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其實天下沒有白吃的午餐,英國不顧美國的反對,率先西方諸國加入亞投行AIIB,以及協助中國人民幣加速國際化,在IMF以及世界銀行,均大力支持中國的各種提案,暗中協助中國過5關斬6強,英國是老牌的頭號帝國主義,侵略型的國家,自1850年鴉片戰爭以來至1950年來,都是侵略中國,只如今年華老去,昔日的帝國風彩一去不返,`僅有依靠中華帝國的協助,渡過漫長的晚年,中國將由英國在其優異的國際金融,操作實務,協助中國在國際間發展,英國將協助訓練中國高級的銀行財務人士,以便順利發展啞投行的業務,根據情資透露英國也將協助中國及國際貿易市場,以人民幣作為國際貿易報價的主要貨幣業務,由英國作為總清算外匯銀行,業務賺取3% 拥金服務費,具信英國將座者收取過路費,年營收,將高達30億英鎊,這是美國恨之入骨的大事件,尤其甚者英國將要協助中國籌劃"亞洲國際銀行"的事項,協助中國發行"亞元"的重要任務.



英國採取自由的古典經濟學原理,進行誘導中國,深入國際市場探索開發,從中謀取利益,這與美國圍堵封殺中國的策略不同,所以說薑是老的辣不無道理,相信各位讀者們或多或少的得到相關的資訊,此次中國大皇帝習近平,已完成他的使命與任務,接下來執行的細節,將由中國,英國各相關單位加速的討論,,細心幹活喇, 在此筆者透露訊息,中,英雙方將大肆招考專業人士,進行工作,你們台灣人,要把握機會,認定自己的專業,投身國際市場競爭,為自己找尋出路,不要在台灣玩弄藍,綠惡鬥的遊戲,難道你們不喜愛英鎊與人民幣?























UK-China Joint Statement on building a global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st Century

At the invitation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, His Excellency President Xi Jinping of the Peoples Republic of China undertook a State Visit to the UK from 19 to 23 October 2015. During the visit, President Xi was received by Her Majesty and senior members of the Royal Family, and held extensive in-depth discussions with Prime Minister David Cameron at No. 10 Downing Street, his Chequers residence, and during a visit to Manchester.

Both sides agree that the State Visit by President Xi Jinping, as the culmination of the high-level exchanges this year, provides a historic opportunity for UK-China relations. The UK and China commit to building a global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st Century. This visit opens a golden era in UK-China relations featuring enduring, inclusive and win-win cooperation.

In the last decade, the bilateral relationship has flourished and matured with close high-level exchanges, deeper political trust, fruitful economic cooperation and wider people-to-people contact.

The two sides recognise the global significance and strategic importance of stronger UK-China relations in promoting global peace, stability and prosperity.


Both sides welcome the strengthening economic recovery in the UK and some other advanced economies, but significant risks to the global economy remain. Even as China is undergoing enormous transformation, the two sides firmly believe that the vast size and potential of Chinas economy will continue to drive strong growth for years to come.


The UK and China regard each others development as providing important opportunities for bilateral cooperation. Both sides will enhance bilateral trade and investment, and support mutual economic competitiveness and innovation for the benefit of both peoples in the decade ahead.

The two sides will further enhance political trust based on equality and mutual respect and, in that spirit, recognise the importance each side attaches to its own political system, development path, core interests and major concerns.


The two sides will increase the frequency, breadth and depth of high-level exchanges to guide the development and increase the potential of their bilateral relations. They will maintain and strengthen such mechanisms as the Annual Prime Ministers Meeting, Strategic Dialogue, Economic and Financial Dialogue, and High-Level People-to-People Dialogue. Both sides will continue to promote the exchanges between their legislatures and political parties, and broaden regional and local collaboration between the two countries.


The UK and China both face the tasks of reform, growth and innovation and are uniquely matched to cooperate on economic development. They stand ready to learn from each others successful experience and find new models of cooperation to support the growth of sustainable economies underpinned by world class science and innovation. The two sides agree to raise the level of cooperation in innovation and establish a UK-China Innovation Cooperation Partnership.

The two sides stress the importance of bilateral investment in promoting growth and jobs, and will continue to expand two-way trade in goods and services. They commit to creating a fair, transparent, positive and business-friendly policy environment for two-way investment and addressing business concerns regarding market access and regulations. They will work together to protect intellectual property of Chinese and British companies in both countries.


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