出門兩週, 週遊數國, 三張1GB記憶卡, 裝得滿滿的照片. 感謝數位相機, 照片差強人意. 但是, 知道自己的眼睛, 已經開始老花眼了. 練得再好, 無法改變生老病死的命運! 能在離去之前, 做到少病少痛 就很滿足了.
這是個好問題. 依老丐淺見: 一切都是相對的!
身上氣流暢通的人, 是比同齡的人健康, 體能好些.
但是, 就算是奧運選手, 還是要面對生老病死!
有員工就讚嘆, 老丐好像不會累, 精力充沛!
這位員工, 比老丐年輕. 一早來, 就要出去買早餐. 吃的時候, 還要喝茶看報. 工作的時候, 嫌冷嫌熱.
老丐一直以來, 修行只為了滿足自己的好奇心.
對於身體與自然界的現象, 在進一步瞭解之後, 也只是能夠坦然面對.
師父們的教導, 以及自然界的現象, 給了老丐一個藍圖, 讓老丐能夠準備面對, 即將來臨的一切!
老丐有房屋出租. 以往, 是老丐打理.
開了店, 老丐忙, 就成了老婆的工作.
夏天, 是房客交接的時間. 老婆已經盡力了, 向客人收回房屋, 老丐就陪老婆大人跑一趟!
這星期, 跑了兩趟, 一次約一個半小時!
這額外的工作, 竟然兩次都造成背脊精疲力盡的感覺.
同時, 又覺得: 身上的氣, 又增強了. 這, 要謝謝師父了!
近來我也喜歡照像 用以了解自己 這個年紀真是一日千里 從照像中就可看出 有嘆息 但嘆息也是於事無補 老化這是自然現像 不如恬然地接受 接受那照片中的人就是自己 其實我所在意的並不是自己看起來還年輕與否 而是在意自己~~臉上的表情 與神態 所透露出的訊息 告訴自己修行的功課是否在臉上在身體語言上寫下了些許痕跡 (一個修行的人 他的笑容是從心中笑出來的 他的身體動作與臉上的肌肉都是柔軟的) 充份地了解自己的身心靈 照顧好自己的身體 都不是件容易的事 這事這功課是菩堤一直在修的 在努力的方向 運動是每天都得作的功課 最近也懶了 順著心想做就做 時時還得強迫自己去做 若是心裏對運動抱著 一種必做的工作這樣的心理去做 運動變成了工作 就是每日辛勤運動還是達不到它的效果 不管是運動也好 走路也好 必須是在一種全然放鬆的狀況下行之 才能享受它的樂趣與所帶來的好處 昨日讀書 Swami Satyananda 的文章 他說靜坐 或是 Yoga Nidra 壓力大的人 想藉它來放鬆 強迫自己放鬆 這是沒有用的 放鬆是一種自然的狀態 是種認知 才能收其功效 前天拉著我兒走路 走著走著 腳踝突然疼了起來 大概穿的鞋子不對 或是好久沒走了 我跟我兒說 媽媽是老了 我兒子是個非常積極樂觀的人 他說: "媽!! 今天我學到一句話:: Energy flows to where your attention goes. (你的注意力在那你的能量就流到那裏) 妳想妳老了, 那妳就真是老了. 妳想妳年輕, 妳就會年輕. 感謝主!! 我兒時時在旁指引著我 激勵著我 是的! 他的話一點不假 年齡只是個數字 真正的年齡是要看我們的心 我認識好些九十多的長輩 比我們年輕人還要年輕 兩個是幾個大工廠老板 全世界好幾家工廠 精神好的不得了 到處飛 就連我九十多歲的大伯 家裏所有的採買都是他 到現在還到處趴趴走 不要輕易言老 讓我們一起努力 為這個難得的人身繼續努力到最後一刻
推薦2 |
榮總高齡醫學中心寫給怕老族的信 : 台灣人口老化速度世界第一,二○二五年六十五歲以上人口,將超過二○%,變成和現在的日本一樣,是個真正的「老人國」。當社會五分之一都是老人,會是什麼模樣?你,準備迎接老化了嗎? !
