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陪琳公開嘲笑奧八碼: 墨西哥灣油田爆炸, 光說不練, 連基本溝通都沒有.

美國在墨西哥灣的海上油田, 發生意外爆炸, 原油流入大海, 造成生態威脅.

奧八碼總統, 大動作表現他的口才. 大聲宣佈: 他要處罰出事的英國油公司!

經過媒體追蹤, 暴料出另人髮指的事實:

英國油公司, 負責總聯絡的員工, 在事發七個星期以後, 才抵達路易斯安那, 引起公憤!

昨天, 在記者追問下, 奧八碼總統承認: 還沒有與英國油公司聯絡.

阿拉斯加前州長, 陪琳公開嘲笑奧八碼: 你可以打電話給他們呀!

陪琳說: 奧八碼總統, 在入主白宮以前, 應該要想辦法學習當重要人物和大官所俱備的一些基本條件.

她舉自己為例: 她與油公司, 有建立溝通管道.

當年, Exxon在阿拉斯加, 油船遭難, 海水污染, 她一直抓緊油公司高員工, 瞭解事情發展.

對於奧八碼總統, 尋視多次, 發表多次談話, 口口聲聲, 要處罰英國油公司. 卻迄今沒有跟他們聯絡.

陪琳除了表達震驚, 也分享基本的管理知識: 打電話給他們!

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2010/06/21 04:15 【女男大不同】 自做孽, 已經迫在眉睫!
2010/06/21 04:15 【蓮華園 - 麥芽糖 myata 的家】 我們只有一個地球, 她正在哭泣!
Obama: No way to lower gas prices


Ha, hah!

Mr. President:

Don't play with the words.There is just no "way. Not magic.

The good thing about democracy is that we got to come back and check on you after four years!

You stated yourself: your empty promise then is broken now!

Obama: No magic bullet to lower gas prices

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says there is no easy answer to the problem of rising energy prices, dismissing Republican plans to address the problem as little more than gimmicks.

"We know there's no silver bullet that will bring down gas prices or reduce our dependence on foreign oil overnight," Obama said Saturday in his weekly radio and Internet address. "But what we can do is get our priorities straight and make a sustained, serious effort to tackle this problem."

Oil prices are approaching last year's highs as tensions increase over Iran's nuclear program. The rise pushed gasoline prices Friday to a national average of $3.65 a gallon, the highest ever for this time of year. A spike in gas prices is normal in spring, but it came earlier than usual this year in large part because of world fears that the growing confrontation with Iran will crimp oil supplies. Iran is the world's third-largest crude supplier.

Rising oil prices weigh on the economy, pushing leisure and business travel costs higher. Every 1-cent increase in the price of gasoline costs the economy $1.4 billon, analysts say.

Obama said Republicans have one answer to the oil pinch: Drill.

"You know that's not a plan, especially since we're already drilling," Obama said, echoing his remarks earlier in the week. "It's a bumper sticker."

Obama is pushing what he calls an "all-of-the-above" approach to the problem of limited energy resources, meaning an attempt to seek out alternative energy sources while reducing consumption of traditional fuels.

In the Republican address, Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison blamed the rise in gasoline prices partly on the Obama administration, which she said has blocked some potential new sources of oil and gas.

"We can't slow down global demand for oil and gas, but we can do a lot more here at home to assure that we have the energy we need and to halt skyrocketing costs," she said. "President Obama's policy has resulted in an unprecedented slowdown in new exploration and production of oil and gas."

For all the political claims, economists say there's not much a president of either party can do about gasoline prices. Certainly not in the short term. But it's clear that people are concerned — a new Associated Press-GfK poll says 7 in 10 Americans find the issue deeply important — so it's sure to be a political issue through the summer.

The price of gasoline, which is made from crude oil, has soared with oil prices. The national average jumped by nearly 12 cents per gallon in a week, with state averages above $4 per gallon in California, Alaska and Hawaii.

At $3.65 per gallon, gasoline is still below last year's high of $3.98 and the record $4.11 set in 2008.

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【MY COMIC】這150位「海邊管理學院」的學者?!


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「泰晤士報」(The Times)今天報導,英國石油公司(BP Plc)股東在墨西哥灣這波持續漏油危機中,寧願捨公司董事長思文凱(Carl-Henric Svanberg),也不願犧牲執行長。

英國石油公司執行長海華德(Tony Hayward)遭美國猛烈抨擊,美國總統歐巴馬昨天說,他很想知道,4月20日以來,造成生態和經濟大災難的漏油事件,「該踢誰的屁股」。






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