麥芽糖與本地韓國人士交談, 此君坦承:
他是南韓錦衣衛, 禁衛軍. 在國內執行撲殺異議人士, 政府事後出資, 輔導他來美移民, 讓仇家無法追殺他.
現在, 美國提供資料, 揭穿韓國政治屠殺歷史.
色戒的結局, 在韓國出土:
1950 Korea Mass Killings
This Aug. 2007 photo, released by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, shows the remains of some of 110 victims of 1950 executions of political prisoners at Cheongwon, Chungbuk, south of Seoul, South Korea. The commission, which excavated the site, is investigating that and other mass killings in South Korea in 1950-51. A commission chief investigator estimates up to 7,000 were killed in the central city of Daejeon alone, and tens of thousands elsewhere.(AP Photo/ The Truth and Reconciliation Commission)
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