睡前寫出本文, 起床竟然收到: 國內師兄寄來的祈禱文官方翻譯.
天意竟然在等待老丐這懶惰的凡人? 表現水到渠成?
謝謝隱士附加天壇的介紹, 老丐喜見這與老丐復興碑林與故宮的心願相通的計劃, 已經開始實施!
老丐自認研究宗教諸神, 也許是神明真的很多, 老丐竟然不識您的師承!
天, 只有一個!
有名稱, 有名氣的神祇, 很多.
祂們都需要符合天意, 才能長久!
老丐一直在學習基督上坎坷蹣跚, 也許是學習科學, 在信仰上欠學. 如今見隱士祈禱文, 有所精進, 卻是自知心靈層次還遠, 需要多加學習.
恩師是通天高人, 其心與神相通, 舉個例子, 就知道他言行符合自然規律.
某日, 眾徒聚集, 他領大家靜坐以後, 回答問題, 滿室笑聲不斷.
某印度師兄, 發言時提到另外一位師兄, 因病不克前來, 並請師父加持.
師父低頭一下, 抬起頭來, 神情悲哀: "這是自然的程序(生老病死), 我們只能接受!"
他低頭是 Meditate, 馬上瞭解這位遠方學員狀況, 解釋實際的情況, 不自以為是, 改變自然的規律.
這也是老丐所學習到的"自然之道", 因以成祈禱文, 應要求獻醜.
此行回鄉, 竟然國內師兄決定要辦國慶學習研討會. 老丐乃扛一箱恩師修行自述, 分享同修.
諸神與有成凡人, 心意可與天通.
記好: 是人與神祇(仙聖神佛), 體會天意. 不是人心狂妄, 自認神明附身! 楞嚴經有五十陰魔, 是最好的修行警示經文. 各門經典, 也有所討論.
老丐要出門, 餅攤還有諸事要交代.
且先轉貼國內師兄寄來的翻譯. 雖然是官方出版, 老丐請讀者, 仔細看英文版. 這群師兄師姐, 經常翻譯時候私自加上自己的意見, 請勿陷入他們不慎佈置的陷阱. 多閱讀幾次, 勿以譯者不夠信達雅的翻譯, 誤失了恩師原意.

晚上九点正 - 全世界互爱祈祷
9:00 pm - Universal Prayer
At 9:00 p.m. sharp, every abhyasi, wherever he/she might happen to be at that time, should stop his/her work and meditate for fifteen minutes, thinking that all brothers and sisters are being filled with love and devotion and that real faith is growing stronger in them. It shall be of immense value to them, which only their practical experience shall reveal.
The nine o’clock prayer in the evening is for the general spiritual welfare of all human beings.
The method is to sit quietly, with the eyes closed, for approximately fifteen minutes, thinking that the hearts of all human beings everywhere, regardless of whether they are abhyasis or not, are being filled with love and devotion for the Divine.
Thus, at any given time, abhyasis in different time zones around the world are praying, and their combined thought creates a continuous beam of transmission of human love and human concern for the well-being of others. There is a certain cumulative effect out of this that far exceeds the sum of the individual efforts, and which contributes to establishing a spirit of brotherhood around the world.
Welcome to Sahaj Marg, P. 32
Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 6:29 AM EST