美國侵略伊朗戰爭 已經轟轟烈烈進行
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美國侵略伊朗戰爭, 已經轟轟烈烈地, 從文攻, 進行到武裝衝突層面!
不久前, 美國透露消息: 說以色列今春要對伊朗動手!
擺明了: 老子讓以色列動手, 收拾你伊朗!
上週, 幾個以色列的外交機構, 在世界各處, 同時被炸彈攻擊!
這星期, 伊朗的核能科學家, 遭受刺殺攻擊.
伊朗譴責, 說是以色列幹的, 美以不承認.
我們在臺灣, 就看過林義雄的滅門血案.
以色列追殺納粹黨幹部, 以及在巴勒斯坦, 暗殺以及直接追殺巴勒斯坦首領, 已經聞名全世界!
美國點名以色列代打, 以色列與伊朗紛紛有人流血.
這場戰爭, 已經轟轟烈烈地進行武裝與恐怖主義戰爭!
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石油禁運, 伊朗嗆聲!
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2012.07.02 03:03 pm
歐盟對伊朗石油禁令生效,伊朗官員表示無懼,圖為德黑蘭西南方一處石油設施。 美聯社 |
【2012/07/02 聯合晚報】@ http://udn.com/
全文網址: 石油遭禁運 伊朗砸1500億美元嗆聲 | 國際財經 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR2/7197770.shtml#ixzz1zUL9IWIH Power By udn.com
Israeli PM's gift to Obama raises eyebrows
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Bibi's Gift to Barack
By Jake Tapper | ABC News – 7 hrs ago
(Image Credit: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a gift to President Obama: The Book of Esther.
Aides to the Israeli politician referred to the book as "background reading" on Iran for President Obama, the Jewish Daily Forward reports.
For those not acquainted with the book, it is read on the Jewish Holiday of Purim, which begins tonight. It tells the story of a plot by Persians to exterminate the Jewish people.
The villain is named not Mahmoud or Ali but "Haman."
In the end, the Jews - helped by a benevolent gentile king - are victorious.
"Bibi" Netanyahu drew the comparison when he landed back in Israel today, but said Israel today is the master of its fate and has good friends that will stand by its side "at all times."
"I return from a very important visit to the US and Canada I was received warmly, we have many courageous friends. We are returning for Purim, and this evening we will read in the Book of Esther about those days in which Jews were not masters of their fate and could not defend themselves. Today we are in a different world and a different era; we have a strong state and army. The threats have not disappeared, but we can defend ourselves. We have very many friends that stand at our side and will do so at all times."
-Jake Tapper and Alexander Marquart
老奧今天說: 我不準備將來解決伊朗擁有核武問題, 我要阻絕伊朗建造核武之路!
這跟小布希說: 傻蛋胡笙有大量殺傷武器一樣, 完全是栽贓!
今天就替狗開始鋪路, 要放狗去咬人了
美國裝好人, 以色列蓄勢待發!
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看這照片, 相信媒體的話? 就是十足的愚民!
奧八碼: "老奈, 大家都在看. 你就忍耐一下, 去把軍隊佈置, 再抓緊一點. 等我看全世界都放鬆的時刻, 再通知你, 就可以動手啦!"
Pres. Obama met with Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House Monday. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP …President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held one of their more studiously cordial meetings at the White House Monday. But the concerted effort to project a united front--after many previous prickly encounters--did little to mask the fact that there are genuine differences and tensions in the allies' views on how to deal with the Iran nuclear program and in what time-frame, analysts said.
"Both the prime minister and I prefer to solve this diplomatically," Obama said at the top of his three-hour meeting with the Israeli leader, echoing the thrust of his comments to the pro-Israel lobby group the American Israel Public Affairs committee (AIPAC) Sunday. The administration has continued to push diplomacy as the key to getting Iran to agree to curb its nuclear program.
"Ultimately Iran has to make the decision to move in that direction," Obama said, adding that if that fails, however, "When I say all options are on the table, I mean it."
