7:自行毛遂自薦,聽說亞投行,自從20150629正式簽署AIIB 協定以來,世界各國許多優秀的國際級人士,均紛紛透過管道,投遞個人履歷表,希望拔得頭籌,被AIIB聘用服務,具瞭解已超過15000人士左右? 聽說台灣方面也有3人投遞履歷表?
亞投行的工作人員也可以來自非成員國。曾為世界銀行效力多年的兩名美國人現在就在為新成立的亞投行工作,他們分別是世界銀行前質保高級顧問史蒂芬·F·林特納(Stephen F. Lintner)和卸任世界銀行副總經理法律顧問的納塔莉·利希滕斯坦(Natalie Lichtenstein)。
根據情資顯示出Dr. Stephen F. Lintner Senior Technical Advisor,他是Safe guard Policies 這方面的權威專業人士,亞投行將由他執掌合約融資案件的終極審查部門,他將由至少7人小組的各類經濟,財務,工程,環保,農業,礦業,契約條文書記等人員,作詳細的文件審查及驗證,FIDIC/EPC各式各樣的文件合約資料,確保融資申請專案的完整性,財務金融及金額的調配,聽說某東南亞國家業已提呈詳細申請融資專案計劃書,目前以由SL及其小組人員進行審查作業中?
至於剛卸任退休的世界銀行副總經理,法律顧問的納塔莉·利希滕斯坦(Natalie Lichtenstein)。她對於國際法律及處理國際事務的實際經驗,將給亞投行提供最佳的法律顧問諮詢商議,她可能就是傳說中的顧問長之一,另外尚有至少10多位左右的,各國中央銀行,大咖重量級的退休人士,將於2016年初,陸續向亞投行報到服務.
Natalie G Lichtenstein , J.D. Adjunct Professor of China Studies,Ms. Lichtenstein retired in 2010 after nearly 30 years as a lawyer at the World Bank. She served as counsel for lending operations in numerous countries, including China and Viet Nam, and was Chief Counsel for the East Asia & Pacific Region. As Assistant General Counsel, she was the senior lawyer on institutional legal matters, and then led work on reforms to increase developing country voice in the World Bank Group. From 1978-80, she was an Attorney-Adviser (International Affairs) at the U.S. Department of Treasury, where she worked on normalization of US-China relations.
1. AIIB Mandate. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is an international organization that provides a multilateral regional financing and investment platform for infrastructure development and improvement in Asia. AIIB’s goal is to increase the pool of multilateral development support available to regional economies for infrastructure development and improvement. In doing so, AIIB cooperates closely with existing multilateral development banks and other development partners; and its financing complements and supplements their efforts.
Overview of the Environmental and Social Framework.
2. Structure of the Environmental and Social Framework. The Environmental and Social Framework comprises:
Introduction and Vision. These provide an overview of AIIB, the Environmental and Social Framework, the Framework’s objectives and the aspirations of AIIB concerning: (a) environmental and social sustainability; and (b) its role in meeting the challenge of sustainable development in Asia.2.
Environmental and Social Policy. This comprises the overall mandatory environmental and social requirements for each Operation.3
Environmental and Social Standards. Three mandatory environmental and social standards set out the environmental and social requirements applicable to specific aspects of an Operation,4 as follows:
o Standard 1: Environmental and Social Assessment;
o Standard 2: Involuntary Resettlement; and
o Standard 3: Indigenous Peoples.