“The Great Terror:作者逝世.
你們台灣人歷經日本帝國殖民主義統治50年,又被國民黨統治50年,1895-2000)這115年以來,台灣人無法當家作主,因為你們台灣人的祖先來自中國大陸,台灣人爛用民主政黨制度,搞統一與台獨活動,藉由選舉為名,騙取選票,為自己的政治利益及錢途著想,你們台灣人不知好歹,任意孳生事端,企圖已混謠視聽,無所不為的選舉惡招,搏取選票,此次的台灣地區的領導人選舉事件,空前冷淡與冷凍,就連聯合國選舉事務觀察團,也放棄到台灣觀察選舉相關活動,台灣地區的當選政黨,對於國際社會而言,你們只是選舉出美國駐台灣的業務代表,對中國而言你們只是地方性質的領導人傳話者.真正的全權掌握於中國政府,而美國人至始自終的壓迫台灣人,用台灣關係法箝制台灣,詐騙台灣人的錢財,不可憐也不可悲,這是台灣人的命運.你們台灣人不要反對中國,要反對美國,才能有光明與希望,你們台灣人應該建立屬於自己的真實政權,跳脫藍綠極端的政黨惡鬥,建立中立國的憲政體制重,新返回國際社會,才能以新國家名稱(台灣人民共和國,THE PEOPLE"S REPUBLIC OF TAIWAN)申請加入聯合國,打開出路,否則永遠輪迴藍綠政黨惡鬥,最後終於互不相讓,自相殘殺,內戰,導致中國出兵,解決台灣,收回,國家一統江山,天下太平.這樣一來台灣人永遠是屬於中國而不是屬於國際社會?
喬治·羅伯特·阿克沃斯·康奎斯特,George Robert Acworth Conquest,美籍英國歷史學家和詩人,史丹福大學胡佛研究所研究員。以對於蘇聯歷史的研究最為著名。他被認為是現代歐洲最早揭露史達林時代恐怖統治真相的歷史學者之一。
Robert Conquest, a historian whose landmark studies of the Stalinist purges and the Ukrainian famine of the 1930s documented the horrors perpetrated by the Soviet regime against its own citizens, died on Monday in Stanford, Calif. He was 98.
His wife, the former Elizabeth Neece, said the cause was pneumonia.
Mr. Conquest, a poet and science-fiction buff, turned to the study of the Soviet Union in the mid-1950s out of dissatisfaction with the quality of analysis he saw at the British Foreign Office, where he worked after World War II in the Information Research Department, a semi-secret office responsible for combating Soviet propaganda.
“The ambassadors varied between people who were interested in politics and people who were interested in music,” he told The Guardian in 2003. “I wanted to study the evolutions at the top in Soviet Russia.”
As one of the Movement poets of the 1950s, a group that included Kingsley Amis, Philip Larkin and Thom Gunn, Mr. Conquest embarked on a research fellowship at the London School of Economics and produced “Power and Politics in the USSR” (1960), a book that established him as a leading Kremlinologist.
Eight years later, during the Prague Spring, he published “The Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Thirties,” a chronicle of Stalin’s merciless campaign against political opponents, intellectuals, military officers — anyone who could be branded an “enemy of the people.”