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考古與歷史:羅馬的慢性衰亡 - Tim Newcomb


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A Staggering Excavation Has Rewritten the Fall of the Roman Empire

Tim Newcomb, 03/05/25

*  A 13-year archeological excavation has shown that what was once believed a backwater town for the Roman Empire lasted far longer than originally believed.
*  Interamna Lirenas was a thriving town well into the 3rd century AD.
*  A geophysical survey has allowed researchers to build a highly detailed image of the town’s layout, with an impressive list of urban features.

Interamna Lirenas has turned out to be far more than a “backwater town” of the 
Roman Empire. According to a published study in Roman Urbanism in Italy, this central Italian town thrived well beyond previous belief, using its impressive urban features and forward-thinking design to stave off the effects of the empire’s collapse well into the 3rd century AD.

“We started with a site so unpromising that no one had ever tried to 
excavate it,” Alessandro Launaro, the study’s author and Interamna Lirenas Project lead at the University of Cambridge’s Classics Faculty, said in a statement. “That’s very rare in Italy.”

The team was astonished by what they found. From a roofed theater and market locations to warehouses and a river 
port, the discovery tossed aside assumptions previously held about the area and the decline of Roman Italy. It turns out that Interamna Lirenas survived for around 300 years longer than previously believed, and was a flourishing town to boot.

“There was nothing on the surface, no visible evidence of 
buildings, just bits of broken pottery,” Launaro said. “But what we discovered wasn’t a backwater, far from it. We found a thriving town adapting to every challenge thrown at it for 900 years.”

The team of archaeologists used magnetic and ground-penetrating 
radar to survey roughly 60 acres of mostly open fields. They then launched a series of targeted excavations to unearth the history. “We’re not saying that this town was special, it’s far more exciting than that,” Launaro sadi. “We think many other average Roman towns in Italy were just as resilient. It’s just that archaeologists have only recently begun to apply the right techniques and approaches to see this.”

The team believes that the proof is in the 
pottery. By focusing on common ware pottery used for cooking—and not the imported pottery that often shows evidence of high-status living—the team could better map the location and dates of citizen movement in the region. This evidence showed that instead of the town’s size peaking in the late 2nd or early 1st centuries BC, as previously believed, the town staved off decline until the later part of the 3rd century AD.

“Based on the relative lack of imported pottery,” Launaro said, “archeologists have assumed that Interamna Lirenas was a declining backwater. We now know that wasn’t the case.” Instead of favoring 
imported pottery, the town—which was likely home to about 2,000 residents—was busy making their own way.

Thanks to a found inscription, researchers also believe that the town was likely visited by 
Julius Caesar in 46 BC, likely because Intermana Lirenas was part of a regional urban network and ideally situated between a river and major road.

“This town continually played its cards right,” Launaro said, “it was always forging relations with communities between Rome and southern Italy while thriving as a trading hub.” Of course, the River Liri may have helped in that department—the town may have served as a river port. Archeologists also found evidence of warehouse measuring 131 feet by 39 feet, which was likely used to hold goods for widespread 
trade. There was also a temple and bath complex—one of three in the town—near the port.

“River ports didn’t just need 
warehouses,” Launaro said. “People spent a lot of time working and resting in the vicinity, so they needed all kinds of amenities, just like the ones we found here.”

Interamna Lirenas wasn’t just a port, though. Archaeologists also found a roofed theater, roughly 147 feet by 85 feet in size and large enough to seat 1,500 visitors. “The fact that this town went for a roofed 
theater, such a refined building, does not fit with a backwater in decline,” Launaro said. “This theater was a major status symbol. It displayed the town’s wealth, power, and ambition.”

The theater was in a state of growth, not decline. The team found evidence of a wealthy donor backing what was likely an improvement to the 
structure. And combined with other evidence, that shows that the theater was in full use throughout the life of the town.

Three bath complexes—with evidence of continued use and upkeep beyond Roman Italy’s decline—and housing that showed no signs of zoning or separation by social status further contributed to the town’s apparently thriving status. Throughout the 60 acres of their survey, the team identified 19 courtyard buildings that they believe could have been 
markets, guild houses, warehouses, or apartments. The archaeologists believe they found a sheep and cattle market, which would have been key to the region’s thriving wool trade.

As there was no layer of ash or evidence of a violent end to the town, Launaro believes that it was eventually 
abandoned as residents grew fearful of marauding armies. The end of Interamna Lirenas wasn’t as sudden or as soon as previously believed, which has now opened a new world of understanding.

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撲克牌簡史 -- Paul Lenz


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A history of… playing cards

There is a good reason that the Ace of Spades is known as the 'death card'…

Paul Lenz, 01/11/25

I have held playing cards in my hands countless thousand times over the decades, but until today it never occurred to me to wonder where and when they came from. It turns out that they have a long and fascinating history which I will share with you now!

Mamluk kanjifah playing cards (Wikipedia CC-BY-4.0)

Playing cards were probably invented in China during the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE) though they were rather different to the ones that we are familiar with today. There is a reference to something called the ‘leaf game’ (葉子戲
) being played by Princess Tongchang in 868 CE (同昌公主) but it is unclear exactly what these leaves were. We know that this game often involved drinking – it was reported that the Emperor Muzong went on a 25-day drinking spree in the year 969 and on New Year’s Eve (26th February) “he played the game of leaves with his ministers”. This game would have been yezi ge (Rules of Leaves) but as long ago as 1067 CE it was recorded that there was no one alive who remembered how to play the game.

It is thought that these early cards were used in conjunction with dice, or were simply drawn at random and the recipients had to perform the forfeits (generally consuming alcohol) that were indicated upon them. Early in the second millennium domino cards emerged; these were, as the name suggests, paper equivalents of domino tiles, and as such very different from modern playing cards. The true forerunners of today’s cards were most likely Chinese money cards which, significantly, had four different suits:  cash (single coins), strings (of cash), myriads (of strings) and tens of myriads. These cards were combined to form a deck of 38 cards:

*  Cash: 9 cards from 9 to 1 cash 
*  Strings: 9 cards, 9–1
*  Myriads: 9 cards, 9–1
*  Tens of myriads:  11 cards, from 20 to 100 myriads, plus 1,000 myriads and a ‘myriad myriads’.

These were used to play a trick-taking game called Madiao which the scholar Lu Rong (1436–1494) (陸容) recalls being teased about due to his lack of familiarity with the rules when he was a government student in Kunshan. There is something of an annoying lacuna in the history here, for while the earliest Chinese record of such a suited deck is from the 15th century we know that playing cards had spread from China to the Middle East by the 13th century. This does suggest that the cards used in the leaf game or similar pastimes were likely suited too.