"Israel and America stand together," Netanyahu said Monday. But Israel reserves the right to defend itself, he asserted: Israel is "the master of its fate," he said.
"Really it's in the interest of both Netanyahu and Obama to try to put some of the past tension behind them," Haim Malka, a Middle East analyst at the Center for Strategic Studies told Yahoo News in an interview Monday. "And I think on the PR-front the atmospherics have been good."
"Obama, in his speech to AIPAC, made a strong case for his ongoing commitment to Israel's security; but at same time he was clear about maintaining his own position and not getting locked into Netanyahu's red lines," Malka continued. "I think Netanyahu came here with the clear objective to move the president on the red lines and on the timeline."
But Obama held his ground, Malka noted. "The president said very clearly —he thinks there's a chance for a diplomatic route," he said.
"In essence, [Obama's statements] are a mix of reassurance ('We've got this') and dissuasion ('Don't do this')," Colin Kahl, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East in the Obama administration, told Yahoo News by email Monday
American and Israeli leaders publicly agree that Iran will not be permitted to get a nuclear weapon—if need be, both say they will resort to military force to destroy Iran's known enrichment and ballistic missile facilities. But they disagree about whether diplomacy or force would do more to set back Iran's nuclear effort, and how much time there is to act.
"The U.S. takes the attitude that we want to permanently solve the problem of the Iran nuclear program," Patrick Clawson, deputy director of research at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told Yahoo News in an interview. "And the only way to [permanently solve the problem] is to persuade the Iranians to come to an agreement."
Obama and Netanyahu disagree however about the virtue of further negotiations with Iran.
Netanyahu "truly believes that negotiations with Iran will merely lead to stalling and delaying tactics and cover for continuation of their work on their nuclear program," a Washington Middle East expert said on condition of anonymity.
Netanyahu has called publicly for a complete halt to Iranian enrichment before any new negotiations with Iran are undertaken--a condition the United States seems unlikely to accept.
But the United States is also devising a confidence-building measure to test whether the Iranians are serious about returning to international nuclear talks, Clawson noted. Under the proposed confidence-building measure that American diplomats have been quietly discussing with international partners, Iran would be asked agree to halt its 20 percent enrichment in exchange for a suspension of new UN Security Council sanctions. (Some Iran experts say Iran may also be asked to send out its stockpile of 20 percent enriched uranium in exchange for support for a Tehran reactor that produces isotopes used to treat Iranian cancer patients.)
The confidence-building measure is a small step that can help reduce the tremendous mistrust between Iran and the international community, while helping put "time back on the clock" for possible negotiations to a long term deal, Clawson explained.
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美以唱雙簧, 侵伊箭在弦上!
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2012.03.04 10:50 pm
英國「每日電訊報」(The Daily Telegraph)報導,以色列總理尼坦雅胡和美國總統歐巴馬的關係,幾乎從一開始就冷若冰霜,對彼此反感在以往會面中歷歷可見。
這項評估是基於阿拉伯之春(Arab Spring)未曾預見的後果,尤其是敘利亞。阿拉伯之春已嚴重削弱伊朗在中東的影響力。
以色列一向很清楚,若對伊朗發動軍事攻擊,將會付出重大代價。因為伊朗能透過代理的軍事組織或盟邦敘利亞對以國還以顏色,前者包括加薩走廊的哈瑪斯集團(Hamas Group)和黎巴嫩的真主黨(Hizbollah)。
