不過TED是另一個故事,且別說現在海龜有多「endangered」了,先看看WTO 的panel report:
Pursuant to the United States Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, all sea turtles that occur in US waters are listed as endangered or threatened species. In 1987, the United States issued regulations pursuant to the ESA that required all United States shrimp trawlers to use Turtle Excluder Devices ("TEDs") or tow-time restrictions in specified areas where there was a significant mortality of sea turtles associated with shrimp harvesting. Developed over the past two decades in the southeast shrimp fisheries of the United States, TEDs are considered to be an effective way in which to exclude by-catch during shrimp trawling. The 1987 Regulations became fully effective in 1990 and were modified to require the use of TEDs at all times and in all areas where shrimp trawling interacts in a significant way with sea turtles.
1. 訴求一個不能拒絕的道德理想
2. 把這個道德理想跟某種進入障礙連結(早期是專利,近期是商標或證明標章)
3. 利用此一進入障礙排除競爭對手
今天小弟有點忙,有空再討論Body shop 的成功範例。說實在,我對這些人的敬意多於敵意,如果有機會,我也想加入達賴集團。