The earliest surviving playing cards are four Egyptian fragments which date from the 12th and 13th centuries and are known as Mamluk cards as they date from the Mamluk Sultanate which ruled Egypt and the wider Levant from the early 13th century to the mid-16th century. An almost complete deck (actually a number of different packs combined to make a full set after cards had been lost) of very similar design was found in the Topkapı Palace in Istanbul and dates from the 15th century.  

This deck is essentially identical to the ones that we used today. It contains 52 cards, 13 each of four suits: polo sticks, coins, swords and cups. Each suit consists of 10 pip (number) cards and three court cardsmalik (king), nā'ib malik (viceroy or deputy king), and thānī nā'ib (second or under-deputy). These cards made their way from Egypt into Europe most likely sometime in the mid-13th century. Most of the earliest references to playing cards in Europe relate to, err, laws banning them! In Florence in 1377 there was an ordinance that refers to “a certain game called nabbie, newly introduced in these parts” and goes on to say that “[playing] cards were to be treated just as strictly as gambling.” The same year in Paris an ordinance prohibited “card-play in contexts clearly directed at the working classes”. Interestingly a similar ordinance from eight years earlier makes no mention of playing cards, which suggests they were relatively new on the scene.

The suits of these early European cards were the same as the Mamluk decks, with one tweak – as polo was effectively unknown in Europe at the time1 the polo stick suit was changed into batons or clubs.

Now is probably an appropriate time to have a little bit of a diversion about playing card suits. Before researching this piece I assumed, naive anglophone that I am, that everyone used playing cards with the same suits – clubs, diamonds, hearts and spades. I was totally wrong. Latin suits with coins, batons (clubs), cups, and swords are still used in Italy, Spain and Portugal. In the 15th century manufacturers in German-speaking countries modified these, specifically Swiss-Germans, who invented their own suits of shield, roses, acorn and bells around 1450 (and again these are still used). Non-Swiss German speakers tweaked these around 1460 swapping out the roses and shields for hearts and leaves. Some time around 1480 the French derived their suits of trèfles (clovers or clubs ♣), carreaux (tiles or diamonds ♦), cœurs (hearts ♥) and piques (pikes or spades ♠), and these ‘French suits’ have been used in the English-speaking world ever since.

Another point of variation between countries is the nature of the court (or ‘face’) cards. In the original Mamluk decks these three characters were all male, and this was copied for the early European decks, but tweaked a little so that there was a seated ‘king’ for the highest value card followed by an upper marshal (who held the symbol of the suit upwards) and lower marshal (similarly downwards) – typically these two characters were on foot, rather than seated. These roles still persist in German decks as Ober and Unter cards. The Queen first appeared as a card in Italian tarot decks, and was briefly included in some German decks in the 14th century before being discarded but then fully adopted by the French around 1500.


Deck celebrating the union of Brittany and France with Spanish suits but has queens instead of knights (Antoine de Logiriera of Toulouse, c. 1500) 請至原網頁查看圖片

Playing cards have been regarded with a degree of suspicion by authorities for much of their history due to their associations with gambling and drinking – it is no coincidence that some of the earliest references to them relate to their prohibition. The English, rather than imposing bans upon the playing of cards, instead saw them as a means of generating money for the government. On 20th July 1615 Sir Richard Coningsby was awarded the right to tax all manufactures of playing cards, as Lord Thomas Howard, first Earl of Suffolk and first Baron Howard De Walde (1561–1626), cheerily reported:

After my heartie commendations, whereby it hath pleased his Majestie to direct a Privy Seal to me, touching the imposition of five shillings upon every grosse of Playing Cards that shall be Imported into this Kingdome or the Dominions thereof by vertue of his Majestie’s Letters Patents granted to Sir Richard Coningsby knight under the Great Scale of England. In regard whereof These are to wil and require you to take notice thereof and not to suffer any merchant to make any entry of Playing-Cards until the same impositions be payed according to the same Letters patents Provided that the Patentees give caution for maintayning the Custome and Import according to a Medium thereof to be made as in such cases is used: And so having signified his Majestie’s pleasure to you in that behalfe I bid you heartily farewell.

Your loving Friend,


Less than a century later the rate was increased by Queen Anne to sixpence a pack as she sought to raise more income to support the army. This tax was set to run for 32 years, starting on 11th June 1711, and all card manufactures had to register the address of their business operations. Ostensibly this increase was to reduce levels of gambling but not everyone was convinced by the approach:

If any of your Honours hope by this Tax to suppress expensive Card-playing, It is answered, That the Common sort who play for innocent diversion will by this tax be only hinder’d ; for those sharp gamesters who play for money but do not use the Twentieth part of the Cards sold, will not by this Tax be discouraged; for those who play for many Pounds at a game will not be hindered by paying 12d. per pack.

Amazingly the tax on playing cards continued in the UK until 1960! You may think that this was a fairly trivial thing, not taken too seriously, but you would be dead wrong. Initially card printers had to use an official hand-stamp on the Ace of Spades card, but from the mid-18th century onwards the system changed. Manufactures would print decks of 51 cards and then purchase what was termed a ‘Duty Ace’ from the Stamp Office to complete the set. These Aces of Spades had incredibly intricate designs to make them hard to forge – which is why this card is distinct from other aces in the deck to this day. In 1804 an Act of Parliament reaffirmed that forging such cards to evade duty was a felony, and if you were convicted of a felony the punishment was typically… death! And people did receive it, as this article from the General Evening Post for 24th September 1805 recounts:

Richard Harding was capitally indicted for forging and counterfeiting certain stamps, or Stamp Office marks, of the Ace of Spades, on playing cards, and vending and uttering the same knowng them to be forged and counterfeited, contrary to the statute of the 44th of the King.

This was a trial of considerable interest, carried on at the prosecution of the Commissioners of Stamp Duties. The prisoner was a cardmaker, in a most eminent and respectable line of trade, and carried on his business at two different houses, licensed for the purpose, viz. in Hereford-street, Oxford-road, and in Green Street, Grosvenor-square. The suspicions against the prisoner were excited in the Commissioners by the very small number of stamps he took out, in proportion to the extensive line of business he carried on; in consequence of which they employed persons to purchase different quantities of cards at his house, from the examination of which the forgeries were detected.