簡單地說,一個老人健不健 康 ,不是看他得什麼病、或是醫院的檢驗數值最關鍵的指標是身心功能狀況,人老了還活得健 康 、有活力,生活有品質,,身分證上的出生年月日只是一個數字而已。
第二,是維持良好的心智功能,避免憂鬱、失智,平日多做一些腦力活動,學習新的事物,活潑使用大? ㄐA積極參與各種社交活動,不要將自己侷限於一成不變的生活模式,這都是活力老化的要件。
未來的五到十年間,整個醫療照護、長照、銀髮產業,都會因老年化有很大的改變。你會發現,往後的醫師並不只是看病與開藥,而是想盡辦法來維持你的身心功能、改善你的生活品質,台灣將發展出一個無縫(seamless)接軌的照護體系,不同健 康 狀況的人,都有適切的健康 照護服務。
美傭 解曼曼 September 18, 2009 12:00 AM | 4131 觀看次數 | 19 | | 「菲傭」一詞流行久矣,最近有人把從中港台飛來照顧第三代的爺奶公婆戲稱為「飛傭」,真是太貼切不過了。 筆者某些在美國居住多年,近年才由工作崗位退下的銀髮族朋友,迄今依然退而不休,原來他們的職位已由專業人才變成照顧孫輩們的全職「美傭」了。他們異於「菲傭」,因為是免費的;他們也不是「飛傭」,因為他們並非千里迢迢地飛過來。 「美傭」把對下一代的愛轉移到下下代,他們每天大清早準時到達兒女家,日復一日做著過去多年未再做過的餵奶、換尿布等育嬰工作,及至嬰兒漸長為孩童,又忙於接送幼童上下學,除此之外,每天為遲歸的兒女準備晚餐,更是義不容辭。 有的「美傭」甚至為避免舟車勞頓,賣掉住了幾十年的老巢,離開熟悉的鄰居和環境,搬至兒女家附近,以便就近照顧第三代。 他們為子女分擔扶育第三代的責任,眼見同齡的朋友或打高爾夫球、或學太極拳、跳排舞、打麻將,依然無怨無悔,這些早已在美國落葉生根的老人家,生活和經濟完全能夠自立,無需依靠子女,卻心甘情願為兒女分勞,因此備受兒女尊敬和感激。 這些身為醫生、律師、會計師或工程師的第二代,之所以要求父母不辭辛苦的照顧第三代,絕非為了省錢,純粹是因為捨不得將天之驕子般的兒女交給沒有血緣的外人照顧。 只是,當兒女的兒女長大,到了完全不需看顧時,「美傭」是否會淪為不再有價值的「廢傭」,就不得而知了。 http://www.worldjournal.com/pages/full_lit/push?article-美傭%20&id=3637181-美傭&instance=top_litrec
中文翻譯: 引用耀星 【浮塵】文章如何停止「正常」的老化
原文: http://www.parade.com/articles/editions/2007/edition_03-18-2007/Make_Body_Younger?prnt=1
You Can Stop ‘‘Normal’’ Aging
New research reveals
surprising facts about our changing bodies.
By Dr. Henry S. Lodge
Published: March 18,
From your body’s point
of view, “normal” aging isn’t normal at all. It’s a choice you make by the way
you live your life. The other choice is to tell your cells to grow—to build a
strong, vibrant body and mind.
Let’s have a look at standard American aging. Barbara D. had a baby when she
was 34, gave up exercise and gained 50 pounds. Exhausted and depressed, Barbara
thought youth, energy and optimism were all in her rearview mirror. Jon M., 55,
had fallen even farther down the slippery slope. He was stuck in the corporate
world of stress, long hours and doughnuts. At 255 pounds, he had knees that
hurt and a back that ached. He developed high blood pressure and eventually
diabetes. Life was looking grim.
Jon and Barbara weren’t getting old; they had let their bodies decay. Most
aging is just the dry rot we program into our cells by sedentary living, junk
food and stress. Yes, we do have to get old, and ultimately we do have to die.
But our bodies are designed to age slowly and remarkably well. Most of what we
see and fear is decay, and decay is only one choice. Growth is the other.
After two years of misery, Barbara started exercising and is now in the best
shape of her life. She just finished a sprint triathlon and, at 37, feels like
she is 20. Jon started eating better and exercising too—slowly at first, but he
stuck with it. He has since lost 50 pounds, the pain in his knees and back has
disappeared, and his diabetes is gone. Today, Jon is 60 and living his life in
the body of a healthy 30-year-old. He will die one day, but he is likely to
live like a young man until he gets there.
The hard reality of our biology is
that we are built to move. Exercise is the master signaling system that tells
our cells to grow instead of fade. When we exercise, that process of growth
spreads throughout every cell in our bodies, making us functionally younger.
Not a little bit younger—a lot younger. True biological aging is a surprisingly
slow and graceful process. You can live out your life in a powerful, healthy
body if you are willing to put in the work.
Let’s take a step back to see how exercise works at the cellular level. Your
body is made up of trillions of cells that live mostly for a few weeks or
months, die and are replaced by new cells in an endless cycle. For example,
your taste buds live only a few hours, white blood cells live 10 days, and your
muscle cells live about three months. Even your bones dissolve and are
replaced, over and over again. A few key stem cells in each organ and your
brain cells are the only ones that stick around for the duration. All of your
other cells are in a constant state of renewal.
You replace about 1% of your cells every day.
That means 1% of your body is brand-new today, and you will get another 1%
tomorrow. Think of it as getting a whole new body every three months. It’s not
entirely accurate, but it’s pretty close. Viewed that way, you are walking
around in a body that is brand-new since Christmas—new lungs, new liver, new
muscles, new skin. Look down at your legs and realize that you are going
to have new ones by the Fourth of July. Whether that body is functionally
younger or older is a choice you make by how you live.
You choose whether those new cells come in stronger or weaker. You choose
whether they grow or decay each day from then on. Your cells don’t care which
choice you make. They just follow the directions you send. Exercise, and your
cells get stronger; sit down, and they decay.
