More than two dozen people, mostly elementary school children, were shot and killed at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school this morning, federal and state sources tell ABC News.
The massacre involved two gunmen at a Connecticut school this morning, prompting the town of Newtown to lock down all of its schools and draw SWAT teams to the school, authorities said today.
State Police confirm that one shooter is dead. A second gunman is apparently at large. Car-to-car searches are underway.
It's unclear how many people have been shot, but 25 people, mostly children are dead, multiple federal and state sources tell ABC News. That number could rise, officials said.
It is the worst shooting in a U.S. elementary school in recent memory.
The shooting comes just three days after masked gunman Jacob Roberts opened fire in a busy Portland, Ore., mall killing two before turning the gun on himself.
Today's shooting occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, about 12 miles east of Danbury.
Watch State Police News Conference Live at 1 p.m. at
State Police received the first 911 call at 9:41a.m. and immediately began sending emergency units from the western part of the state. Initial 911 calls stated that multiple students were trapped in a classroom, possibly with a gunman, according to a Connecticut State Police source.
A photo from the scene shows a line of distressed children being led out of the school.
LIVE UPDATES: Newtown, Conn., School Shooting
While some students have been reunited with their parents on the school's perimeter, one group of students remains unaccounted for, according to a source with a child in the school.
The school is kindergarten through fourth grade.
CLICK HERE for more photos from the scene.
Three patients have been taken to Danbury Hospital, which is also on lockdown, according to the hospital's Facebook page.
"Out of abundance of caution and not because of any direct threat Danbury Hospital is under lockdown," the statement said. "This allows us simply to focus on the important work at hand."
Newtown Public School District secretary of superintendent Kathy June said in a statement that the district's school were locked down because of the report of a shooting. "The district is taking preventive measures by putting all schools in lockdown until we ensure the safety of all students and staff."
State police sent SWAT team units to Newtown.
All public and private schools in the town are on lockdown.
"We have increased our police presence at all Danbury Public Schools due to the events in Newtown. Pray for the victims," Newtown Mayor Boughton tweeted.
State emergency management officials said ambulances and other units were also en route and staging near the school.
A message on the school district website says that all afternoon kindergarten is cancelled today and there will be no mid-day bus runs.
![]() 美小學槍案27死 槍手持4種武器行兇
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美國康乃狄克州西部的新城「珊蒂虎克」小學14日驚傳槍響。警方證實,其中一位24歲的槍手持4樣武器,並穿著防彈背心進入校園行凶。目前已證實有27人死亡,包括18名學童。(綜合外電) 美康州小學槍擊案 至少27死 【中央社/康乃狄克州新鎮14日綜合外電報導】 美國哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞網(CBS News)引述官員消息報導,至少一名槍手今天在康乃狄克州西部新鎮(Newtown)一所小學開槍,造成包括兒童在內至少27人喪生。 報導說,槍手是一名學童的父親,已經死亡。美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)報導,校長和學校心理師也已喪生。 法新社報導,死者包括18名兒童。白宮發言人說,歐巴馬總統已得知此事,並持續了解後續情況。 路透社報導,目擊者說,聽到數十聲槍響。未經證實的報導說,有另一名槍手。 桑迪胡克小學(Sandy Hook Elementary School)招收幼稚園大班到小學四年級、約五歲到十歲的學童。 康乃狄克州西部的新鎮,位於紐約市東北方大約96公里。 【2012/12/15 聯合報】 |
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美國康州小學槍擊案 27人喪生
Sandy Hook小學的學生從5歲到10歲,分成4個年級。
當地醫院表示,已接收到3名來自該學校的傷者,傷勢非常嚴重。 現場電視畫面顯示,大批警察和救援人員聚集在事發地附近。