全文網址: 攻伊朗 以可能向美發最後通牒 | 國際 | 即時新聞 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/BREAKINGNEWS/BREAKINGNEWS5/6939566.shtml#ixzz1oAENdmLe Power By udn.com
Obama sends national security adviser to Israel
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As concerns over Iran’s nuclear program escalate, Obama sends national security adviser to IsraelBy Olivier Knox | The Ticket – Fri, Feb 17, 2012At a crucial time in the standoff over Iran's suspect nuclear weapon, President Obama is sending his national security adviser to Israel from February 18-20 to discuss that tense showdown as well as the bloody crackdown in Syria, the White House announced Friday. Tom Donilon will meet with senior Israeli officials to discuss "a range of issues, including Iran, Syria," the White House said in a statement. The statement also noted that Donilon's visit "is the latest in a series of regular, high-level consultations between the United States and Israel, consistent with our strong bilateral partnership, and part of our unshakable commitment to Israel's security," News of the trip comes as the United States and its allies are weighing the impact of economic sanctions on Iran as well as Tehran's offer, in a letter to the European Union, to resume negotiations over its nuclear program. There is also talk in US and other media that Israeli patience may be running out and that some kind of military action could be months, or less, away. "We remain willing to engage in talks with the Iranians so long as they have a constructive approach to those negotiations, and that means a constructive approach that understands that the purpose is for Iran to live up to its international obligations and to abandon its nuclear weapons ambitions," Obama spokesman Jay Carney told reporters aboard Air Force One on Friday. Tehran denies seeking nuclear weapons and says its atomic program aims to produce energy for civilian purposes, but Iranian leaders have recently acknowledged that several new rounds of sanctions are hurting the Islamic republic's economy. "The sanctions have had a positive — well, they've had a harmful effect on the Iranian economy, a disruptive effect on the Iranian regime, and that was the intention," said Carney. "We will continue to pressure an isolate Iran unless and until it changes its behavior," he said.
伊朗之战 看起来美国和以色列是吃了秤砣,一定要在今年挑起对伊朗的战争。先说明一下「挑起」。挑起战争的一方不见得是先公开使用大规模军事力量动手的一方。伊朗国内屡屡发生重要设施遭到破坏、和技术专家遭到暗杀之类的事件,美、以一概撇清,西方媒体多半轻描淡写。反之,以色列驻外机构遭到攻击,美、以则是一口咬定伊朗,同时西方主流媒体鲜少质疑此种咬定。这事实上是一种低烈度半隐秘战争。美国主导对伊朗实施经济制裁,在实质上已经是公开的战争行为,只是还没到正规武力交战的地步。美国基於综合实力优势和手段多样化优势,再加上媒体操控说谎的惯例,美国有可能迫使伊朗貌似先动手使用正规军,或者干脆制造伊朗先使用正规军的假象——正如美国升高越战之前炮制东京湾(北部湾)事件。伊朗核问题是一个伪命题。至少,到目前为止,美国没有证据证明伊朗正在发展核武。就算伊朗正在发展核武,那也不等於以色列或者美国的安全受到威胁。依照美国的宣传,伊朗专制政权必然会使用核武攻击以色列。伊朗政权是不是专制,不是美国说了算。即便伊朗政权是专制,他们没有必要自寻毁灭。以色列的核武实力相当大,毁灭伊朗一次是不成问题的。再加上美国的核武,毁灭伊朗十次也不成问题。专制者把自己的国家毁了,他们就没有人民当做专制发威的对象,这基本上违反起先要专制的目的。何况,他们自己也有很高的风险被灰飞烟灭。美国真正担忧的是以色列在中东的独占核威慑。以这种核威慑为终极依托,以色列得以随意使用常规武器性能优势和作战指挥管制优势来打击所欲打击的阿拉伯国家,以支配局势符合美国和以色列的最大利益。伊朗人不是阿拉伯人,绝不会因为阿拉伯国家之故而和以色列进行核武对打。但是,伊朗如果拥有核威慑,阿拉伯半岛国家就不能只顾着美国和以色列的利益。这样,美国就不能足够满意地在阿拉伯半岛支配局势。这对於下一段提及的美国地缘战略是很大的不利。美国对伊朗下手的根本目的是控制伊朗的内外政策,使其符合美国的最大利益。这些利益之中包括地缘战略、经济与金融战略、维持价值观宣传作用等。地缘战略,老朽已经说过很多次:伊朗是从滨海边缘地带包围欧亚大陆心脏地带的中点位置。这个边缘地带在伊朗以西包括经过伊拉克和叙利亚抵达东地中海,然後再登上欧陆经过巴尔干半岛、罗马尼亚、波兰、波罗的海三小国、波罗的海到斯堪的纳维亚半岛。经济与金融方面,石油能够扼住需要进口石油维持经济发展的其他国家的咽喉,也能够帮助维持美元的霸权地位。价值观方面,日子要是苦了,再动听的理论也吸引不到多少心甘情愿的跟随者。美国战略的特点之一是偏好依仗优势咄咄逼人。美国主导最新一轮对伊朗经济制裁宣布後,伊朗币值应声下跌约三分之一。为了挽救声望,伊朗政权更有动机利用核技术成就迎合伊朗民众对於本民族悠久文化的自豪感。伊朗已经宣布成功自制浓度20%的核燃料棒。核武需要93%或95%以上浓度的核物质。核物质提纯技术的特点是起始物质的浓度越高,提纯效果越好。从天然铀矿的0.7%提纯到20%已经走完了从0.7%到95%全程的一半以上(提纯所需时间和能量)。只要伊朗仍然独立於美国控制力之外,美国就不能完成对欧亚大陆心脏地带的战略大包围。美国目前实施的地缘战略基本上是布里辛斯基在《大棋局》一书叙述的思路。但是,布里辛斯基近日发表意见,说美国应该在维护美国利益时,接受中国大陆崛起的现实。新加坡外长在美国参加某会议时也表示,中国大陆是不可能被遏制的,所以美国应该改变介入亚洲的方式。问题是,这些人不久前还在呼喊加强遏制中国大陆。老朽怀疑这些发言是战略欺敌。美国还没有放弃美国的独霸政策总路线:控制欧亚大陆滨海地带、延伸控制中亚、最终支配中国大陆和俄罗斯。欧巴马只说「不支持台独」,甚至「反对台独」都不说。美国的意图是很明白的。
