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【Herb's fun mail】再度上當? (麥芽糖)

子的電腦, 被病毒和些廣告軟體, 感染得一直開視窗, 無法使用.

下定決心, 重灌系統, 花了太多時間, 決定壯士斷腕, 花錢消災, 花銀子送出去店裡, 請他們處理. 乖乖: 重灌系統, 就要八十五美國大洋!

打電話問進展, 說硬碟壞了要換新硬碟, 他們上次就這樣子扯皮, 麥芽糖拒絕. 在電話裡拉鋸了一個星期, 他們來電說搞定啦.

取貨的時候, 店員說: "再收七十五, 新硬碟的錢."



"第二硬碟, 查毒沒事, 第一硬碟掛了, 換了新的, 七十五塊!"

"呵呵! 你們上次就這麼說, 怎麼 上次壞的硬碟, 現在又好啦? 我已經聽過一次這樣子的故事. 這次, 我不接受啦!"


"沒關係, 找你們經理出來吧!"

經理出來, 笑咪咪地, 聽麥芽糖再演一次笑咪咪地"老子不想再被騙!"

旁邊的店員說:"Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice? Shame on you!" 意思是說: "咱們的技術人員, 被抓包啦! 客人不是呆子, 同一招數用老 ,人家不幹啦!"

老婆問我: "這傢伙會不會被炒魷魚?"

呵呵! 他圓場這麼一打, 店裡笑成一團. 經理趁勢說: "我明天問技術人員, 一定回你話!"

又兩天過去了, 麥芽糖也打電話問過, 經理又"不在", 他們說要打電話告訴我結果!

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Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice? Shame on you!



The kid's computer is infested with virus and spyware. The browser is kicking up so many popup screens that it is not usable.

Trying in vain to reinstall windows system, I decided to cough up some serious dough to have the store restore the system: US$85.

When I called, they said that the C drive is bad and needed a new drive. I refuse this solution, after a long week of back and forth. Finally they called and say the computer is ready.

At the service counter. Here went the conversation:

"Mr. myata, it is another $75 for a new hard drive."

"Oh, why is that?"

"The note says: your second drive is good, virus free. But your main drive needs to be replaced."

"Good! I am not buying this story a second time. You can go back to your record. Last time I was here for the same purpose, this was the same story I am told. Now your record is showing that the bad drive then, is good. And I need to buy yet another drive? I am NOT falling for this excise a second time!"

"Well, the guy worked on it is not here now. I don't know what to tell you."

"You sure can get your manager for me"

When the manager came up, I just repeated my claim clamly to him. Before the manager said anything. Another service attendant at the next counter said: "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice? Shame on you!"

My wife was curous: is he going to lose his job?

I guess, the big laugh everybody bursted into, had reduced the potential conflict. The manager assured me that he was to talk to the tech and get back to me next day.

He hasn't called, yet. Will let you know what happens next.

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