You may as well try to be stubborn as this web-page manager, or even wilder.
BUT if there is any chance that
you become more and more suspecious and do not want to be
[a milkcow making virtue through meditation]
nourishing your VAMPIRE-SUCKER, Guru LEE,
then we MIGHT have further conversation about this all about.
Though I really don't have any intention
to be dogmatic either to speak out such an issue
when it comes to religeous which brings tremendous hostility.
Or you may just try to make yourself spiritual
instead being religeous.
Spirituality is the magic word.
If you insist to have your spiritual guidance,
you may as well have a option of that from a spiritual being
instead that of a human one.
You may have one if you try to be purely honest in time.
Somehow it is NOT all good when it comes to human nature
for it may be evil.
Anywhat I find the abuse of you being manipulated.