John Rivett, a Bow Street Officer, deposed, that he went with Carpmeal and Miller, on the 25th June, to Hereford-street, and apprehended the prisoner, his apprentice, and another servant of his. Nothing particular was found there; went to Leadbeater’s, and there found two copperplates of the ace of spades, and some paper, on the top of a rolling press. Went also to Skelton’s, and there found, in the room behind the yard, an iron fly press, two rowllers of a rolling-press, a flannel jacket, a. red-ink ball, and a marble slab; on searching the dust hole below, they found the remainder of the rolling-press, and the plates hid under ground in the garden; in the back room there were three gross of packs of cads made up, but without the aces of spades. On the 9th of July they went again to Leadbeater’s, and found the plates, with aces of spades in the privy. In the house of Mr. Shingler they found, in a box with foul linen, a roll of papers containing impressions of the ace of spades.

An Officer of the Stamp Office proved that this parcel contained 3,000 impressions of the ace of spades.

The Distributor of Stamps proved that the ace of spaces he delivers out to the card-makers are always twenty on a sheet; and consequently no aces not so printed have been printed at the Stamp Office.

Here closed the evidence for the prosecution; the prisoner adduced no evidence to disprove any one of the charges, but a number of most respectable tradesmen from his own neighbourhood, who knew him for a series of years gave him a most excellent character.

The Jury, after a short consultation, found a verdict GuiltyDeath. —Aged 35.

Playing cards also had a criminal association in Japan in the late 19th century. Most form of gambling were banned, but doing so with hanafuda (
花札, ‘flower cards’) was permitted and there was a strong demand for these cards from yakuza-run gambling dens. Most card manufactures declined to print these cards, not wishing to be tainted by the association with lawlessness. One company however, founded in 1889, saw this gap in the market as a way to make money and they had a number of very profitable years doing so. They then moved into mass-producing regular cards and in the decades since have diversified their business operations significantly. You’ve probably heard of them – the company is called Nintendo

1  While today the sport of polo may be considered to be largely the preserve of the British and Argentinian upper-classes, it was invented in Persia more than 2,000 years ago and the British only really started playing it in India in the 19th century.
2  Annoyingly I can’t find the original source for this quote – it is taken from a book published in 1879.

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美國三大刺殺事件檔案解密 -- Michael Loria


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Trump's release of assassination docs opens window into nation's most debated mysteries

Michael Loria, USA TODAY, 01/24/25

A trove of long-classified government documents concerning some of the most politically charged killings in modern American history — including the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy — could finally be made available to the public.

But that's just the start of the latest saga surrounding the killings, which have sparked fascination, conspiracy theories, and history-changing debate for decades.

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday aimed at declassifying government documents related to the assassinations of former President John F. Kennedy, his brother and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, and civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. The order essentially requires the nation's security organizations to create plans to release the records.

The full findings of the government investigations into the three killings have been hidden for decades, sparking wide-ranging speculation and preventing a sense of closure for many Americans. All three men were national and international icons whose assassinations — and the theories swirling around them — became the stuff of books, movies, controversy, and the pages of history itself.

“A lot of people were waiting for this . . . for years, for decades," said Trump in signing the release of the documents. “Everything will be revealed.”

Tragedy in Dallas: JFK assassination on Nov. 22, 1963

The shock of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in 1963 still echoes more than half a century later.

John F. Kennedy, known for both his glamour and steering the country through the closest it ever came to nuclear war, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. He was shot and killed as his presidential motorcade brought him along a downtown city street and as he waved to adoring bystanders from the open-roofed car.

Police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald less than an hour later. But Oswald himself was killed on live TV just two days later as police were transferring him to a county jail.

Oswald’s killer, Jack Ruby, acted alone on an impulse, the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy, known as the Warren Commission, concluded. The commission ruled that Oswald also acted alone.

The JFK assassination sent the nation into mourning and shook it to its core, as Americans searched for answers. Hundreds of books have been written and documentaries produced, with bits and pieces of information emerging to this day.

Many regard the commission’s work as a government-orchestrated coverup and doubts have been raised over who killed John F. Kennedy have persisted. Conspiracy theorists lay the blame on everyone from Cuba — at the heart of the nuclear missile crisis — to the CIA itself.

The wide-ranging theories over Kennedy’s death - how many shooters were involved, how many bullets - became so ingrained in popular culture that they made it onto the comedy series Seinfeld.

MLK assassinated in Memphis, April 4, 1968

King, whose work furthering the Civil Rights Movement is honored with a federal holiday, was killed on the balcony outside his motel room in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Atlanta preacher was visiting the city to march alongside striking workers. On the evening of the assassination, he was preparing to leave for dinner at the home of a local minister.

He stepped outside to speak with colleagues in the parking lot below and was shot in the face by an assassin. James Earl Ray, a 40-year-old escaped fugitive, later confessed to the crime and was sentenced to a 99-year prison term.

But Ray later tried to withdraw his confession and said he was set up by a man named Raoul. He maintained until his death in 1998 that he did not kill King.

A Memphis tavern owner and a former FBI agent both also claimed a figure named Raoul was behind the killing, according to the Department of Justice.

Loyd Jowers, a former Memphis tavern owner, claimed 25 years after the murder that he participated in a mafia-linked conspiracy to kill King. Jowers also linked Memphis police and Raoul to the assassination, the Justice Department said.

Donald Wilson, a former FBI agent, also claimed in 1998 that after King’s assassination he found some papers in Ray’s car that mentioned Raoul as well as figures linked to the Kennedy assassination. Wilson said the papers were stolen from him by someone who later worked in the White House, according to the Justice Department.

RFK killed in Los Angeles on June 5, 1968

Robert F. Kennedy never achieved the political heights of his older brother. But he was no less a beloved figure for his championing of civil rights.

He served as his brother’s attorney general and as a senator. He was killed in Los Angeles where he had gone for the California Democratic primary, just months after declaring his presidential candidacy.

The younger Kennedy spent the evening of the election at a suite at the Ambassador Hotel awaiting election results. He eventually went down to a hotel ballroom to thank supporters, then went through the hotel kitchen after being told it was a shortcut to a press room.

An assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, killed him as he shook hands with a hotel busboy. Sirhan remains in prison.

But some believe the same elements behind the older Kennedy’s assassination also killed the former senator.

The presidential candidate’s son Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Trump’s pick to run the Department of Health and Human Services, has long maintained that Sirhan didn’t even shoot his father. The Trump cabinet pick believes Sirhan missed and that instead his dad was shot by a man linked to the CIA.

