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 China may be building first indigenous carrier?





  China just flew long-range bombers deep into the Pacific — and it's sending a message about what its military can do







China just flew long-range bombers deep into the Pacific — and it's sending a message about what its military can do


China just flew long-range bombers deep into the Pacific — and it's sending a message about what its military can do



  • An unidentified hull in an advanced state of construction at Dalian shipyard could be China's first indigenous aircraft carrier
  • While a conclusive identification of the hull as an aircraft carrier cannot be made until work is observed on the upper decks and potential flight deck, the slow pace of assembly and outline suggests a military hull under construction

Satellite imagery suggests that China may be building its first aircraft carrier at Dalian shipyard in northern China.

Aircraft Carrier Project Phase 2 - New Construction,Beijing will build two more aircraft carriers.

China is designing and building its second aircraft carrier "completely on its own" in Dalian in northeastern Liaoning Province, a Defense Ministry spokesperson confirmed 31 December 2015. This carrier, with a displacement of 50,000 tonnes, will be a base for J-15 fighters and other types of aircraft, Yang Yujun told a monthly press briefing. Fixed-wing aircraft on the carrier will use a ski-jump to take off, he said. The design and building of this second aircraft carrier has been based on experience, research and training on the first carrier, the Liaoning, he added.

It is not clear whether the "50,000 tonnes" displacement is light or loaded. If the former, it implies a ship somewhat larger than the 42,000 ton French Charles de Gaulle, which is 858 feet long. If the stated displacement is the light displacement, a common practice among Asian navies, then the new Chinese carrier would be slightly smaller than the old American CV-59 Forrestal class, which was 56,000 tons light and 79,300 tons full loaded. The length of the Forrestal units ranged from 1,063 feet to 1,086 feet.


 The PLA Navy would need to overcome several large obstacles before it could field an operational aircraft carrier and associated supporting ships. First, the PLA Navy did not initially have any carrier-capable aircraft. Second, although substantially improved in these areas, it still needed more and better anti-submarine and anti-aircraft capabilities to protect a carrier and its supporting vessels. Finally, to have adequate power projection capabilities from the use of a carrier, it was preferable to have more than one carrier so that a carrier was assuming the mission at sea at all times. Thus, many experts concluded that an operational aircraft carrier would not appear to be in China's near future, even though China was funding research and development and training officers in aircraft carrier operations.




CV Conjectural Designs

 New Chinese Aircraft Carrier - New Construction - Conjectural


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