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自從二十多年前鄧小平宣佈改革開放,中國大陸便開始大範圍地和西方接觸。其實大陸的封閉是被迫的,幾十年來西方對中國政策性的禁運和抵制使大陸無法不封閉,只剩下香港這個窗口,造成香港畸形的繁榮。 今天大陸高唱和西方「接軌」就是加緊步伐尋找一個有效的交流方式。但是東西方的文化差異太大,中國又是一個古老的文化大國,和西方「接軌」談何容易。看看這些歐美的中國留學生,他(她)們在西方住了幾十年也無法融入當地的社會,我們就知道這「接軌」絕不是一件簡單的事。 「接軌」的第一件事就是語言,英文這個“世界語言”碰到東方大國就有了麻煩,成了與中國溝通最大的問題。2008年的奧運會一天天逼近,種種準備工作在中國如火如荼地展開。現在大陸一片英語熱,連計程車司機都要接受英語訓練。前幾天「聯合晚報」有一篇文章報導指出大陸餐館的菜單語法亂拼,譬如「宮保雞」的對照英文是「Government abuse chicken」,成了「政府虐待雞」。至於三文(明)治叫「three text cure」、「上湯雲吞」叫「top soup cloud swallow」就更玄了,保証教老外看了傻眼。 其實中國的菜名本來就有點玄,一道「螞蟻上樹」若是沒人指點或是曾經吃過,連老中也不知道是啥菜。中國人凡事喜歡討個好彩頭,於是在喜慶宴會取個吉利的菜名是常事。譬如「早生貴子」,老外就糊塗了,老中多半知道大概是「紅棗、花生、桂圓、蓮子湯」。但是譬如一道菜取名「龍鳳呈祥」,它最可能是冷盤,但有可能是熱炒,說不定是點心,如果端出來的是一大盆羹湯也不會奇怪,老中也搞不清楚,反正上什麼就吃什麼,到時候就知道了。老中習以為常,老外不能接受,這就是文化差異。 「聯合晚報」的報導指出北京當局已經對餐館和旅館菜單的英文翻譯展開核查工作。初步完成的餐飲英文菜單,範圍涵蓋冷菜、熱菜、羹湯、主食、小吃、西餐、甜品、中國酒、洋酒、飲料等多個品類,數千種菜名、酒水,光是飲料目前收集到的就有兩百多種。仔細一想,這工作是很繁重的,並沒有想像中那麼容易。北京當局將在1月底把官方翻譯正式推出,由旅遊局加以推廣。 中國人蠻有趣的,天生的商人,為了賺錢,有條件就上,沒有條件就硬上,反正上了再說,有問題到時候再想辦法解決。所以大陸出現一些“生猛的”英文一點也不奇怪。其實“生猛的”英文豈止出在餐飲業,市場和交通都有問題。YST 貼幾張“生猛的”照片給各位瞧瞧。 老外有膽去買車票嗎? 這個英文夠猛罷? 超猛的英文翻譯,這是英文和簡體字同時創造的笑話。
清晨獨自慢跑的 YST
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大概7年前,我曾經給《新民晚報》的值班室打電話 他們在副版的職業培訓介紹文章中,竟然把project印成了prqect,這顯然是一個印刷錯誤。遺憾的是,通篇從標題到內文有接近10處都是錯的,而責任編輯卻沒有發現 不過,現在應該是越來越好了
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First of all, I am not a Singaporean. Secondly, I don’t operate the website http://www.yourdictionary.com/. If you don’t agree with the definition, then by all mean you are welcomed to shot them a mail. But, be polite, I guess they will not entertain your mail if you don’t behave yourself. Thirdly, most of us know that Singlish is informal. A lot of us (of course including a lot of non-Singaporean) like to use it for fun. Furthermore, you already know that it is ‘Singlish’ and not English, why bother to laugh at the grammar? Lastly, attacking other in order to justify or cover up own mistakes could not deny the fact that at least two persons did not know the actual meaning of ‘low class’ and could not differentiate the differences between ‘lower class’ and ‘low class’. By the way, you already put in the definition of Low Class by yourself . Vulgar or crude; common: was put off by their low-class behavior.
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Just " Google " [ Low Class ] and [ Singlish ], then you will know how lousy "Singlish" is (or, you are)!
