真地最近大概道行有長 開始對動物升起慈悲心 麥芽糖前輩說感恩節要吃烤火雞 我心裏就在為那麼多就要為感恩節進入人肚的火雞們感到心傷
我沒研究過 不過我覺得 動物的體型越大 牠的靈就越靈 火雞這麼大一隻 應該是比普通雞的靈更靈 前幾天為好久沒吃雞的兒子煮雞 在處理整隻雞的時後 竟然覺得我下刀要斬很難 而這個想吃又假慈悲的兒子在一旁觀看著說: 可憐的雞 要被斬成千千塊 我當時已經有困難要下手了 這人想吃還這麼說 我生氣了 叫他閉嘴 不然我就不煮了
不過 他是真地很有慈悲心的 我覺得這是天性 一隻受傷的小鳥 他將牠放入一個很安全的地方 不會被貓狗發現的地方藏起來 每日在牠的旁邊放米還有水 悄悄地在照顧牠直到被我發現這米是怎麼回事? 還有在他房間窗上作窩的小鳥 我叫他將窩拿下 他說: 媽媽! 裏面已經有小小鳥在叫呢! 妳想想若是你失去了賴以躲避風雨的窩 你要怎麼辦呢? 我就說: 那麼好吧! 等小鳥長大離巢了 馬上拿掉
今天讀報 有關一則 今年 美國 感恩節 推廣 黃豆作的火雞 新聞 連美國總統 Obama也一起讚助呢! 這真是應了我心所求 可憐的火雞終於有救了 下面是英文新聞:
No More Turkey
This year, American Thanksgiving has gone vegetarian.
An animal-right group has been campaigning to save some turkeys from the dinner table on Thanksgiving Day. The News & Observer of Raleigh reports that Mercy for Animals has put billboards urging drrvers to "spare a turkey" AND "choose vegetarian".
In order to cut calories and fat intake and perhaps cut costs, many families are opting for vegetarian dishes this year, and the alternatives are selling out. The vegan choices include tofurkey-_-- a portmanteau of tofu and turkey-- that is faux turkey. It's a loaf or casserole of vegetarian protein, usually made from wheat protein or tofu with a stuffing of grain and bread seasoned with herbs and spices.
Upholding the White House tradition of forging turkeys before Thanksgings, President Barack Obama pardoned the turkeys named Liberty and Peace recently.
Libery enjoyed the national spotlight at the North Portico during a brief ceremony, during which Obama made a priestly gesture over the bird before announcing: " You are hereby pardoned!"