Michael Loria is a national reporter on the USA TODAY breaking news desk. Contact him at mloria@usatoday.com,

Extra: More details about JFK assassination keep emerging, even 61 years later

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印度朱羅王朝簡介 -- Anirudh Kanisetti


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Temples, treasures and trade: The astonishing legacy of India's Chola dynasty

Anirudh Kanisetti, BBC, 01/18/25

The Brihadishvara temple, built in the 11th Century by King Rajaraja Chola, is a Unesco World Heritage site

It's 1000 CE - the heart of the Middle Ages.

Europe is in flux. The powerful nations we know today - like Norman-ruled England and the fragmented territories that will become France - do not yet exist. Towering Gothic cathedrals have yet to rise. Aside from the distant and prosperous city of Constantinople, few great urban centres dominate the landscape.

Yet that year, on the other side of the globe, an emperor from southern India was preparing to build the world's most colossal temple.

Completed just 10 years later, it was 216ft (66m) tall, assembled from 130,000 tonnes of granite: second only to Egypt's pyramids in height. At its heart was a 12ft tall emblem of the Hindu god Shiva, sheathed in gold encrusted with rubies and pearls.

In its lamplit hall were 60 bronze sculptures, adorned with thousands of pearls gathered from the conquered island of Lanka. In its treasuries, several tonnes of gold and silver coins, as well as necklaces, jewels, trumpets and drums torn from defeated kings across India's southern peninsula, making the emperor the richest man of the era.

He was called Raja-Raja, King of Kings, and he belonged to one of the most astonishing dynasties of the medieval world: the Cholas.

His family transformed how the medieval world worked - yet they are largely unknown outside India.

Nataraja, today a symbol of Hinduism, was originally a symbol of the Chola dynasty in medieval India

Prior to the 11th Century, the Cholas had been one among the many squabbling powers that dotted the Kaveri floodplain, the great body of silt that flows through India's present-day state of Tamil Nadu. But what set the Cholas apart was their endless capacity for innovation. By the standards of the medieval world, Chola queens were also remarkably prominent, serving as the dynasty's public face.

Travelling to Tamil villages and rebuilding small, old mud-brick shrines in gleaming stone, the Chola dowager Sembiyan Mahadevi – Rajaraja's great-aunt – effectively "rebranded" the family as the foremost devotees of Shiva, winning them a popular following.

Sembiyan prayed to Nataraja, a hitherto little-known form of Hindu god Shiva as the King of Dance, and all her temples featured him prominently. The trend caught on. Today Nataraja is one of the most recognisable symbols of Hinduism. But to the medieval Indian mind, Nataraja was really a symbol of the Cholas.

The emperor Rajaraja Chola shared his great-aunt's taste for public relations and devotion - with one significant difference.

Rajaraja was also a conqueror. In the 990s, he led his armies over the Western Ghats, the range of hills that shelter India's west coast, and burned the ships of his enemies while they were at port. Next, exploiting the internal turmoil of the island of Lanka, he established a Chola outpost there, becoming the first mainland Indian king to set up a lasting presence on the island. At last, he broke into the rugged Deccan Plateau - the Germany to the Tamil coast's Italy - and seized a portion of it for himself.

The ruins of a small fort built by the Chola dynasty in Tamil Nadu

The loot of conquest was lavished on his great imperial temple, known today as the Brihadishvara.

In addition to its precious treasures, the great temple received 5,000 tonnes of rice annually, from conquered territory across southern India (you'd need a fleet of twelve Airbus A380s to carry that much rice today).

This allowed the Brihadishvara to function as a mega-ministry of public works and welfare, an instrument of the Chola state, intended to channel Rajaraja's vast fortunes into new irrigation systems, into expanding cultivation, into vast new herds of sheep and buffalo. Few states in the world could have conceived of economic control at such scale and depth.

The Cholas were as important to the Indian Ocean as the Mongols were to inner Eurasia. Rajaraja Chola's successor, Rajendra, built alliances with Tamil merchant corporations: a partnership between traders and government power that foreshadowed the East India Company - a powerful British trading corporation that later ruled large parts of India - that was to come more than 700 years later.

In 1026, Rajendra put his troops on merchants' ships and sacked Kedah, a Malay city that dominated the global trade in precious woods and spices.

While some Indian nationalists have proclaimed this to be a Chola "conquest" or "colonisation" in Southeast Asia, archaeology suggests a stranger picture: the Cholas didn't seem to have a navy of their own, but under them, a wave of Tamil diaspora merchants spread across the Bay of Bengal.

By the late 11th Century, these merchants ran independent ports in northern Sumatra. A century later, they were deep in present-day Myanmar and Thailand, and worked as tax collectors in Java.

The Brihadishvara is one of the grandest Indian temples

In the 13th Century, in Mongol-ruled China under the descendants of Kublai Khan, Tamil merchants ran successful businesses in the port of Quanzhou, and even erected a temple to Shiva on the coast of the East China Sea. It was no coincidence that, under the British Raj in the 19th Century, Tamils made up the largest chunk of Indian administrators and workers in Southeast Asia.

Conquests and global connections made Chola-ruled south India a cultural and economic behemoth, the nexus of planetary trade networks.

Chola aristocrats invested war-loot into a wave of new temples, which sourced fine goods from a truly global economy linking the farthest shores of Europe and Asia. Copper and tin for their bronzes came from Egypt, perhaps even Spain. Camphor and sandalwood for the gods were sourced from Sumatra and Borneo.

Tamil temples grew into vast complexes and public spaces, surrounded by markets and endowed with rice-estates. In the Chola capital region on the Kaveri, corresponding to the present-day city of Kumbakonam, a constellation of a dozen temple-towns supported populations of tens of thousands, possibly outclassing most cities in Europe at the time.

These Chola cities were astonishingly multicultural and multireligious: Chinese Buddhists rubbed shoulders with Tunisian Jews, Bengali tantric masters traded with Lankan Muslims. Today the state of Tamil Nadu is one of India's most urbanised. Many of the state's towns grew around Chola-period shrines and markets.

A Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva and built by the Chola dynasty in Tamil Nadu

These developments in urbanism and architecture were paralleled in art and literature. 請至原網頁觀看照片

Medieval Tamil metalwork, produced for Chola-period temples, is perhaps the finest ever made by human hand, the artists rivalling Michelangelo or Donatello for their appreciation of the human figure. To praise Chola kings and adore the gods, Tamil poets developed notions of sainthood, history and even magical realism. The Chola period was what you'd get if the Renaissance had happened in south India 300 years before its time.

