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珍珠港事變的主持軍事天才: 山本大將的殞落.











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任命南雲忠一? 識人不明!






�X�B:世上最無能的軍事指揮官----山本五十六 - zgr 的網誌 - udn部落格http://blog.udn.com/zgr/10503259#ixzz2tKS6xnuF

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學習軍事, 讓山本到美國哈佛大學深造. 也造成他如同孫賓龐涓的命運: 學校同儕, 將來是戰場上的對手!

與山本相對, 另外一位海軍大將 - 南雲忠一, 就相形失色!

今天日本狂妄地說要二十分鐘解決解放軍艦隊, 就是癡心妄想: 要重複美國在中途島的幸運, 抓住南雲忠一的錯誤, 五分鐘解決日本皇軍海軍的幾艘航空母艦.

珍珠港事變, 可以說是山本獨立完成! 南雲忠一竟然做壁上觀! 沒有加入戰鬥!




  1. 在攻擊珍珠港時,雖然山口多聞少將與三川軍一中將都建議進行第三波攻擊,但南雲並未採納。

  2. 中途島之役中,拒絕山口少將先攻美軍的建議,並因更換武裝與回收飛機而延誤近兩小時才準備攻擊,也正好在這時,美軍轟炸機找到了南雲艦隊,並發動突襲。

  3. 在聖塔克魯茲之役中,南雲把指揮權移交給角田中將,自己脫離戰場。結果角田積極的攻擊精神,讓南雲反而像是脫逃。


  1. 前兩波攻擊珍珠港已花去太多時間,南雲並不知道美軍航艦的位置,如果再準備第三波攻擊,一來可能給美國人反擊的機會,二來日軍此時已無奇襲可能,第三波攻擊的損失可能會很大。此外,雖然有部屬建議進行第三波攻擊,但南雲的參謀長草鹿少將反對,督戰的山本大將的意願也不高,加上軍令部總長永野修身大將也有「要把每一艘航艦安全帶回」的命令。

  2. 中途島之役中,日軍的攻擊機群因無戰機護航,而導致嚴重損失。若依山口的建議直接攻擊,除了日軍的攻擊機隊可能嚴重損失外,大部份前往攻擊中途島的飛機也可能因為無法降落最後因油料不足而全數損失(當時航艦進行起飛作業無法回收其他飛機)。這是草鹿少將與源田中佐反對立刻攻擊的理由 [4]

此外,由於軍事哲學的不同,日本重攻擊但輕防禦,因此當日軍攻擊美軍重防護的飛機與船艦時,往往被美軍的防衛系統痛擊。加上缺乏早期預警系統(雷達),一旦被攻擊,日軍的防禦常常被突破,這也讓日軍從珊瑚海之役後就漸次喪失制海權。但這些技術性的事務並非南雲所能改變。有評論者曾論,如果南雲不是指揮第一航空艦隊,而是指揮以巡洋艦與驅逐艦所組成的第2戰隊,可能更符合南雲的個性 [5]

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To boost morale following the defeat at Guadalcanal, Yamamoto decided to make an inspection tour throughout the South Pacific. On 14 April 1943, the US naval intelligence effort, code-named "Magic", intercepted and decrypted a message containing specific details regarding Yamamoto's tour, including arrival and departure times and locations, as well as the number and types of planes that would transport and accompany him on the journey. Yamamoto, the itinerary revealed, would be flying from Rabaul to Ballalae Airfield, on an island near Bougainville in the Solomon Islands, on the morning of 18 April 1943.

U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox to "Get Yamamoto." Knox instructed Admiral Chester W. Nimitz of Roosevelt's wishes. Admiral Nimitz consulted Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., Commander, South Pacific, then authorized a mission on 17 April to intercept Yamamoto's flight en route and shoot it down.

A squadron of P-38 Lightning aircraft were assigned the task as only they possessed the range to intercept and engage. Eighteen hand-picked pilots from three units were informed that they were intercepting an "important high officer" with no specific name given.

Yamamoto's last photo alive (April 18, 1943)

On the morning of 18 April, despite urgings by local commanders to cancel the trip for fear of ambush, Yamamoto's twoMitsubishi G4M fast transport aircraft left Rabaul as scheduled for the 315 mi (507 km) trip. Shortly after, 18 P-38s with long-range drop tanks took off from Guadalcanal. Sixteen arrived after wave-hopping most of the 430 mi (690 km) to the rendezvous point, maintaining radio silence throughout. At 09:34 Tokyo time, the two flights met and a dogfight ensued between the P-38s and the six escorting A6M Zeroes.

First Lieutenant Rex T. Barber engaged the first of the two Japanese transports which turned out to be Yamamoto's plane. He targeted the aircraft with gunfire until it began to spew smoke from its left engine. Barber turned away to attack the other transport as Yamamoto's plane crashed into the jungle.

The crash site and body of Yamamoto were found the next day in the jungle north of the then-coastal site of the former Australian patrol post of Buin by a Japanese search and rescue party, led by army engineer, Lieutenant Hamasuna. According to Hamasuna, Yamamoto had been thrown clear of the plane's wreckage, his white-gloved hand grasping the hilt of his katana, still upright in his seat under a tree. Hamasuna said Yamamoto was instantly recognizable, head dipped down as if deep in thought. A post-mortem of the body disclosed that Yamamoto had received two gunshot wounds, one to the back of his left shoulder and another to his left lower jaw that exited above his right eye.

