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越南沒有向美軍挑釁的本錢和好處,伊朗也一樣。但是國際媒體的話語權始終是掌握在美國為首的西方國家手中,這就是所謂的新聞自由。美國對伊朗的軍事準備一旦完成,類似近日的美伊海上衝突完全可以誘發一場戰爭, 事態的發展值得關注.


1, 國際在線報導(記者袁奇):到以色列訪問的美國總統布希9日在耶路撒冷舉行新聞發佈會時表示,伊朗如果向在海灣的美國艦艇發動襲擊,將面臨嚴重後果。

2, 消息來源:現代快報01/10


  1964年7月底,美國軍艦協同西貢海軍執行“34A”行動計畫,對越南北方進行海上襲擊。8月1日,美第七艦隊驅逐艦“馬多克斯”號為收集情報,侵 入越南民主共和國領海,次日與越南海軍交火,擊沉越南魚雷艇。美國政府迅即發表聲明,宣稱美海軍遭到挑釁。4日,美國宣稱美軍艦隻再次遭到越南民主共和國 魚雷艇襲擊,即所謂“北部灣事件”。7日,美國國會通過《東京灣決議案》,授權總統在東南亞使用武裝力量。



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2013/06/21 06:16 【不平則鳴】 美國宣佈支持敘利亞游擊隊所透露的門道
2013/04/10 08:04 【不平則鳴】 美國的"狼來了"!
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AP: US close to arming Syrian rebels
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AP sources: US close to OK on arming Syrian rebels

WASHINGTON (AP) — Moved by the Assad regime's rapid advance, the Obama administration could decide this week to approve lethal aid for the beleaguered Syrian rebels and will weigh the merits of a less likely move to send in U.S. airpower to enforce a no-fly zone over the civil war-wracked nation, officials said Sunday.

White House meetings are planned over the coming days, as Syrian President Bashar Assad's government forces are apparently poised for an attack on the key city of Homs, which could cut off Syria's armed opposition from the south of the country. As many as 5,000 Hezbollah fighters are now in Syria, officials believe, helping the regime press on with its campaign after capturing the town of Qusair near the Lebanese border last week.

Opposition leaders have warned Washington that their rebellion could face devastating and irreversible losses without greater support, and the warnings are prompting the United States to consider drastic action.

Secretary of State John Kerry postponed a planned trip Monday to Israel and three other Mideast countries to participate in White House discussions, said officials who weren't authorized to speak publicly on the matter and demanded anonymity.

While nothing has been concretely decided, U.S. officials said President Barack Obama was leaning closer toward signing off on sending weapons to vetted, moderate rebel units. The U.S. has spoken of possibly arming the opposition in recent months but has been hesitant because it doesn't want al-Qaida-linked and other extremists fighting alongside the anti-Assad militias to end up with the weapons.

Obama already has ruled out any intervention that would require U.S. military boots on the ground. Other options such as deploying American air power to ground the regime's jets, gunships and other aerial assets are now being more seriously debated, the officials said, while cautioning that a no-fly zone or any other action involving U.S. military deployments in Syria were far less likely right now.

The president also has declared chemical weapons use by the Assad regime a "red line" for more forceful U.S. action. American allies including France and Britain have say they've determined with near certitude that Syrian forces have used low levels of sarin in several attacks, but the administration is still studying the evidence. The U.S. officials said responses that will be mulled over in this week's meetings concern the deteriorating situation on the ground in Syria, independent of final confirmation of possible chemical weapons use.

White House spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said Obama's advisers were considering all options to hasten a transition in Syria.

"The United States will continue to look for ways to strengthen the capabilities of the Syrian opposition," she said.

Any intervention could have wide-reaching ramifications for the United States and the region. It would bring the U.S. closer to a conflict that has killed almost 80,000 people since Assad cracked down on protesters inspired by the Arab Spring in March 2011 and sparked a war that has since been increasingly defined by sectarian clashes between the Sunni-led rebellion and Assad's Alawite-dominated regime.

And it would essentially pit the United States alongside regional allies Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar in a proxy war against Iran, which is providing much of the materiel to the Syrian government's counterinsurgency and, through Hezbollah, more and more of the manpower.