It is not a coincidence that Chola bronzes - especially Nataraja bronzes - can be found in most major Western museum collections. Scattered across the world, they are the remnants of a period of brilliant political innovations, of maritime expeditions that connected the globe; of titanic shrines and fabulous wealth; of merchants, rulers and artists who shaped the planet we live in today.

Anirudh Kanisetti is an Indian writer and author, most recently of Lords of Earth And Sea : A History of The Chola Empire

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史實與史感 -- Abby Zinman


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36 Historical Facts That Are So Unbelievable, They're About To Completely Change The Way You See The World

"If the entire history of life were crammed into an hour, humans only came into existence in only the last second."

Abby Zinman, BuzzFeed Staff, 01/09/25

Even if you're not a history buff, you gotta admit: historical facts are downright fascinating. Specifically, the ones that put TIME into perspective are arguably the best, because they're the most mind-boggling

So today, I've combed through some Reddit threads and compiled a list of the most unbelievable historical facts I could find. Get ready to be wowed.

Fact-checked, of course, by yours truly. Because TBH, it was hard for me to believe many of these.

1. "It took only 66 years to land on the moon after the Wright Brothers made the first successful flight."

2. "Napoleon III installed a fax machine from his palace to his office in Paris."

3. "While the Great Pyramids were being built, Mammoths still walked the Earth."

4. "Nintendo was founded when Jack the Ripper was still on the loose (1889)."

5. "In Switzerland, women received the right to vote the same year NASA astronauts were driving a buggy on the moon."

6. "The last widow of a surviving Confederate soldier in the Civil War died in 2008 — the same year a Black man was elected President of the US."

7. "The distance between 2023 and 1980 is the same as the distance between 1980 and 1937."

8. "Cleopatra lived closer to the modern age of computers than to the building of the pyramids in Egypt."

9. "The guillotine was still in use when Star Wars came out."

10. "Australia's native people have a culture stretching back over 50,000 years. It's the oldest culture on Earth."

11. "People born on 9/11 can now legally drink alcohol."

12. "Betty White was born before sliced bread."

13. "Oxford University existed centuries before the Aztec Empire was founded."

14. "Humans and sabre-toothed tigers existed at the same time and place: 300,000 years ago in Europe."

15. "New Zealand was only settled by humans around the same time the bubonic plague ravaged Europe in the 1300s."

16. "Picasso and Snoop Dogg were alive at the same time."

17. "All humans that lived before the 1820s had never heard of dinosaurs."

18. "America is 248 years old, and Native American tribes were in 'North America' for over 20,000 years before that."

19. "The oldest hand axes (precursor to modern axes with a handle) are from 1.8 MILLION years ago."

20. "Jurassic Park was released 32 years ago."

21. "When Harriet Tubman was born, Thomas Jefferson was alive. When she died, Ronald Reagan was alive."

22. "Martin Luther King Jr and Anne Frank were born in the same year (1929)."

23. "A man who was present at Lincoln's assassination was on a TV game show in 1956."

24. "The Wild West, the Mafia, World War I, World War II and the Cold War all happened in the same century."

25. "Picasso died in 1973. This means there are colour photos of him and there's a chance he saw The Godfather."

26. "We are closer to the time period when T-Rexes roamed on Earth than T-Rexes were to some other dinosaurs that came before them."

27. "Music made by Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and all the other bands from the grunge era can now be described as 'oldies.'"

28. "Currently, we are about as far from World War II as people in World War II were from the US Civil War."

29. "There's a picture of Nancy Pelosi meeting John F. Kennedy when she was younger."

30. "John Tyler, 10th President of the United States, born in 1790, has one grandchild still alive today (one died in 2020, at age 95)."

31. "If the entire history of life were crammed into an hour, humans only came into existence in only the last second."

32. "John Mitchell proposed the idea of black holes way before they were actually discovered, back in 1783."

33. "Ludacris and Charlie Chaplin were alive at the same time."

34. "I always imagine the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx as being from the same time era. But nope, the Sphinx is much older and they are not sure by who or when it was built. They can only agree it predates the Giza pyramid complex."

35. "The oldest currently running locomotive in the UK (Furness Railway No 20) was built when slavery was still legal in the USA."

36. And finally: "There are pubs older than the US."

Is your mind blown yet? I hope so. And now it's your turn: what's your favourite historical fact? Tell me in the comments below.

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史達林和歐維爾-Miguel Faria


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做為神經外科醫生發瑞阿教授的偏見相當強烈indoctrinated by the progressive academicians”的判斷並無直接依據,不過是「想當然耳」;“with his eyes opened to the realities of socialism and communism.”這句話則明顯的「以偏概全」。


The “Horrible Secret” and Orwell in Spain

Dr. Miguel Faria, 12/03/24

The Historians Costello and Tsarev contend that Joseph Stalin harbored a “horrible secret,” namely that as a young revolutionary the Red dictator had been an informant for the Tsarist secret police, the Okhrana. There is some evidence to support the claim that Stalin might have collaborated and informed on fellow revolutionaries prior to the October 1917 Russian revolution but as previously discussed in chapter 1, that contention remains sketchy and not totally convincing.

Suffice to say that as a result of this “secret” becoming known to several top communist Politburo and Soviet military leaders, Marshall Mikhail N. Tukhachevsky, a hero of the Soviet Union, and seven Red Army generals became involved in a plot to overthrow Stalin. In the minds of the conspirators, Stalin’s secret could have provided the needed justification for involvement in a coup d'état.

However, the conspirators were betrayed, and the ill-fated plot was nipped in the bud before it could come to fruition. On June 11, 1937, Moscovites were stunned to learn that Marshall Tukhachevsky and seven other generals had been arrested. Later that same day, a special military tribunal was convened that quickly convicted the “traitors.” On June 12, they were summarily executed for plotting a coup to rid Russia of one of the worst mass murderers in history, Joseph Stalin.

Yet, this episode contains another twist. Although Stalin’s henchmen in the NKVD were credited with unraveling the plot, behind the scenes they may have received assistance or disinformation, depending on one’s point of view, from the Nazi secret service

Walter Schellenberg, head of the German Secret Service, revealed in his memoirs that SS Chief Reinhard Heydrich learned about Tukhachevsky’s plot to overthrow Stalin. Schellenberg wrote, “Heydrich at once grasped the tremendous importance of this piece of intelligence. If used correctly, a blow could be stuck at the leadership of the Red Army from which it would not recover for many years.” Schellenberg continued:

To unmask Tukhachevsky might be helping Stalin to strengthen his forces or might equally well push him into destroying a large part of his general staff. Hitler finally decided against Tukhachevsky and intervened in the affairs of the Soviet Union on Stalin’s side.