To cover up the fact that the Allies were reading Japanese code, American news agencies were told that civilian coast-watchers in the Solomon Islands saw Yamamoto boarding a bomber in the area. They did not publicize the names of most of the pilots that attacked Yamamoto's plane because one of them had a brother who was a prisoner of the Japanese, and U.S. military officials feared for his safety.

State Funeral for Yamamoto in Tokyo

This proved to be the longest fighter-intercept mission of the war. In Japan, it became known as the "Navy A Incident" (海軍甲事件 Kaigun -jiken). It raised morale in the United States, and shocked the Japanese who were officially told about the incident only on 21 May 1943. The death of Yamamoto was a major psychological blow for the Japanese nation which had been told of victory after victory even after Midway and Guadalcanal. It also forced the Japanese government to acknowledge that the Americans were quickly rebuilding their military capacity and had begun going on the offensive.

His staff cremated his remains at Buin, and the ashes were returned to Tokyo aboard the battleship Musashi, Yamamoto's last flagship. Yamamoto was given a full state funeral on 5 June 1943,[25] where he received, posthumously, the title of Marshal and was awarded the Order of the Chrysanthemum, (1st Class). He was also awarded Nazi Germany's Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords. Part of his ashes were buried in the public cemetery in Tama, Tokyo (多摩霊園), and the remainder at his ancestral burial grounds at the temple of Chuko-ji in Nagaoka City. He was succeeded as commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet by AdmiralMineichi Koga.




美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福命令海军部长弗兰克·诺克斯干掉山本Get Yamamoto)”。诺克斯授意切斯特·尼米兹海军上将执行罗斯福的命令。尼米兹与南太平洋战区指挥官威廉·哈尔西商讨后,在4月17日批准了拦截并击落山本座机的刺杀任务





山本座机的坠落地点位于此前澳大利亚海岸巡逻队在布因岛的据点以北,第二天有一支日军搜救小队找到了这个地点,带队的是日军工兵中尉滨砂。据滨砂中尉回忆,山本的遗体位于飞机残骸之外的一棵树下,仍旧坐在座椅之上,戴着白色手套的双手拄着他的日本刀。滨砂说他当场就认出了山本,海军大将的头微微低下犹如陷入沉思。解剖报告显示山本身上有两处枪伤:一发子弹自身后穿透他的左肩,另一发子弹从他的下颌左后方射入,从右眼上方穿出。即便有此报告为证,关于山本是否从坠落中生还一直都有争议。 为防止日军得知自己的密码已泄露,美国新闻媒体被告知是所罗门群岛当地人的海岸观察站目击到山本登上一式陆攻。新闻媒体也没有公开大部分参与刺杀行动的美军飞行员的名字,因为其中一人的兄弟当时是日军战俘,有被虐杀的可能。





Rex Barber wearing the Navy Cross he received for his actions during the mission that killed Yamamoto.

Lanphier initially received credit for the kill of Yamamoto's bomber, but the other pilots on the mission were immediately skeptical. Although one of the most expertly-executed missions in history, the interception was subsequently marred by controversy over who actually shot down Yamamoto and by Navy outrage over unauthorized releases of operational details to the press, including an October 1943 issue of Time Magazine which featured articles on both the shootdown and Lanphier by name. Mitchell had been nominated for the Medal of Honor for the mission, but as a result of the security issues this was downgraded to the Navy Cross, which he and all the pilots of the killer flight were subsequently awarded.

After the war it was found that none of the escorting Japanese fighters were shot down—only one was damaged enough that it required a day of repair at Buin—and Lanphier was stripped of his claim for a Zero shot down. Since other Zero fighters were taking off from nearby Kahili airfield, both Barber and Holmes were allowed their claims during the second combat. Also records confirmed that only two bombers had been shot down, not three, and subsequently the Air corps officially awarded "half kills" to Lanphier and Barber for the Yamamoto shootdown. A video-taped interview in 1985 with one of the escorting Zero pilotsKenji Yanagiya, appeared to corroborate Barber's claim, but the Air Force declined to reopen the issue.

Rex Barber then sued in Federal Court to have the ruling of the Secretary of the Air Force overturned and the opposing claims re-investigated, but the court refused to intervene. But in 2003, he was officially credited with the sole kill after an inspection analyzed the crash site and determined the path of the bullet impacts, thereby validating Barber's account and invalidating Lanphier's claim.[citation needed] In the May 2006 issue of Air Force Magazine, Douglas S. Canning, a former member of the 347th Fighter Group who flew the Yamamoto mission (Canning escorted Lt. Holmes back to the Russells) and was friends with both Lanphier and Barber, published a letter in which he stated that Lanphier, in addition to writing the official report, medal citations, and several magazine articles, had also written a detailed manuscript, never published, claiming he alone shot down Yamamoto. Until reading that manuscript, Barber had been willing to share half credit for the kill. Canning cites the testimony of the Japanese Zero pilot, Yanagiya, that Yamamoto's Betty crashed 20 to 30 seconds after being hit by fire from a P-38, and from Admiral Ugaki on the second Betty that Yamamoto's plane crashed 20 seconds after being struck. Canning stated categorically that the P-38Gs flown that day did not have aileron boost to assist in turning (as did later models) and that it was physically impossible for Lanphier's aircraft to have made the 180 degree turn he claimed in order to shoot down Yamamoto.

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