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這是今天的國際大新聞: 敘利亞擊落土耳其軍機.
整天要率領列強, 把敘利亞給宰了的美國, 卻全國注意: 性侵大學球員的教授被定罪.
關於美國的馬前卒(走狗)土耳其, 軍機被千夫所指的敘利亞打下來, 彷彿不了了之! 這個等同日本在蘆溝橋宣佈士兵演習失蹤的大案件, 就"大事化小, 小事化無了"!
這是土耳其的 F-4 Phantom 幽靈式戰鬥機. 這款老舊的飛機, 其實大大有名: 越戰時代, 這架飛機, 是美軍的主力. 原由美國海軍發展, 是航空母艦載的空優戰機. 在越戰時代, 是美國海空軍共同使用的主力戰機! 與此機同梯的飛機, 有臺灣使用的自由鬥士 F-5 Freedom fighter
這款飛機, 被 F-14 雄貓 Tomcat 取代, 而雄貓如今已經除役, 由輕巧的黃蜂 F-18 Hornet取代.
空軍方面, 是由鷹式戰機 F-15 Eagle 取代, 而今日的新主力戰機, 則是猛禽 F-22 Raptor
拿美國的帳本: 這幽靈式戰機, 是老舊汰換的機種. 在土耳其這樣子末流的歐盟國家, 卻是主力戰機. 連臺灣的'兄弟之邦"南韓, 也是強力重用這老爺機!
說到這裡, 還真要為臺灣同情一哭: 饒是美國汰舊換新, 棄之不用的老爺機. 南韓有, 臺灣到現在還別想擁有! 就別提: 南韓還擁有鷹式戰機 F-15 Eagle, 這件全臺灣不敢想, 不敢提, 乖乖當冤大頭, 買天價昂貴的老舊小鷹: F-16 Falcon 為了增購雷達複眼, 價錢比買全新最高檔小鷹還貴!
美國為了對付敘利亞, 到處拉攏各國, 連臺灣都收到了貿易優惠. 就是因為臺灣對敘利亞不假辭色!
現在, 敘利亞打下土耳其的飛機, 美國有這麼好的機會, 痛打敘利亞, 竟然按兵不動?
可憐的土耳其, 軍機被擊落, 老百姓肯定幹得要死! 美國佬要土耳其淡定, 土耳其的領導人, 絕對是豬八介照鏡子, 裡外不是人!
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Helmets Found But No Pilots, Mystery Deepens in Plane Crash
By Rym Momtaz | ABC News – 2 hrs 51 mins ago
Search teams have reportedly found the boots and helmets belonging to two Turkish aviators whose plane was shot down by Syrian forces last week, but there's still no sign of the pilots themselves.
Top Turkish officials announced today the helmets were found among the two-seat Air Force plane's wreckage, Turkey's prominent Hurriyet Daily reported. No parachutes have been found but the flyers' boots were discovered days before, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.
Erdogan said it was unclear whether the pilots had been able to eject before the plane went down.
But that might not have mattered, according to former fighter pilot and ABC News consultant Steve Ganyard. The plane that was hit, reportedly a reconnaissance version of the F-4 Phantom fighter, is an old but extremely fast aircraft, capable of flying at over twice the speed of sound. Ganyard said that even if the pilots managed to eject, it would've been difficult for them to survive the ejection alone and it's possible the sheer wind blast could have ripped the helmet and boots from them. If the pilots were unable to eject, Ganyard said, a plane as fast as the Phantom could have hit the water "as if it were concrete" - spreading debris wide and leaving little intact.
Still, the search continues.
In addition to the mystery of what happened to the pilots, Turkey and Syria continue to disagree about what led to the shoot down in the first place. In a letter written to the United Nations early this week, the Turkish government claimed the unarmed plane had been flying in international airspace when it suddenly came under fire from Syrian air defenses. After being hit, the plane turned and entered Syrian airspace before crashing, the letter said.
But a day before that letter was sent, a top Syrian official told the Syrian State News Agency that the plane had "blatantly" violated Syrian airspace and the shooting was a defensive and sovereign act.Jihad Makdessi, a spokesperson for Syria's Foreign and Expatriates Ministry, said the jet had gone deep into Syrian airspace before it triggered an automatic air defense system.
The incident prompted a stern warning from the Turkish government about future military action and NATO condemnation, but the father of one of the pilots urged restraint from his leaders.
"It is not appropriate to go to war over a pilot, an airplane or 50 airplanes," Ali Erton, father of missing pilot Capt. Gokhan Ertan, told a Turkish television station. "What matters is that my son serves his country… I am a man of faith and do not believe martyrs ever die."
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Turkey dubs Syria 'a clear threat', vows to retaliate
AFP – 3 hrs ago
Turkey branded its former ally Syria "a clear and imminent threat," on Tuesday as its Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan vented his fury over the downing of a Turkish fighter jet.
In his most outspoken criticism of the Damascus regime, Erdogan vowed to retaliate against the "heinous act" and promised a change of military attitude to any Syrian officer approaching the common border.
"The rules of engagement of the Turkish Armed Forces have changed given this new development," Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told parliament following the shooting down of F-4 Phantom jet Friday. The two pilots are still missing.
Any risk posed by Syria on the Turkish border will be "considered a threat and treated as a military target," he said in a jam-packed room of lawmakers who frequently interrupted the address with applause.
Erdogan said his government would retaliate "with determination" and take what he called the "necessary steps by determining the time, place and method by itself".
The prime minister said Turkey's military jet violated the Syrian airspace for a short time and "by mistake" and repeated that it was unarmed, flying solo when it was shot down by Syria "without a single warning."
"We did not receive a single warning, note from Syria (regarding airspace violation)...They acted without warning. This is a hostile act," Erdogan said.
Erdogan said that Turkish airspace had been violated 114 times by military aircraft from different countries, including Syria, since January 1, 2012.
"Syrian helicopters violated our airspace five times. These were short-term violations," to which Turkey issued the necessary warnings, Erdogan noted.
"This latest development shows that the Assad regime has become a clear and imminent threat to the security of Turkey, as well as for its own people," he added.
Erdogan broke with former friend and ally Assad, whom he called "a bloody dictator," after unrest that erupted mid-March last year met a bloody response from Damascus, sending more than 33,000 refugees into Turkey.
"Turkey will support Syrian people in every way until they get rid of the bloody dictator and his gang," he said on Tuesday.
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