Schellenberg noted that the decision to expose the plot to Stalin was a major turning point in German-Soviet relations until Operation Barbarossa in 1941: “It eventually brought Germany into a temporary alliance with the Soviet Union and encouraged Hitler to attack the West before turning against Russia. Once Hitler made that decision, Heydrich of course supported him.”

For Heydrich, the goal of the destruction of the Soviet military leadership was accomplished. As we will see in subsequent chapters, Heydrich’s gamble paid handsome dividends when Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, at least initially.

In Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar, Montefiore summarized the episode:

The army had been the last force capable of stopping Stalin, reason enough for the destruction of its High Command. It is possible that the generals knew about Stalin’s record as an Okhrana double agent and had considered action. The usual explanation is that German disinformation persuaded Stalin that they were plotting a coup. Hitler’s spymaster, Heydrich, had concocted such evidence that was passed to Stalin by the well-meaning Czech President Beneš. But no German evidence was used at Tukhachevsky’s trial—nor was it necessary.

Stalin needed no evidence. He turned the NKVD loose on the Red Army and the purges escalated. Stalin will pay a price for decapitating the leadership of the Soviet Red Army.

Orwell and Homage To Catalonia

In the meantime, a naïve Englishman turned his attention to the hot issue in the Iberian Peninsula, the tinder box of the Spanish civil war, where many young men indoctrinated by the progressive academicians thought they would be fighting fascism and prop up a republican government.

Homage To Catalonia is George Orwell’s memoir about his involvement in the Spanish Civil War as an English member of the 29th Division of the Party of Marxist Unification (POUM)—a radical socialist, internationalist organization, which was soon denounced by the Stalinist communists as being a “Trotskyite organization and Franco’s Fifth Column” because it contained a few internationalist Jewish members that followed Trotsky rather than Stalin in Marxist orthodoxy and world revolution. Orwell noted that “the charge was repeated over and over in the Communist Press, especially from the beginning of 1937 onwards. It was part of the world-wide drive of the official Communist Party against ‘Trotskyism,’ of which POUM was supposed to be representative in Spain,” adding that “anyone who criticizes Communist policy from a Left-wing standpoint is liable to be denounced as a Troskyist.”

Orwell wrote about the six-month period from late December 1936 to June 1937. During that time, he fought against Franco’s rebellious “fascist” army in the Aragon front of Catalonia, and he was seriously wounded by a shot fired from a sniper and described the incident: “Roughly speaking it was the sensation of being at the centre of an explosion. There seemed to be a loud bang and a blinding light all round me, and I felt a tremendous shock—no pain, only a violent shock, such as you get from an electric terminal…” The bullet entered and exited his neck causing considerable damage, and it took many weeks for him to recover. He was taken from the front to one facility and then transferred to another for medical care. After recuperating in various military hospitals, he returned to Barcelona.     

In Barcelona, Orwell received his medical discharge papers, but also discovered a very troubling fact. Barcelona was now a changed city. Formerly, when the anarchists had been in power, there had been a jubilant, more relaxed, egalitarian, and revolutionary comradeship among people, army, workers, police, et cetera. Now, the situation had changed for the worse. Orwell stated that,

In Barcelona, during all those last weeks I spent there, there was a peculiar evil feeling in the air—an atmosphere of suspicion, fear, uncertainty, and veiled hatred…a perpetual vague sense of danger, a consciousness of some evil thing that was impending.

Former revolutionaries and militia members were being persecuted, accused of being Trotskyites, arrested, and many were being shot by the Soviet NKVD (or the subservient Spanish communist secret police) that were actively operating in “Republican” areas of Spain, prior to Franco’s victory. One of the chiefs of the secret NKVD “flying squads” of professional assassins was none other than Alexander Orlov.

Moreover, some socialist and even diversionary communist leaders were disappearing in dungeons or being executed. “On June 16, 1937, Andreu Nin Pérez and 40 other POUM leaders were arrested, their militia battalions were disbanded and their headquarters at the Hotel Falcon in Barcelona closed…POUM was promptly declared illegal.”

All POUM members were now being rounded up. Orwell was being sought merely for fighting with the socialist POUM battalion. Please note: Orwell was not having to escape from the fascists, but from his former communist comrades, who were eliminating their previous allies, the socialists and anarchists. Orwell related that, “The notion of ‘liquidating’ or ‘eliminating’ everyone who happens to disagree with you does not yet seem natural. It seemed only too natural in Barcelona. The ‘Stalinists’ were in the saddle, and therefore it was a matter of course.”

After a terrible ordeal of being pursued by his former leftist allies, George Orwell successfully escaped to France, and eventually made his way back to England. 

Despite the trials and tribulations Orwell experienced during his brief six months in Spain, he made several observations that deserve mention. He noted that while the arrests, “were continuing without pause and the police seized suspected ‘Trotskyists,’ yet, as an Englishman, he maintained the “ineradicable English belief that ‘they’ cannot arrest you unless you have broken the law… a most dangerous belief to have during a political pogrom.”

Thus, the first priority of the Soviet communists controlling the Spanish government was not fighting Franco’s army but the extermination of anarchists and Trotskyites (mostly internationalist, Jewish socialist revolutionaries). The anarchists were considered enemies because their political philosophy was diametrically opposed to that of the communists, and they refused to give up their weapons. 

After safely returning to England—that is, southern England and the tranquil environs of his childhood—George Orwell prophetically expressed concerns for coming world events: “Sometimes I fear that we shall never wake till we are jerked out of it by the roar of bombs.”

It is extremely fortuitous for the ones living in freedom that George Orwell, the author and the participant, survived the conflict with his eyes opened to the realities of socialism and communism. Orwell would go on to write Animal Farm and 1984, denouncing collectivism, totalitarianism, and communism. It was a mistake for the Stalinists to incorrectly label Orwell a Trotskyite merely because he had been assigned to an international socialist POUM battalion—but their mistake was a gain for liberty in general and literature in particular.

This article is excerpted from Dr. Faria’s book, 
Stalin, Mao, Communism, and the 21st Century Aftermath in Russia and China (2024)

Dr. Miguel A. Faria is Associate Editor in Chief in neuropsychiatry; and socioeconomics, politics, and world affairs of Surgical Neurology International (SNI). He is the author of numerous books, the most recent, Cuba’s Eternal Revolution through the Prism of Insurgency, Socialism, and Espionage (July 2023); Stalin, Mao, Communism, and the 21st Century Aftermath in Russia and China (2024); and Contrasting Ideals and Ends in the American and French Revolutions (in press)— 
the last four books by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.

