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一艘大遊輪, 擱淺翻覆, 死亡三人, 傷七十幾人, 還有數十人失蹤.
Rescuers stand in a boat next to the Costa Concordia cruise ship that ran aground off the west coast of Italy, at Giglio island

義郵輪觸礁 乘客嚇壞:像鐵達尼


義大利豪華郵輪「柯斯達康柯達號」(Costa Concordia)14日凌晨在義大利托斯卡尼附近外海觸礁傾斜,至少3人罹難,海岸防衛隊正搜救其餘受難者。乘客表示就如「鐵達尼號」電影的場景一樣。








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Survivors plucked from Italian shipwreck

GIGLIO, Italy (Reuters) - A South Korean honeymoon couple were plucked from a capsized Italian liner on Sunday, more than 24 hours after it was wrecked, and rescue workers were struggling to save another person trapped on board.

Teams were painstakingly checking thousands of rooms on theCosta Concordia for nearly 40 people still missing after the huge vessel foundered and keeled over with more than 4,000 on board, killing at least three people and injuring 70.

The task is akin to searching a small town - but one tilted on its side, and largely in darkness and submerged in freezing water. Scores of divers were taking part.

Just after dawn on Sunday, a team made voice contact with a third survivor still on board the ship. "We are doing the impossible to reach this person," coastguard spokesman Luciano Nicastro told Italian television.

After midnight, rescue workers had found the two South Koreans still alive in a cabin, after locating them from several decks above, and brought them ashore, looking dazed but unharmed.

The captain of the luxury 114,500-tonne ship, Francesco Schettino, was under arrest and accused of multiple manslaughter, causing a shipwreck and abandoning ship, Italian police said.

Passengers, comparing the disaster to the movie "Titanic," told of people leaping into the sea and fighting over lifejackets in panic when the ship hit a rock and ran aground near the island of Giglio, late on Friday.

Two French tourists and a Peruvian crew member were dead and 38 people were unaccounted for.

The vast hulk of the 290-metre-long cruise ship, resting half-submerged on its side, loomed over the little port of Giglio, a picturesque island in a maritime nature reserve off the Tuscan coast. A large gash was visible on its side.

Rescue workers including specialist diving teams were working their way through more than 2,000 cabins on the ship, a floating resort that boasted a huge spa, seven restaurants, bars, cinemas and discotheques.

As the search continued, there were demands for explanations of why the vessel had come so close to the shore and bitter complaints about how long it took to evacuate the terrified passengers after the ship ran aground late on Friday.

State prosecutor Francesco Verusio said investigations might go beyond the captain.

"We are investigating the possible responsibility of other people who could be responsible for such a dangerous maneuver," he told SkyTG24 television. "The command systems did not function as they should have."


There were fears the death toll could rise after considerable confusion on Saturday over the number of missing passengers.

Magistrates said Schettino, whose ship was carrying 4,229 passengers and crew, abandoned the vessel before all the passengers were taken off.

The vessel's operator, Costa Crociere, a unit of Carnival Corp & Plc, the world's largest cruise company, said the Costa Concordia had been sailing on its regular course when it struck a submerged rock.

In a television interview, Schettino said the rock was not marked on any maritime charts of the area.

Costa Crociere president Gianni Ororato said the captain "performed a maneuver intended to protect both guests and crew" but it was "complicated by a sudden tilting of the ship."

"We'll be able to say at the end of the investigation. It would be premature to speculate on this," said coastguard spokesman Filippo Marini.

After a night-time operation on Friday and Saturday involving helicopters, ships and lifeboats, many passengers had left the area with many taken to Rome airport for flights home.

The ship was involved in an accident on November 22, 2008 when it hit a port wall and was damaged while docking.

Local officials expressed concern the fuel on the ship, at full load as it had just begun the cruise, could spill into the pristine waters. However by early Sunday, there was no sign of any pollution damage.


Passengers had just sat down to dinner, a few hours after leaving the port of Civitavecchia near Rome on a week-long cruise to Barcelona and Majorca, when a loud bang interrupted the piano player and the ship began to list.

"We heard a loud rumble, the glasses and plates fell from the tables, the ship tilted and the lights went off," said passenger Luciano Castro.

"What followed was scenes of panic, people screaming, running around the place. Close to us a five-month pregnant young woman was crying and panicking."

The ship was carrying mainly Italian passengers, but also many foreigners including British, Germans, French, Spanish and Americans.

Many were elderly and some were in wheelchairs.

It became more difficult to lower the lifeboats the more the ship listed.

"It was complete panic. People were behaving like animals. We had to wait too long in the lifeboats," said 47-year-old Patrizia Perilli.

Passengers said they had been given little or no information in the immediate aftermath of the ship running aground.

"After approximately 20 minutes a voice told us there was a problem with the electricity that they were trying to fix," said Castro.

"The ship continued to tilt further, after 15 minutes they said again it was a problem with the electricity, but no one believed it," he said.

"Of course panic makes things worse and the crew members struggled in calming down the most active and worried passengers."

The ship was built in 2004-2005 at a cost of 450 million euros at the Fincantieri Sestri shipyard in Italy.

(Additional reporting by Silvia Ognibene, Edward Taylor and Joern Poltz; Writing by Philip Pullella and James Mackenzie; Editing by Andrew Roche)

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義輪沉/船長落跑 錄音揭醜態


歌詩達協和號(Costa Concordia)13日晚間在吉格里奧島(Giglio)外海觸礁傾覆,義大利海軍人員今天使用炸藥,在船的殘骸炸出洞口,以便進入船艙搜尋失蹤者,隨後在船尾發現5具遺體,死者身分尚不詳。

這使得這次海難的死亡人數增至11人,另外還有24人失蹤。郵輪上共有4200乘客和船員。海岸防衛隊稍早表示,郵輪上仍有29人下落不明,包括14名德國人、6名義大利人、4名法國人、 2名美國人、1名匈牙利人、1名印度人以及1名祕魯人。

檢方今天偵訊已遭逮捕的郵輪船長薛提諾(Francesco Schettino)3小時後,聲請將他還押,沒有改變控告他的罪名,包括多重殺人罪,以及在所有乘客獲救前就已棄船逃生。

檢察長維魯席歐(Francesco Verusio)告訴記者,「檢方已請求法官同意羈押」薛提諾,他是否會獲准交保尚未決定。


錄音內容顯示,海防隊官員法柯(Gregorio deFalco)透過無線電怒吼:「你給我回到船上去,然後告訴我還有多少人在船上。聽到沒有?」





1名曾在船東歌詩達郵輪公司(Costa Cruises)服務的船長匿名告訴法新社:「薛提諾當時是在賣弄,簡直愚蠢至極。我要是法官,何止1次,我會判他10次刑。所有的航行圖上都有清楚標示那礁石。」


義大利環保部長柯里尼(Corrado Clini)昨天說,他將就義國西岸外海郵輪翻覆1事,宣布進入緊急狀態。在此狀態下可動用國家經費,以防發生環境災難。

全文網址: 義輪沉/船長落跑 錄音揭醜態 | 國際焦點 | 全球觀察 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/WORLD/WOR3/6853466.shtml#ixzz1jksTBI5F 
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船長讓遊輪偏離航道, 遭起訴過失殺人罪!


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船長讓遊輪偏離航道 義大利遊輪觸礁

  • 2012-01-16 21:19
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/劉剛】




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