Syria's precarious position in the heart of the Middle East makes the conflict extremely unpredictable. Lebanon, across the western border, suffered its own brutal civil war in the 1970s and the 1980s and is already experiencing increased interethnic tensions. Iraq, to Syria's east, is mired in worsening violence. And Israel to the southwest has seen shots fired across the contested Golan Heights and has been forced to strike what it claimed were advanced weapons convoys heading to Hezbollah, with whom it went to war with in 2006.

Iran could wreak havoc in the region through its support of Shiite militant groups, and U.S. officials fear Iran may seek to retaliate for any stepped-up American involvement by targeting Israel or U.S. interests in the region. It's also unclear what American action would mean for relations with Russia, which has provided Assad with military and diplomatic support even as it claims that it working with the United States to try to organize a Syrian peace conference.

At the same time, it's unclear how Washington could fundamentally change the trajectory of a conflict that has increasingly tilted toward Assad in recent months without providing weapons to the opposition forces or getting involved itself.

The administration has been studying for months how to rebalance Syria's war so that moderate, pro-democracy rebels defeat the regime or make life so difficult for Assad and his supporters that the government decides it must join a peace process that entails a transition away from the Assad family's four-decade dictatorship.

But Assad's military successes appear to have rendered peace efforts largely meaningless in the short term. While Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov have been trying to rally support for the planned conference in Geneva — first envisioned for May and since postponed until July at the earliest — even America's allies in the Syrian opposition leadership have questioned the wisdom of sitting down for talks while they are ceding territory all over the country to Assad's forces.

Beyond weapons support for the rebels, administration officials harbor deep reservations about other options.

They note that a no-fly zone, championed by hawks in Congress such as Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., would require the U.S. to first neutralize Syrian air defense systems that have been reinforced with Russian technology and are far stronger than those that Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi had before the U.S. and its Arab and European allies helped rebels overthrow him in 2011. And unlike with Libya, Washington has no clear international mandate for authorizing any strikes inside Syria, a point the Obama administration has harped on since late 2011 to explain its reticence about more forceful action.

Homs has one of the biggest Alawite communities in Syria and is widely seen as pro-Assad. The rebels control the city center, however, with regime forces besieging them on the outskirts.

Many towns north of Homs also are rebel-controlled, while to the south Hezbollah-backed government forces have been clearing rebels from villages and towns. Fierce fighting there over the past three weeks has killed dozens of rebels, troops and Hezbollah fighters and wounded hundreds.

Seizing control of Homs would clear a path for the regime from Damascus to the Mediterranean coast, and firm up its grip on much of the country.


AP White House Correspondent Julie Pace contributed to this report.

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與布希栽贓胡笙, 相同招數!

Syria loads chemical weapons, waits for green light

U.S. officials say the Syrian military has loaded active chemical weapons into bombs and is awaiting Assad's final order.

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  • 2012-12-04 20:33
  • 新聞速報
  • 【中廣新聞/中廣新聞】






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上次被活捉 還賴皮說謊

這次得意洋洋 卻不打自招: 美國隨時送無人飛機 侵入伊朗領空 還得意: 甦愷沒打中無人機!

伊朗戰機開火 美無人偵察機遭襲






圖說:美國證實MQ-1型無人飛機遭受伊朗戰機機關砲攻擊 by Dave in flickr.


【2012/11/09 台灣醒報】http://udn.com/

全文網址: 伊朗戰機開火 美無人偵察機遭襲 | 國際 | 即時新聞 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/BREAKINGNEWS/BREAKINGNEWS5/7487851.shtml#ixzz2BhfmJsN1 
Power By udn.com 

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不過, 又不知道忌憚啥子? 老是打嘴炮, 派了航空母艦, 就是不動手!

這幾天, 美國自己造謠: 說以色列已經準備好, 今年二到四月出兵!

這不是沒有前例可循: 當年幾架飛機, 就把伊拉克的核電廠給炸了!

這是要用口水, 嚇死伊朗的戰術, 連老丐這樣子的路人, 小朋友, 都看出來了!

說多了, 又怕別人講話. 奧婆媽又出來抝啦:

Obama: Israel has not made decision on Iran attack

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Sunday that Israel has not yet decided how to respond to concerns about Iran's nuclear program and said there was no evidence that Iran has the "intentions or capabilities" to wage attacks on U.S. soil.