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照片顯示的薩爾瓦多內戰 ---- Robert Nickelsberg


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就我記憶所及討論美國外交/外援政策的人士,評論越戰者眾提及薩爾瓦多內戰的寥寥無幾或許即使是三客流高手(該欄2024/07/07 附註1),也拉不下臉來替卡特、雷根、老布希等在這個公案上「舔」、「吹」。


A photographer's devastating documentation of El Salvador's civil war in the 1980s

Robert Nickelsberg, 11/24/24

Guerrillas from the Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP) speak with residents of San Agustín, Usulután department, on July 5, 1983. Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Photojournalist Robert Nickelsberg worked as a Time magazine contract photographer for nearly 30 years, specializing in political and cultural change in developing countries. His black-and-white images from El Salvador, some of which were unpublished before, are featured in his book Legacy of Lies (published by Kehrer Verlag).

Editor's note: This story contains graphic images of violence and death.

In the early 1980s, there was a troubling energy to the Cold War political developments in Central America.

Following the left-wing Sandinista rebels' overthrow of the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza in 1979, the United States bolstered its support for El Salvador's right-wing military government as a backstop to what the U.S. feared was an ascendant Soviet and Cuban influence and left-wing ideology in Latin America.

The book, Legacy of Lies, El Salvador 1981-1984, illustrates with black-and-white photographs and descriptive personal essays how U.S. foreign policy played out and fueled a violent 13-year civil war in El Salvador. This work attempts to establish a visual and contextual foundation of the violent early years of the nation's civil war, helping explain the eventual departure of many of El Salvador's citizens to the United States.

An armored Cadillac belonging to the U.S. Embassy pulls up to an arriving U.S. government jet plane in Ilopango, El Salvador, in November 1982. Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (center) speaks to the media during a joint press conference with Salvadoran President Álvaro Magaña (center left with glasses) at the presidential palace in San Salvador, El Salvador, on Oct. 13, 1983. Kissinger warned the Salvadoran government that continued support from the U.S. was dependent on improved respect for human rights Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Families congregate on the Pacific coast beach in La Libertad, El Salvador, in April 1983. Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Legacy of Lies begins with images of the U.S. diplomatic and military presence, followed by images of El Salvador's military and of left-wing guerrillas, and ends with images of daily life.

It is a portrait of a time, between 1981 and 1984, in which U.S. foreign policy has come under heavy criticism for aiming to direct democratic change yet condoning the brutality and violence exacted by the Salvadoran military and security forces on political opponents and civil society.

A U.S. Army advisor (left) leads Salvadoran army soldiers during an open air class in San Juan Opico, El Salvador, on June 20, 1983. Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

Salvadoran army recruits hang from a crossbar during a training exercise overseen by U.S. Army Rangers and Special Forces at the Ilopango air base in San Salvador, El Salvador, in March 1983. Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images 

Salvadoran military commanders and the head of the Treasury Police, Col. Nicolás Carranza (third from the left), sit during a military ceremony at the Escuela Militar Capitán General Gerardo Barrios in Santa Tecla, El Salvador, in May 1983. Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images 

Two guerrillas from the Farabundo Martí Popular Liberation Forces (FPL) watch a low-flying Salvadoran military observation plane near the Guazapa volcano on the road to Suchitoto, El Salvador, on Oct. 21, 1983. Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images 請至原網頁觀看照片

With its Cold War mindset following the failures of the Vietnam War, the U.S. increased its support and training for El Salvador's security forces, which encouraged the annihilation of the political opposition and helped fuel recruitment for the opposing left-wing guerrilla armies.

From 1980 to 1992, El Salvador's civil war resulted in the deaths of as many as 
75,000 civilians and other atrocities.

Following the 
Chapultepec Peace Accords of 1992, the U.S. abandoned its focus on El Salvador. The country suffered an immense social and political upheaval it has not since recovered from.

Civilians look over the dead bodies of three civil defensemen killed during an overnight attack by guerrillas from the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) in Santa Clara, El Salvador, in July 1982.. Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images 

The sister of a civil defenseman (center) faints upon hearing of the death of her brother during an overnight attack on the civil defense post in Santa Clara, El Salvador, in July 1982. Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images 

The images focus on contemporary (
當時的) Latin America, a region engulfed in the ramifications of the Cold War, the rivalry between the U.S. government and the Soviet Union. Central America's turmoil began with the 1954 coup d'état in Guatemala orchestrated by the CIA. The consequences resonated for decades and affected all sectors of Latin American life up to the present day.

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"Our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here, the people rule."




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佛德總統就職50周年 -- Frank Witsil


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50 years after Gerald Ford became president, scholars ponder modern parallels

Frank Witsil, Detroit Free Press, 08/09/24

As the nation looks ahead to the upcoming presidential election at a time of political uncertainty, some in Michigan will look back on Friday to the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of a man who became 
president under extraordinary circumstances.

During a Aug. 9, 1974, ceremony at the White House, Vice President Gerald R. Ford — who had been a long-time U.S. representative from Michigan's 5th district — took the oath of office.

His wife, Betty, held the Bible, which was 
open to Proverbs 3:5-6, verses that emphasized trusting "in the Lord;" and Ford, who was appointed vice president just eight months earlier, became the first — and only — person to hold both top offices without having been elected to either.

Leading up to Ford's presidency, the nation had faced some dark times, the assassinations of a sitting president and presidential candidate, including racial strife, international conflict, economic hardship, scandal and discord. How would Ford view the juncture America finds itself in now?

"I think Ford would look at this moment and say tumultuous times are part of the long arc of history," Celeste Watkins-Hayes, dean of the University of Michigan's public policy school that now bears Ford's name, said during a recent 
PBS segment about the anniversary. These times, she added, can feel "very anxiety producing and very worrying," but Ford would likely ask "what are the areas of common ground, what are the areas of common concern, and how do we move forward on the basis of those?"

In many ways, Ford’s inauguration and presidency is a reminder to Michiganders of the place the state holds in history in shaping the only president to come from it. It also is reassurance to Americans that, even in challenging times, the message that Ford delivered in his first presidential address is true: The democratic process works.

After leaving office, Ford, a Republican, also offered some thoughts on women in the White House, which some voters find relevant today.

To mark the milestone anniversary, the 
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids is opening a year-long exhibit, "Ford at 50: Decisions that Defined a Presidency," displaying artifacts and film footage that chronicle some of Ford’s most difficult and controversial decisions.