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清朝的前車之鑑 伊朗人不看 也不想!
Iran stops oil sales to British, French companiesReuters – 1 hr 9 mins agoTEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has stopped selling crude to British andFrench companies, the oil ministry said on Sunday, in a retaliatory measure against fresh EU sanctions on the Islamic state's lifeblood, oil. "Exporting crude to British and French companies has been stopped ... we will sell our oil to new customers," spokesman Alireza Nikzad was quoted as saying by the ministry of petroleum website. The European Union in January decided to stop importing crude from Iran from July 1 over its disputed nuclear program, which the West says is aimed at building bombs. Iran denies this. Iran's oil minister said on February 4 that the Islamic state would cut its oil exports to "some" European countries. The European Commission said last week that the bloc would not be short of oil if Iran stopped crude exports, as they have enough in stock to meet their needs for around 120 days. Industry sources told Reuters on February 16 that Iran's top oil buyers in Europe were making substantial cuts in supply months in advance of European Union sanctions, reducing flows to the continent in March by more than a third - or over 300,000 barrels daily. France's Total has already stopped buying Iran's crude, which is subject to fresh EU embargoes. Market sources said Royal Dutch Shell has scaled back sharply. Among European nations, debt-ridden Greece is most exposed to Iranian oil disruption. Motor Oil Hellas of Greece was thought to have cut out Iranian crude altogether and compatriot Hellenic Petroleum along with Spain's Cepsa and Repsol were curbing imports from Iran. Iran was supplying more than 700,000 barrels per day (bpd) to the EU plus Turkey in 2011, industry sources said. By the start of this year imports had sunk to about 650,000 bpd as some customers cut back in anticipation of an EU ban. Saudi Arabia says it is prepared to supply extra oil either by topping up existing term contracts or by making rare spot market sales. Iran has criticized Riyadh for the offer. Iran said the cut will have no impact on its crude sales, warning that any sanctions on its oil will raise international crude prices. Brent crude oil prices were up $1 a barrel to $118.35 shortly after Iran's state media announced last week that Tehran had cut oil exports to six European states. The report was denied shortly afterwards by Iranian officials. "We have our own customers ... The replacements for these companies have been considered by Iran," Nikzad said. EU's new sanctions includes a range of extra restrictions on Iran that went well beyond U.N. sanctions agreed last month and included a ban on dealing with Iranian banks and insurance companies and steps to prevent investment in Tehran's lucrative oil and gas sector, including refining. The mounting sanctions are aimed at putting financial pressure on the world's fifth largest crude oil exporter, which has little refining capacity and has to import about 40 percent of its gasoline needs for its domestic consumption. (Writing by Parisa Hafezi; Editing by David Cowell)
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Thai police seek Iranian bomb suspect