Asked in an NBC interview whether Israel was set to attack Iran, Obama said: "I don't think that Israel has made a decision on what they need to do. I think they, like us, believe that Iran has to stand down on its nuclear weapons program," adding Israel and the United States would work "in lockstep" on Iran.

Obama, who is up for re-election in November, has ended the U.S. war in Iraq and is seeking to wind down combat in Afghanistan amid growing public discontent about American war spending at a time when the economy remains weak.

The Democrat made clear on Sunday that he would not like to see more fighting in the oil-producing Persian Gulf region.

"Any kind of additional military activity inside the Gulf is disruptive and has a big effect on us. It could have a big effect on oil prices, we've still got troops in Afghanistan, which borders Iran, and so our preferred solution here is diplomatic," he said.

Republican Mitt Romney, the top contender to oppose Obama in the November 6 presidential election, said he would start his presidency by imposing "far tougher" sanctions on Iran and back up American diplomacy with "a very credible military option."

Tehran says its nuclear program is meant to produce energy, not weapons, but has not responded to the latest Western overtures for talks and has threatened to retaliate against U.S. and European sanctions affecting its finances and oil sales.

In the NBC interview, Obama stressed he was not taking any options off the table to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. "We're going to do everything we can to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon and creating an arms race - a nuclear arms race - in a volatile region," he said.

(Reporting By Laura MacInnis and Aruna Viswanatha; Editing by Stacey Joyce)

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賊喊捉賊: 北韓5年內直接威脅美國? 美國已直接威脅北韓!
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據韓聯社報導,莫瑞爾(Geoff Morrell)昨天在國防部記者會上表示,這不代表美國將在日本和南韓重新部署美軍;美國目前有2萬8500部隊駐紮朝鮮半島,在日本有5萬部隊,在東北亞已擁有大量兵力。


美國國防部長蓋茨(Robert Gates)日前曾指出,北韓的飛彈和核武將成為美國的直接威脅。



【2011/01/27 中央社】http://udn.com/

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南美三國衝突 查維斯緊咬美國
    回應給: 鴻飛冥冥(firefly77) 推薦0



南美三國衝突 查維斯緊咬美國



哥倫比亞在一日子夜越界攻擊厄瓜多境內「哥倫比亞革命軍FARC」左派游擊隊,並成功的擊斃了該組織第二號領導勞埃‧雷耶斯Raul Reyes。該行動引發查維斯的公開介入,演變成厄瓜多與委內瑞拉相繼斷絕與哥倫比亞外交關係,並調派重兵前往哥倫比亞邊界的緊張局面。

「美洲國家組織」成員國五日在華府結束長達兩天的激烈辯論,同意成立軍事調查委員會徹查真相,同時通過「批評」而非「譴責」哥倫比亞侵害厄瓜多主權的決議。雖然美洲各國期待哥倫比亞和厄瓜多爾批准該決議後能緩解軍事對峙,但厄瓜多總統拉菲爾‧柯瑞亞Rafael Correa表明絕不讓步。

正在拉丁美洲進行旋風訪問爭取國際支持的柯瑞亞表示,他期待七日「美洲國家組織」外長會議上通過譴責聲明,否則「厄瓜多將將對侵略者的羞辱採行對應措施。」 阿根廷﹑巴西﹑智利﹑尼加拉瓜秘魯多明尼加等國聲援下,美國支持的哥倫比亞面臨強大的輿論壓力

五日晚與柯瑞亞總統聯合舉行的臨時記者會上,憤怒的查維斯單挑哥倫比亞總統阿瓦羅‧烏里貝Alvaro Uribe,表明不惜同時面對國際法庭審判。烏里貝四日揚言將把庇護游擊隊滅種屠殺的委內瑞拉當作共犯,告上國際法庭。



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麥芽糖看多了美國的胡作非為之後, 懷疑臺灣這些懸案:

  1. 林義雄滅門血案
  2. 陳文成

當然, 還有最近巴基斯坦的阿奎諾!

今年大選, 小心美國和阿扁的黑手. 想來, 阿扁的師父, 竟然是美國!

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