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2017-J20 成軍服役中國成為世界上第2個擁有第5代隱形戰機國家

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2017-J20 成軍服役中國成為世界上第2個擁有第5代隱形戰機國家.

J-20 2017 China stealth fighter

China Is Building The World's Second Stealth Air Force.Expert: No. 2017 J-20 fighter might be the last prototype, small mass production will begin.

中國空軍成功試飛2017版.J-20,成為世界上第2名,擁有第5代隱含戰鬥機的國家.而且即將量產服役.根據西方軍事觀察家分析認為,J-20完全是中國空軍自用型號,不考慮外銷型號的生產,但不排除生產J-20B.J-20C 適合航空母艦的艦載機型號,如此一來中國的3大類各式各樣的戰鬥機,低空(J-10.J11,J14),中空(J15.J16,J17.)高空(J18.J20,J31)的作戰防禦體系,在2020年完成,屆時澈底改變東海,南海,西太平洋地區的戰略生態環境,這也就是說美國擔憂及害怕的事情,終於來臨並且成為事實,尤其甚者就是J-20.J-31都是長程重型戰鬥機.同時中國同步發展J-18戰鬥轟炸機,說穿喇就是與美國F-18A一模一養的飛機,各位讀者們你們評論為什麼美國總是先趨者,中國是追隨者?


一位退休的蘇聯空軍將軍,詼諧的說,這是意料中的事情,因為中國仿製SU-35的生產線早已準備妥當,開始生產製造J-37(中國版SU-35)的各式各樣的主要零件及配件,換句話說中國將在2022年左右推出J-37加入空軍部隊服役? 屆時生米煮成熟飯蘇聯也OK,雙方皆大歡喜,舉辦聯合軍演,比較蘇聯SU-35與中國J-37的優劣?

Восьмой летный прототип китайского истребителя J-20

Совершил первый полет восьмой летный опытный образец китайского истребителя пятого поколения J-20, Как сообщают китайские веб-ресурсы, 24 ноября 2015 года на аэродроме китайского авиастроительного объединения Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group (CAIG) в Чэнду совершил первый полет восьмой летный опытный образец китайского истребителя пятого поколения J-20 - самолет с бортовым номером "2017". 
Первый летный прототип истребителя J-20 (бортовой номер "2001") разработки и постройки CAIG совершил первый полет в Чэнду 11 января 2011 года, а второй прототип (бортовой номер "2002") - в мае 2012 года. За ними последовали опытные образцы с бортовыми номерами "2011" (первый полет в марте 2014 года), "2012" (июль 2014 года), "2013" (ноябрь 2014 года), "2015" (декабрь 2014 года) и "2016" (сентябрь 2015 года).

Eight in a row."2017"'s roll out further solidifies China's position as the leading aviation power in Asia."2017" prototype heralds the end of an era for J-20 fighter jet testing, start of another era.

2017".Prototype "2017" is the eighth J-20 stealth fighter, its most noticeable exterior improvement is a redesigned cockpit canopy. The ceremony surrounding its November 24, 2015 maiden flight (note brightly dressed civilians in the background) suggests that the J-20 project has hit a major milestone, with LRIP likely to start next year.

The eighth J-20 prototype "2017" made its maiden flight on November 24, 2015 at the Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC) factory in Chengdu, China. Complete with a red carpet launch ceremony, the event was well attended by AVIC dignitaries, J-20 program personnel and government officials. After several months of preliminary flight testing, "2017" is likely to be taken by the Chine Test Flight Establishment (CTFE) to remote northern China, where it can conduct more significant testing away from prying eyes.

The most significant change in the new prototype is the reshaped cockpit canopy, which provides the pilot with greater visibility. The lack of othergreat design changes suggest that "2017" is very close to the final J-20 production configuration. Since "2017" is likely the last J-20 prototype, low rate initial production (LRIP) of the J-20 is likely to being next year. Assuming serial production, the first Chinese squadron of J-20s will start flying in 2017, about six years after the J-20's first flight in January 2011.


 If those projections hold, China be the second country in the world, after the U.S., to field an operational stealth fighter force in the "fifth generation" category. While the initial batch of J-20s may not be as fast as the F-22 (but will be fast as the F-35), they will still possess stealthy features, advanced radars, jammers, infrared sensors and long range missiles, providing new competition in the arms race to dominate the skies.

 J-20 2017 China stealth fighter


Black Dragons:The first squadrons of LRIP J-20 stealth fighters will have less powerful engines, but their stealth, radars and avionics would still put them ahead of any non fifth generation fighter in Asia, or the world.


J-20 (2010-2016)中國自行設計研發製造生產全世界第5代隱形戰鬥機歷經6年來的不斷改良終於定款2017.J-20.經過RU20151124的最後試飛成功全面符合9大ECS系統中國空軍決定先行量產3大隊也就是36架.預計2017年下部隊服役.



首批J-20可能不像F-22那麼快,但她們仍具備隱形匿蹤的特點、擁有先進的雷達、紅外線感測器(infrared sensors)、遠程導彈,在中國新制空軍裝備中,提供新的空中作戰打擊的競爭力。

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