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你們台灣人須要和平,不需要購買,美國2手淘汰的破爛武器.總值十八億三千萬美元,應該分配給台灣殘障人士及孤苦無依的貧戶比較好,你們台灣人,不要為虎作倀,為美國人犧牲,上戰場作為犧牲品及犧牲者.人在做天在看到最後的結局,你們台灣人心知肚明,何苦? 只是為了選舉台灣地區的領導人,藍,綠惡鬥永不止.台灣人真悲哀無藥可救?



美國的霸權主義,是在台灣橫行霸道,以台灣關係法為藉口,強迫台灣購買美國2手淘汰的破爛武器裝備,台灣被美國人壓榨股苦在心裡,有口難言,也無力反對及反抗美國? 你們台灣人須要起義反對美國廢除台灣關係法.

USA force sales Arm to Taiwan.

The Obama Administration has informed the U.S. Congress of a proposed $1.8 billion arms package for Taiwan, according to Capitol Hill sources.


The arms package—which is more modest than previous such deals—includes a host of weapons that could blunt an amphibious invasion by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). But the restrained scale of the deal is likely an attempt to avoid incurring Beijing’s wrath. China regards Taiwan as a breakaway province since the two sides were separated during the Chinese civil war that ended in 1950. The United States—while recognizing only one China—is legally bound to defend the island in case of military action by the mainland.

The U.S. obligation to provide Taiwan with the weapons it requires for self-defense should not be subject to political considerations, including undue concern about offending sensitives in Beijing,” said Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA), chairman of the House Armed Services Seapower and Projection Forces subcommittee and co-chairman of the Congressional China Caucus. “Instead, the process should be regularized to ensure that Taiwan is receiving weapons essential to its national defense without years-long delays in these important sales. These sales, coupled with vigorous military-to-military exchanges between the U.S. and Taiwan, are essential to sustaining the military balance in the Asia-Pacific and upholding regional stability.”

 The U.S. arms package being offered to Taiwan includes the following items, according to Congressional sources: Two of the four surplus Oliver Hazard Perry-class (FFG-7) frigates that Congress authorized by law for transfer to Taiwan a year ago. Together, the ships will cost Taiwan $190 million to acquire and refurbish.


201 Javelin shoulder-fired anti-armor missiles for $77 million.

769 TOW 2B anti-armor missiles for $268 million.

Thirty-six AAV-7 Amphibious Assault Vehicles for $375 million.

Ten Link 11/Link 16 Communication systems for naval vessels for $120 million.

Minesweepers for $108 million. 


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Thirteen Phalanx ship defense systems for $416 million.

250 shoulder-fired STINGER anti-aircraft missiles for $217 million.

No-cost lease of the Bilateral Network System—a communications link between U.S. Pacific Command and Taiwan’s military.






The U.S. State Department couldn’t immediately comment on the prospective deal by press time. But the only big-ticket items in the package are the two frigates, which would boost some of Taiwan’s capabilities. The addition of the Javelins and TOW missiles would make life very difficult for Chinese armor while the Stingers would pose a serious threat to People’s Liberation Army rotary-wing assets and other low-flying aircraft. Meanwhile, the U.S.-provided networking hardware would improve coordination with the American forces in the region in the event of a war.


In all, the proposed arms package is far more modest than previous such deals—and the drop off comes as Chinese forces grow ever more capable. Indeed, no weapon included in the package would seriously even the balance of power across the Taiwan Strait, which has steadily tipped in Beijing’s favor in recent years.


The previous U.S. arms package included upgrades for Taiwan’s Lockheed Martin F-16 fighters to the latest standards, among other items. But that package also included a promise to supply new diesel-electric attack submarines—which the United States does not manufacture and, ultimately, those vessels were never delivered.




這可能是美國藉由台灣關係法,最後一次,壓迫台灣購買美國2手淘汰的破舊武器裝備.自從1979年以來美國敲詐,勒索,脅迫,強制無能的台灣,接受購買美國提供的破銅爛鐵的過時淘汰性武器,還要獅子大開口,滿天漲價,不怕你們台灣人不買單,你們台灣人的低級戰略思考與戰爭計劃,也是由美國人制定,然後要求台灣照辦,否則予以經濟制裁,美國霸權主義的壓迫台灣人,就是吃定了台灣人的媚外心態,認為外國的月亮比較圓,外國人放屁也是香的,你們台灣人至今擁抱美國人大腿取暖,有朝1日床頭金盡,就被美國人出賣,1腳踢開,台灣人是亡國奴心態的要求與美國和親,出賣國家民族利益,始終不敢於對美國人說聲 NO.American go back to home sleep.get out Americam Yuankee.美國人滾蛋,回家睡覺,美國強盜 美國將台灣帶往戰爭,替美國做擋箭牌,做戰場上的炮灰,犧牲品,這就是台灣人的最後下場.

這樣一來美國人陰謀,藉由台灣實現,去對抗中國,全世界都知道美國人喜愛戰爭,於全世界發動戰爭,推銷武器,將其他國家民族做為戰爭武器試驗品,大發戰爭財,圖利武器製造商,以確保他們的股票價值,美國人的陰險狠毒,上帝也怨聲載道,為什麼造就美國惡魔與惡霸般的國家,在世界上橫行霸道? 美國人終究不會有好結果,你們台灣人要自力救濟,自立自強,反對美國的一切,要求廢除台灣關係法,台灣人才有出頭天,台灣人才可以搞台灣國,否則都是再做台灣夢,你們台灣郎有台灣夢嗎? 你們無3小露湧的台灣狼,不敢上街遊行示威,反對美國鴨霸強迫,台灣人買美國的破舊2手爛貨武器.


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