Moreover, at 6:30 p.m., the museum is sponsoring a variety of activities and tributes at a West Michigan Whitecaps game at the 
LMCU Ballpark just north of Grand Rapids in Comstack Park. Ford’s nephew, Greg Ford, is scheduled to throw out the first pitch, and the first 1,000 attendees will receive a Gerald R. Ford bobblehead.

But, history shows, Ford was no bobblehead politician.

While in office, one contemporary told Ford he was acting like "
too much of a boy scout," taking principled stances on issues. Ford, who was an Eagle Scout, responded that a boy scout was what the American people wanted and he intended to use the aspirations and ideals of scouting as a "guide and compass."

"In a time of ethical relativism and political cynicism, Ford’s personal integrity stood out," Gleaves Whitney, the executive director of the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation in Grand Rapids, wrote in a yet-unpublished essay he emailed the Free Press. "His presidency was characterized by transparency and accountability, with frequent news conferences to rebuild trust with the media and the American people."

An office he never sought

Ford’s tenure as president was short — just 2 years and 164 days — but not the 
shortest in history.

William Henry Harrison died of pneumonia after 32 days in office. James Garfield was shot and died after 199 days. Zachary Taylor suffered from a bacterial infection after a year and 127 days. Warren Harding died from a heart attack after 2 years and 151 days.

In many ways Ford's presidency was a test of a peaceful transfer of executive power, which was an area of the Constitution that was clarified by the 25th Amendment and ratified in 1967, 
Daniel Clark, an Oakland University history professor, explained.

"No one anticipated, when that amendment was passed, it would be put to the test so quickly," Clark said, adding that the question of transfer of power is one of the parallels of what happened then has for today. "Can we continue to rely on peaceful transfers of power?"

Clark, who grew up in Midland and was 15 when Ford became president, recalled that he had gone on a week-long canoe trip up north. When he left, he said, Nixon was president; when he came back home, Ford occupied the Oval Office.

Ford's presidency, Clark also noted, was — and is — a source of pride for Michiganders, who recognized Ford, a son of Grand Rapids, as one of their own, even though he was 
born in Omaha, Nebraska.

Ford, who was named Leslie Lynch King Jr. at birth after his biological father, ended up in Michigan after his parents separated. Ford said his father was abusive to his mother. To get away, his mother moved them to Oak Park, Illinois. Then they relocated to Grand Rapids, where his grandparents lived.

Ford’s parents divorced and his mother married 
Gerald Rudolff Ford, a businessman.

Ford adopted his stepfather’s name, becoming Gerald Rudolff Ford Jr. To his friends, he was just Jerry.

As a boy, Ford got involved with sports and scouting, becoming an Eagle Scout, the 
only president to do so. A standout athlete, Ford went on to play football at the University of Michigan. While on the team, the Wolverines won two national titles.

Ford went on to Yale Law School, where 
he also coached football and boxing.

Still, Ford loved football and his undergraduate alma mater so much that, as president, instead of "Hail to the Chief," he reportedly would 
have the band play "The Victors," the U-M fight song.

Ford joined the Navy, 
served as an officer, and returned to Grand Rapids, where he had a law practice and became active in politics, running for congress. He held the seat for 25 years, with an ambition to become Speaker of the House. Instead, he settled for minority leader.

In 1973, 
Vice President Spiro Agnew pleaded no contest to income-tax evasion and resigned. To replace him, President Richard Nixon selected Ford, which, the congressman from Michigan figured, was the highest political position he would attain, according to Ford’s obituary in the New York Times.

But a few months later, Nixon resigned and Ford became president.

When Ford died at his home in Rancho Mirage, California, in 2006, the Times praised Ford, who it said had "gently led the United States out of the tumultuous Watergate era." It noted the 93-year-old former president had a "common touch" and "uncommon virtue."

And yet, the Times obituary also pointed out, Ford was thrust into an office "he had never sought."

Our 'national nightmare is over'

inauguration speech — a talk, he called it — was brief.

"I am acutely aware that you have not elected me as your President by your ballots, and so I ask you to confirm me as your President with your prayers," he told the nation, making clear that he had not "gained office by any secret promises."

But in becoming president though a Constitutional process, as opposed to a party nomination and election, Ford reasoned he was not bound by a "partisan platform" nor was he "indebted to no man, and only to one woman — my dear wife, Betty."

During that speech, he also uttered some of the best-known phrases of his presidency.

"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over," Ford said, referring to the Watergate office building break-in that had gripped the nation and forced Nixon to resign, the first president ever to do so. "Our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here, the people rule."

A month later, Ford pardoned Nixon, a controversial decision that led to the resignation of the 
Detroit News reporter Ford had appointed as his press secretary, and, some said, was an act that helped doom Ford’s chances for re-election.

But many historians also recognize Ford's pardon — 
Proclamation 4311 — was the right decision for America.

Nixon, who, until Ford's pardon insisted he had not committed crimes, 
released a contrite statement, expressing "regret and pain" at the "anguish my mistakes over Watergate have caused the nation and the presidency."

He added: "I was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with Watergate, particularly when it reached the stage of judicial proceedings and grew from a political scandal into a national tragedy."

A woman in the White House

After he left office, Ford put his presidential library in Ann Arbor, honoring his connection to the University of Michigan, and his presidential museum in Grand Rapids, his hometown until he went to Washington D.C. Both are operated as one entity.

And in 1989, Ford was in West Branch, Iowa, where former President Herbert Hoover was from, for a conference for former presidents. Ford spoke to a group of school children, and one of them, a girl, asked him a prophetic question.

"What advice would you give a young lady wanting to become president of the United States?"

Ford’s response, 
recorded on video, has had some relevance in these past few months, and recently has been circulating on social media. Ford gently told the girl that he hoped that at some point a woman would become president.

"I can tell you how I think it will happen," he said to her, although he added he didn't believe such an event would happen through the "normal course of events." He said he thought a woman might become president "sometime in the next four or eight years."

His prediction:

"Either the Republican or Democrat political party will nominate a man for president and a woman for vice president, and the woman and man will win," he said. "And in that term of office of the president, the president will die, and the woman will become president under the law, our Constitution."

But Ford didn't stop at forecasting how the first woman might become president, he added: "And once that barrier is broken, from then on, men better be careful because they’ll have a hard, hard time ever even getting a nomination in the future."

Contact Frank Witsil: 313-222-5022 or fwitsil@freepress.com.

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