No offence, visit this webpage,
read the explanation from the webpage. 'Low class', when it is used informally for scolding another person, is defined as (just in case you can't view the webpage): low-class Definition low·-class (lō′klas′) adjective Informal vulgar, coarse, or undignified low-class Usage Examples Modifies a noun - prostitute: All the actors in Kabuki are men, playing the roles of warriors and thieves as well as respectable ladies and low-class prostitutes.
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low-class: Occupying
the lowest socioeconomic position in a society . 1. Of or relating to the lower socioeconomic classes. 2. Vulgar or crude; common: was put off by their low-class behavior. Low-class “下流”階級,生物食物鏈最底層,也被引申為”低級的”商品等‧所以大陸留學生英文TOEFL比新加坡人的Singlish 好太多了: Singlish -------------------------括弧內才是正港英文( English) Dis country
weather very hot one.(In this country, the weather is very warm.) Dat person there cannot
trust. (That person over there is not trustworthy.) Tomorrow dun
need bring camera. (You don't need to bring a camera tomorrow.) He play soccer also
very good one leh. (He's very good at playing soccer too.) Not good one lah. (This isn't good.) Cannot anihow go liddat one leh. (You/it
can't go just like that.) How come never show up? (Why didn't
you/he/it show up? (See the use of never in place of didn't
under the "Past tense" section.) I li badminton, dat's why I every weekend go
play. ( I like badminton, so I play it every weekend.) He not feel well, so he stay home sleep lor. (He's
not feeling well, so he decided to stay home and sleep.) Aiyah, cannot wait any more, must go oreddy. (Oh dear, I cannot wait any longer. I must leave immediately.) Yesterday, dey go there oreddy. (They already
went there yesterday.) Ah Song kena sai oreddy, then how? (If Ah
Song were to get in trouble, what would you do?) He throw it liao.He has already thrown it
away.) I eat liao.(I ate or I have eaten.) This new game, you play liao or not? (As for
this new game, have you played it yet?)
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TOEFL 是怎样过关的?
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令我叹息的是,一位自称到美国留学的大陆人,给一个用英文回应的新加坡人骂了一句Low Class后, 还回应
还有哦,不可以瞧不起'low class'(草根阶层),敬人者人恒敬之,告诉你这个新加坡人,这才是中华民族的基本美德。
这不是很悲哀呢? 这个人‘从很小就开始读三字经,唐诗宋词,后来论语,中庸,庄子,十几岁了以后,吕氏春秋,史记,资治通鉴断断续续看了一点,红楼梦倒是读了几遍’。读这些不是问题,但,和世界接轨就是要学好外文。到了美国还是这种水准,TOEFL 是怎样过关的?
go and look! 走著瞧
good good study,day day up 好好學習,天天向上
no mao ze dong ,no new china, 沒有毛澤東,沒有新中國
go a head! 去個頭!
people mountain people sea 人山人海
no three no four 不三不四
u ask me,i ask who? 你問我,我問誰?
if you old three old four,i will give you color see see 如果你老三老四,我就給你點顏色看看
dog day’s 狗日的
poor light egg 窮光蛋
do early f**k 做早操
go to your mother 去你md
full clear ten big cool punishment 滿清十大酷刑
after i do something! aids愛滋病!
day day do morning f**k! 天天做早操
i saw a man saw a saw with a saw~~~~ 我看到一個男人拿一把鋸子在鋸一把鋸子
kill one police hundred 殺一警百
give you* **ce,you don’t sport! 給你臉,你不會運用!
fat head fish 胖頭魚
gold basih washes my hands! 金盆洗手
you me you me 彼此彼此
f**k do system. 操作系統
horse horse tiger tiger 馬馬虎虎
where cool where you stay!! 哪兒涼快哪兒呆著
you give me stop!! 你給我站住!!
fish yes 於(魚)是
see you tomorrow 誰又偷貓肉
sir, you going down? 先生,你夠淫蕩
know is know noknow is noknow 知之為知之,不知為不知
we are brother,who and who? 咱哥倆誰跟誰啊
eyes keep healthy f**k 眼保健操
king eight egg 王八蛋
let’s go shopping 賴雌勾哨兵
5 talks, 4 beauties & 3 loves五講四美三熱愛
you ask me, i ask who 你問我,我問誰啊
look through autumn water! 望穿秋水
why? 為什麼
no why! 不為什麼
why no why? 為什麼不為什麼
no why no why! 不為什麼不為什麼
you have painting hurry say, you have ass hurry fart! 有話快說,有屁快放!
