡
我可不想再找那個酒鬼老醫生 ,開了一半人就死了』
『這整個世界都反了 ,別以為只有你可以例外』
Link : 英文官方網站:
失去工作後 “桑娜” 現在最想的
是去美國 , 表姊的地方
酒店經理跟她說 , 摘除腎臟
“桑娜” 真的需要一本護照 ,合法的出境到美國
她聽話住進了510房 , 洗了澡換上浴袍等候開刀
經理進了房裡 , 他撂下狠話
如果她不乖乖讓他得逞 , 休想得到護照
經理早就料到 , 她已走投無路
事後 , 經理還人面獸心地取笑
“奧奎” 居然沒有事先和 “桑娜” 更進一步
Link: 中文官方網站 :
這樣悲慘的事情 , 真的每天都在世界各地發生
有很多賣腎的人 , 以為往後的日子太平了
或是開刀摘除時 , 不小心被刺破了腸子
因為動刀摘除者 , 很多都是密醫
幸好 , 我們已經通過 “五親等內”活體器官捐贈
對病人本身 , 更有安全的保障
背景音樂 來源 :