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出版社:如何出版社 / 系列:Happy Body
定價:230元 / 會員價:184元
麥芽糖從年假的舟車勞頓, 與收拾餅攤的堆積如山事務中, 看到繆旋的來訪. 正在思考建議她去自救學院尋找李師父, 又看到韓院長的文章. 在此, 對於兩位, 略表歡迎.
生老病死, 是人生常識.
李師父開創自救學院為道場, 自有其功德.
修行範圍廣泛, 百家爭鳴, 門派眾多, 修道者眾, 得道者寡.
麥芽糖祝福: 繆旋, 韓院長, 李師父, 自救學院同修, 專心修行, 早登彼岸.
本文於 修改第 1 次
2009/07/10 11:09 |
【懶貓的搖搖椅】 |
道 場? |
2009/02/22 22:21 |
【龍族】 |
麥芽糖的憑弔 |
「兩派, 從此正式分開. 」和「道院改名: 紅卍字會. 」的說法﹐也完全不是事實。
本文於 修改第 3 次
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- 生老病死, 是人生必經之路. 所以 有句話, 叫做瞭生死, 也是修行的指標之一.
麥芽糖不在乎敘述曾經在自救學習的舊事. 這像是人家問我: 小學國中讀那個學校? 沒有啥好隱瞞的! 在來此建城之前, 在清華的清蔚園, 馬路客, 榮穫接受一篇"長生不老"的文章投稿. 當時很虛榮. 如今如果馬路客還在, 一定請雲天和李家同取下. 瞭生死或稱了生死, 就是坦然面對生老病死. 對於以前曾經教我的每位老師, 感激一輩子. 麥芽糖不是孫悟空, 沒人不準我提他們曾經教我. 這篇宣傳資料, 當年貼上, 如今也沒有啥不光采, 要取下的原因. 條條大路通羅馬, 修行是人生大事, 老丐以此為志. 本市有一定的目標, 不拘小節. 但請網友開放心胸, 為自己謀福!
You are advertising in it? If you or a spiritual person. You have to carefully consider a person&morals.(Your city is advertising zone?)
Ad Master Li
本文於 修改第 1 次
繆旋: 本市宗旨, 在於追求修行的真髓. 您與李師父的糾纏, 已經偏離本市宗旨, 請不要放在本市. 生老病死, 是人生必經之路. 所以 有句話, 叫做瞭生死, 也是修行的指標之一. 李師父開設道場, 為人治病, 有其宏願. 您代表了他以往的師承, 請直接找他. 老丐曾經學習, 但是不代表他或是自救學院. 對您們兩方的祝福, 麥芽糖已經明白表示. 這是討論修行的園地, 不是法院, 也不管你們傳承的恩怨. 請到此為止. 如果繼續糾纏, 麥芽糖要使用刪文功能了.
Li Yan Ming you have stand up
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Mr. Han Daoyang addressed an open letter: I am pleased to see Mr. Han Daoyang to dauntless courage and spirit of "self-help Institute of Education," the name of a positive response to our. You mentioned "Some people in recent days", "some distorted facts and issued a letter of inquiry ... ..." and so on anger over words and would like to own your personal power to strongly reverse the impact of this matter and all audio-visual. We feel sad for you, it is ironic. At the same time also think that you are being pathetic. This is because there is some honest swindler, and the world will need some honest people have been deceived. From your own words are not hard to see that you are a good people, as well as by a group of people together you make the good is also very moving, we happy your merit. In fact, we are of the same family, because we each have to carry forward our Miao Gong master. Only you know the facts and understanding of the exercises is a little less of the very poor.
Your current skill alone, do you think your Fan-fu with the naked eye saw and heard, you know all things between heaven and earth the truth of it? If the history of some of the truth, are you see is the truth, is it not too one-sided, too simplistic Mody. A universe of life賸昳Gong Do not spoil can be like you in the hands of people. A cover up the true face of history, throwing the division abandoned the Lord, then how can the people not to good lead up to the wrong road, for fear that you accidentally fall into the hell out. If you really want this life achievements, and I hope to continue to keep in touch interaction.
The Gong disciples: Feng Yue-sheng Email:miaotiguang_9@sina.com Please call me :0086-024-62439958
麥芽糖從年假的舟車勞頓, 與收拾餅攤的堆積如山事務中, 看到繆旋的來訪. 正在思考建議她去自救學院尋找李師父, 又看到韓院長的文章. 在此, 對於兩位, 略表歡迎.
生老病死, 是人生常識.
李師父開創自救學院為道場, 自有其功德.
修行範圍廣泛, 百家爭鳴, 門派眾多, 修道者眾, 得道者寡.
麥芽糖祝福: 繆旋, 韓院長, 李師父, 自救學院同修, 專心修行, 早登彼岸.
Yan Ming Li You have to stand up
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Han§I ask you. There is such a person. He accepted the kindness of others. But forget his benefactor. His mother to save a people but the benefactor forgotten.. You answer me that he is a what kind of person. You said Yan Ming Li was a wise and compassionate person. Do not you think it ridiculous? My father taught out how such a person will be happy and pleased with it? My God. Your IQ does? Yan Ming Li You have to stand up. Email:miaotiguang_9@sina.com(Details of the information) Please call me:0086-024-62439958
I have to explain the truth .My name is Miao Xuan. Yan Ming Li said he had natural ability. He said he did not master. In fact, My old father was his master﹝My old father taught him is the ability of people﹝People can ask YanMing Li for the second time his mother who is given life ﹝Detailed articles and photographs will be reported﹝ Content will be more abundant.﹝I hope the matter of interest to people from all walks of life to exchange interaction. (Photo of the little girl, is the author of that year) please call me:024-62439958 15998301036 shenyang liaoning China 