Suspension of Habeas Corpus 美國在二戰時也做過,不是戒嚴 (marshal law)。也從沒聽哪位史學家這麽說過。 至少這和[寧可錯殺三千,不可放過一個]的戒嚴天差地遠,内戰時林肯被罵得狗血噴頭。1864年再當選,很大一部分也是僥幸因爲亞特蘭大戰役的勝利。沒有戒嚴法,北方照樣勝利。老蔣當年搞[寧可錯殺三千,不可放過一個]照樣一敗塗地。到臺灣後再接再厲,到底爲啥,大家心中有數。
本人資料來自於why the north won the civil war. ISPN:0020316607
collier books.
見the military leadership of north and south by T. Harry Williams, Louisiana State U.
Northern Diplomacy and European Neutrality by Norman A. Graebner, U of illinois
Died of democracy by David Donald, Columbia University.