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Why Your Best Friend Should Always Be Your Mom



Why Your Best Friend Should Always Be Your Mom

As illustrated by Gilmore Girls, of course.

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She will have your back, always.

She will have your back, always.
Warner Bros. Television / Via tumblr.com

You guys can talk about literally anything because she’s your mom.

You guys can talk about literally anything because she's your mom.
Warner Bros. Television / Via followpics.net

Even if it’s a little too much information.

Your mom always gives the best advice.

Why Your Best Friend Should Always Be Your Mom
Warner Bros. Television / Via gurl.com

She is the only person who will be 100% honest with you.

She is the only person who will be 100% honest with you.
Warner Bros. Television / Via tumblr.com

You hate someone, she hates someone. It’s that easy.

You hate someone, she hates someone. It's that easy.
Warner Bros. Television / Via fckyeahgilmoregirls.tumblr.com

You can find anything to talk about in any situation.

You can find anything to talk about in any situation.
Warner Bros. Television / Via tumblr.com

Your mom will pig out with you and not say a word about how many calories are in anything.

Your mom will pig out with you and not say a word about how many calories are in anything.
Warner Bros. Television / Via survivingcollege.com

Calling her is actually fun instead of a chore.

Calling her is actually fun instead of a chore.
Warner Bros. Television / Via beckybraveslondon.blogspot.com

Your mom is actually a fun person if you think about it.

Why Your Best Friend Should Always Be Your Mom
Warner Bros. Television / Via can-i-ophelia-boobies.tumblr.com

She’s not afraid to say anything to anyone.

Why Your Best Friend Should Always Be Your Mom
Warner Bros. Television / Via thoughtcatalog.com

She makes this world a funnier, happier place to be.

She makes this world a funnier, happier place to be.
Warner Bros. Television / Via can-i-ophelia-boobies.tumblr.com

Sometimes she may talk way to much…

Why Your Best Friend Should Always Be Your Mom
Warner Bros. Television / Via can-i-ophelia-boobies.tumblr.com

and say what you don’t want to (but really need) to hear…

and say what you don't want to (but really need) to hear...
Warner Bros. Television / Via gurl.com

…but she’s the best person on the planet, and you’re lucky to have her as your best friend.

...but she's the best person on the planet, and you're lucky to have her as your best friend.
Warner Bros. Television / Via indulgy.com

She gives you something to aspire to.

She gives you something to aspire to.
Warner Bros. Television / Via indulgy.com

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