自從那一天 美麗的邂逅開始
堅貞便賦予愛情 聖潔的實質內涵
人們醉心地傳頌著 歷久而彌新
並用優美的歌聲唱出 Love story
真理若是恆久 那簡愛也必然長存
一聲嗨! 從妳誠摯而動人的眼眸說出時
剎那間 灰濛的內心世界便化為繽紛萬千
我明白 當妳深情款款地走入我的生命裡
所謂意義 已被牢牢地深植成為堅信不移
海可枯石可爛 然而關於真愛
即使夜空中 所有的星光皆已隕歿
摯愛的光芒 依舊如昔的照亮生命
心手相連之時 我的靈魂將不在孤單
而天使也用著想像 唱出祝福的 Love story
Love Story
Where do I begin to tell the story of how great a love can be,
The sweet love story that is older than the sea.
The simple truth about the love she brings to me.
Where do I start?
With her first hello she gave me a meaning to this empty world of mine;
There'd never be another love, another time!
She came into my life and made the living fine.
She fills my heart, she fills my heart.
With very special things with angel songs. With wild imaginings.
She fills my soul with so much love that anywhere I go.
I'm never lonely, with her along who could be lonely?
I reach for her hand it's always there.
How long does it last?
Can love be meaning by the hours in a day?
I have no answer now, but this much I can say;
I know I'll need her till the stars all burn away.
And she'll be there.
附註:今午閒來無事,拿出束之高閣許久的吉他。打開泛黃的民謠吉他歌 本,唱著唱著那讓人懷念的遙遠曲韻。一首 Love story 引動此篇意譯的靈感,盼與大家共分享。