1. 我現在對「演化心理學」相當存疑,主要是因為:我偶而讀到一些它的論文或研究報告,往往有「邏輯」和「基本假設」上的問題(存疑1、存疑2)。 2. 原文為:”Secondly, I assert that epistemology, the theory of knowledge, has always had in it a large element of physiological and psychological theory, ancient, outmoded, and now preposterous theory. ... A twentieth century epistemology cannot be good, let alone arrive at "truth", if it is made up largely of a seventeenth-century physiology and a nineteenth-century psychology. ... and I now assert, finally, that any form of epistemology is incompetent if it is uninformed about current psychological development, ...” (Hebb 1982:p. 88)
Hebb, D. O., 1982, Buchtel, H. A., ed., The Conceptual Nervous System, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England