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Thai police seek new Iranian bomb suspectBy Anusak Konglang | AFP – 4 hrs agoPolice in Thailand said Friday they were hunting for a fifth Iranian suspected in a failed bomb plot in Bangkok that has sent tensions between Israel and Iran soaring. The tourist magnet has stepped up security following Tuesday's blasts, the third bomb incident to shake world capitals in less than 24 hours. Tehran has denied Israeli charges it is waging a terror campaign against the Jewish state. Arrest warrants have been issued for four Iranians, two of whom have been detained and charged over the botched attack, which came to light after an apparently unintended explosion at a Bangkok house on Tuesday. Now police are compiling evidence and witness accounts to seek a warrant for another suspect whose whereabouts are unknown. "The additional suspect is 52-year-old Iranian man Nikkhahfard Javad who was seen leaving the house hours before the blast," saidBangkok Metropolitan Police deputy commander Anuchai Lekbumrung. According to Thai media, the man is suspected of being a trainer in bomb-making. Reports said the authorities were also gathering information on a potential sixth suspect seen visiting the house previously. Thai police chief Phrewphan Damapong has said that Israeli diplomats were the intended target of the plot, but Tehran has rejected accusations that it is behind a terror campaign against the Jewish state. One of the suspects -- named as 28-year-old Saeid Moradi -- had his legs blown off as he hurled a bomb at Thai police while fleeing. Another, Mohamad Khazaei, was detained trying to board a flight out of the country. Thailand is seeking the extradition of another Iranian arrested in Malaysia in connection with the blasts, while an Iranian woman who rented the house used by the suspects in Bangkok is thought to have fled the kingdom. Israel has blamed Iran over the Bangkok plot, as well as attacks on Israeli embassy staff in India and Georgia on Monday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Tehran on Thursday of being "the most irresponsible power on Earth" and said sanctions over its nuclear programme "haven't worked." "The one that exports terror with abandon is murdering people and breaking all the rules," Netanyahu told reporters during a one-day visit to Cyprus. Tehran has denied responsibility for the string of incidents. Bangkok has been on alert since mid January when police arrested a Lebanese man with alleged links to Hezbollah on suspicion he was planning an attack, following a US warning that tourists might be targeted. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah denied his Lebanese militant party had any role in the attacks on Israeli diplomats, in a televised address on Thursday. US ambassador Kristie Kenney told AFP that the US warning for Bangkok was still in effect. "We really can't say at this point while it is being investigated when the threat will be over," she said. Meanwhile it emerged that three of the suspects holidayed in the Thai resort of Pattaya just days before the blasts. "The three suspects stayed in different hotels in Pattaya," said an immigration officer in the coastal city who did not want to be named. Police have tracked down a Thai woman known as "Nancy" who escorted one of the men, Mohamad Khazaei, during his stay, he added. "The most important evidence we found are pictures in Nancy's mobile phone taken on the night of February 11 which prove that these suspects know each other," the officer said. Pattaya, about a two-hour drive southeast of Bangkok, has earned a reputation for its wild nightlife thanks to its thriving red light district. According to the Bangkok Post daily, the Thai woman was also in the suspect's hotel room "but didn't detect any irregularities except one time when he barred her from approaching a closet in the room."