我在想拜登應該不希望自己真的勝出, 勝出意味著要接下川普的爛攤子 ... 尤其是抗疫或是開戰的決定
1. 全力抗疫保國家保經濟,
2. 借疫情失控指責中國放生物武器向中國開戰報復,
3. (1) + (2)
無論是川普連任或是拜登當選, 也不能繞過這個決擇
北京七人組, 自己小心
Trump began the day on an upbeat note, predicting that he'd do even better than in 2016, but during a midday visit to his campaign headquarters, spoke in a gravelly, subdued tone.
"Winning is easy," Trump told reporters. "Losing is never easy, not for me it's not."