This whole system evolved over billions of
years out in nature, where all animals face two great cellular
challenges: The first is to grow strong, fast and fit in the spring, when food
abounds and there are calories to fuel hungry muscles, bones and brains. The
second is to decay as fast as possible in the winter, when calories disappear and
surviving starvation is the key to life. You would think that food is the
controlling signal for this, but it’s not. Motion controls your system.
Though we’ve moved indoors and left that life behind, our cells still think
we’re living out on the savannah, struggling to stay alive each day. There are
no microwaves or supermarkets in nature. If you want to eat, you have to hunt
or forage every single day. That movement is a signal that it’s time to grow.
So, when you exercise, your muscles release specific substances that travel
throughout your bloodstream, telling your cells to grow. Sedentary muscles, on
the other hand, let out a steady trickle of chemicals that whisper to every
cell to decay, day after day after day.
Men like Jon, who go from sedentary to fit, cut their risk of dying from a
heart attack by 75% over five years. Women cut their risk by 80%—and heart
attacks are the largest single killer of women. Both men and women can double
their leg strength with three months of exercise, and most of us can double it
again in another three months. This is true whether you’re in your 30s or your
90s. It’s not a miracle or a mystery. It’s your biology, and you’re in charge.
The other master signal to our
cells—equal and, in some respects, even more important than exercise—is
emotion. One of the most fascinating revelations of the last decade is that
emotions change our cells through the same molecular pathways as exercise.
Anger, stress and loneliness are signals for “starvation” and chronic danger. They
“melt” our bodies as surely as sedentary living. Optimism, love and community
trigger the process of growth, building our bodies, hearts and minds.
Men who have a heart attack and come home to a family are four times less
likely to die of a second heart attack. Women battling heart disease or cancer
do better in direct proportion to the number of close friends and relatives
they have. Babies in the ICU who are touched more often are more likely to
survive. Everywhere you look, you see the role of emotion in our biology. Like
exercise, it’s a choice.
It’s hard to exercise every day. And with our busy lives, it’s even harder to
find the time and energy to maintain relationships and build communities. But
it’s worth it when you consider the alternative. Go for a walk or a run, and
think about it. Deep in our cells, down at the level of molecular genetics, we
are wired to exercise and to care. We’re beginning to wake up to that as a
nation, but you might not want to wait. You might want to join Barbara, Jon and
millions of others and change your life. Start today. Your cells are listening.
Dr. Henry S. Lodge is on the faculty of Columbia Medical
School and is co-author
of “Younger Next Year” (Workman).
| 人到老年,會突然 醒悟:生命是有盡頭的。 這種感悟會使他行動起來, 去做一些他很想做但以前也沒有做的事情, 有時,他甚至用他 意料不到 的方式。 |
人到老年,才真正 認識自己: 也才真正屬於自己,並且用一種從容、 舒適和誠懇的方式接受自己。 |
人到老年,方才 明白 : 東奔西走竭力想去改的不是別的, 恰恰是他自己。 幾十年的時光換來的不是別的,而是 … 心靜如水。 |
人到老年,才真正 領悟 到:什麼叫百川歸海,什麼叫萬物歸一。 人到老年,開始明白,老年自有老年的風景。 青春雖然美,但它會隨時間的流逝而褪色, 而青春的 心境 才是生命中一道 不變 的風景 。 |
人到老年,能 冷靜 地去看待婚姻和家庭。 他知道 …… 世上沒有 完全合乎 男人心意的女人, 也沒有 完全合乎 女人心意的男人。 |
人到老年, 自已懂得安慰自己 : 並且學會了在似乎無盡的黑暗中… 為自己點 一盞 希望的燈。 |
人到老年,看人看事不像過去那麼簡單。 因此,不必非得按別人的主意行事。 |
人到老年,開始明白,世事並非黑白分明, 在黑白之間往往有 一 系列 的 中 間 色 。 |
人到老年,開始明白: 人生一世, 無成功與失敗, 歡樂與痛苦,盛衰與榮辱,都如自然流水, 從哪裡來將到哪裡去。 于是, 寧靜致遠。 |
人到老年,開始明白, 衰老 不是從中年開始, 而是從對生活的 疲 倦 開始的。 |
人到老年,開始明白: 孤獨、寂寞、痛苦、失敗, 是人生不可缺少的調味品, 因此, 善待 它,就是 善待 真的人生。 |
人到老年,不再有少年的狂妄、青年的浪漫, 更多的則是對生活的 … 感悟和理解。 |
人到老年,不再擁有童年的笑和青春的美, 卻常常在 … 午夜夢回 。 |
人到老年,能坦然地面對自己的平凡。 他才明白,並非人人都能成功,人人都能大有作為; 但做人也是一生的事業, 只要自己奮鬥過、 追求過,失敗了又何妨? |
人到老年, 胸懷 開始變得像 大海 一樣, 裝得下 …四海風浪 ,容得下… 千古恩怨。 |
人到老年,可以 領悟 到人生最實質、最內在、 最主體的內容,可以把美麗的花朵和豐收的果實糅進生命的脈絡, 滋養人生 ,豐富人生,實現人生。 |