how are you?怎麼是你?
how old are you?怎麼老是你?
f**k do computer!操作電腦
watch sister 表妹
blue whose and whose 不入虎穴,焉得虎子
ice snow clever 冰雪聰明
blake new new 黑猩猩
save water. shower with your girlfriend. 要節約用水,盡量和女友一起洗澡
love the neighbor. but don’t get caught. 要用心去愛你的鄰居,不過不要讓她的老公知道
"your future depends on your dreams." so go to sleep. “現在的夢想決定著你的將來”,所以還是再睡一會吧。
"hard work never killed anybody." but why take the risk? “努力工作不會導致死亡!”不過我不會用自己去證明。
"work fascinates me." i can look at it for hours! " “工作好有意思耶!”尤其是看著別人工作。
the more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, the more you forget. the more you forget, the less you know. so why bother to learn.學的越多,知道的越多,知道的越多,忘記的越多,忘記的越多,知道的越少,為什麼學來著?!
no matter three seven tweenty-one. 不管三七二十一
try try see 試試看
hit fire machine 打火機
一位學生在美國加州目睹了一起交通事故,由於好奇,一直沒有離開,警察來了以後問他知不知道事情的經過。he said :one car come one car go
two car peng peng one man die
小強轉頭就對老外說:no sit see,stand see. if see stand see.
老外回答說:sorry i don’t understand your english.
1﹒ we two who and who?
2﹒ how are you ? how old are you?
3﹒ you don't bird me,I don't bird you
4﹒ you have seed I will give you some color to see see,
brothers !together
5﹒ hello everybody!if you have something to say,then say!if you
have nothing to say,go home!!
6﹒what is IMU3.0? it is a kind of chat tool!
什麼是IMU3。0?IMU3.0 是一種聊天工具!
7﹒ You Give Me Stop!!
8﹒ know is know noknow is noknow
10﹒ IMU3。0 both can do what???
11﹒ American Chinese not enough
13﹒ heart flower angry open
14﹒ go past no mistake past
15﹒ 小明:I am sorry!
老外:I am sorry too!
小明:I am sorry three!
老外:What are you sorry for?
小明:I am sorry five!
16﹒ If you want money,I have no;if you want life,I have one!
17﹒ I call Li old big. toyear 25.
18﹒ you have two down son。
19﹒ as far as you go to die
20﹒ I give you face you don't want face,you lose you face ,I
turn my face.
21.干貨fuck goods
22.一次性用品:one sex thing
23.不要在關公面前耍大刀:DO not play a big knife before guangong!
24.salty to fuck the peanut鹹干花生
25.童子雞Chicken without sexual life
據新出爐的北京「中文功能表英文譯法」,四川名菜「夫妻肺片」的民間譯法「Husband and wife’s lungslice」,被修訂為「Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce」(泡在辣椒醬裡的牛肉和黃牛肚)。
「中文功能表英文譯法」由北京市政府外事辦和北京市旅遊局編輯出版,... 佛跳牆 Fotiaoqiang (Steamed Aalone with Shark’s Fin and Fish Maw)、紅燒獅子頭民間譯法為Red Burned Lion Head,修訂為 Braised Pork Balls in Soy Sauce (用棕色調料燉爛的肉丸)、麻婆豆腐則改譯為 Beancurd made by a pock-marked woman Mapo Tofu(滿臉雀斑的女人製作的豆腐)。 我覺得這是沒用的。做生意就是為了賺錢。做生意絕對不以學術正確為目的。
夫妻肺片他們會吃嗎?Tripes 是有些外國人會吃,特別是中南美洲人。但是我敢保證,80% 以上的主流有錢美國觀光客最多吃一次就夠了,絕對不會吃第二次。如果他們知道夫妻肺片是辣的,80% 以上的人根本不會點。
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卫生间的警示牌“No occupying while stabling.”外国人理解的是“当将马拴进马厩时勿占用”。正确的英文表达应该是“No occupying while stopping.”
在慕田峪长城曾经有一块硕大的英文标牌,写着“请注意阴部卫生”(Please take care of pubic sani tation),因为漏写一个字母“l”,本意要说“请注意公共卫生”的提示变成了一个巨大的国际玩笑。
虹桥机场曾印着一行中文“请勿忘随身物品”,下面一行的英文“Don't forget your thing”在英语语言文化中的表达意思是,提醒男性乘客“别忘带走你的‘小弟弟’”。