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關於古埃及金字塔最驚豔的發現 -- Michelle Muller


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Ancient Egypt’s Most Interesting Discoveries We Know about the Pyramids

Michelle Muller, 10/26/23 

Ancient Egypt may be long gone, but excavations of Egypt’s ancient sites have continued steadily since the early 20th century, with each discovery giving us insight into the intricacies of a civilization that made remarkable advancements in nearly every field of human knowledge.

Given that some 4,700 years have elapsed since the Great Pyramid’s completion, the structure stands remarkably intact. Some believe that Ancient Egyptians had help from extraterrestrial beings, while others think they had tools and technologies more advanced than we ever imagined. Even today, many tombs remain to be excavated, assuring more amazing finds yet to come.

The Invention of The Wheel

It is claimed that the very first pyramid in Egypt was built around 4,700 years ago, during the Third Dynasty, when ancient civilization hadn’t yet discovered the wheel! That means that they had assembled these gigantic structures seemingly without using wheels for transportation. Now that is impressive!

Because the pyramid was constructed using bulky granite and limestone blocks, there was no way they could’ve relocated them using wooden rails and ropes.

Who Built the Pyramids?

The only evidence scientists have from that period is that the Egyptians only had ropes and wooden ramps to build their structures and fortresses. According to calculations, in one day, they would have had to lay down a new block every two and a half minutes to finish the construction in 20 years!

There is no concrete evidence of how the Egyptians build something so incredibly big and extremely precise. Therefore many historians, archaeologists, and scientists believe that the pyramids were built by a civilization that was even more advanced.

To Build The Pyramids

The largest pyramid and the most massive structure in the world is the Great Pyramid, built around 2550 BC, during Pharaoh Khufu's reign. Scientific research says it was built by 20 000 people, and it took them 20 years to complete it.

When we look at it through our modern perspective, it seems highly unlikely that the ancient people managed to build such a magnificent project only using wood and ropes—no wonder it took so long!

The Pyramids Used to Look Much Different

The Great Pyramid appears to blend with the sand and dirt surrounding it, but these pyramids looked utterly different back in the day. The surface layer was covered with shiny, white polished limestone, which made the pyramids shine.

Sadly, there was a strong earthquake in 1303 AD that caused the limestone layer to loosen, so people had to take the surface stones off. Of course, these stones didn’t go to waste. They were reused for fortresses and other structures.

How Many Sides Does the Pyramid Have?

When you think of a pyramid, it's a geometrical shape with four sides. However, that's not exactly the case with the Great Pyramid. It may look like it has four sides when you look at it from the ground; the Great Pyramid actually has eight sides. If you were to fly over the pyramids in a plane, your perspective would change, and you would see that the pyramid does have eight sides, not four.

Some experts believe it was constructed this way to prevent the stones from shifting. Others believe that erosion from the wind caused the pyramid to split into eight sides. There is no evidence to prove either of these theories, but the sides seem so precise that it seems unlikely that wind could’ve made that happen.

Evidence of Advanced Tools

Scientists believe that ancient civilizations had more advanced tools than we believe; a significant piece of evidence was found in Khufu’s Sarcophagus. Archaeologists, who worked on this site, discovered the evidence of drills that were strong enough to drill through granite blocks. Khufu, who was behind the Great Pyramid construction, had a coffin that weighs over 3.5 tons.

The only rational conclusion is that the stone was brought to this place before. The sarcophagus stood separate from other blocks in a room inside the pyramid, with holes that had to be made by humans. Considering that it was made of granite, the block was way too dense to have been drilled with anything other than advanced tools, which supposedly did not exist at that time.

The Labyrinth Beneath the Pyramids

We already know about the intricate labyrinth underneath the pyramids, but we don’t know how long it is and where it can lead us. The sophisticated tunnel system is made from limestone bedrock, and some of the most notable archaeological discoveries were made in them. Even though archaeologists have dug quite far into these tunnels, they still haven’t scaled every corner nor found the end of the labyrinth.

Conspiracy theorists maintain that scientists are keeping this underground world full of catacombs a secret from the public. All that we now know is that the labyrinths under the Great Pyramid stretch 55 miles south of Cairo, underneath Hawara.

A Mysterious Chamber?

One of the most recent findings inside the Great Pyramid was a hidden chamber. Archeologists were only able to discover the mysterious chamber using advanced technological imaging that record fragment particles deep within the rocks. They used cosmic-ray imaging, which is similar to X-Ray imaging, but it can penetrate farther into the pyramids' structure.

Even though this technology has significantly advanced, the images it provides are still low in quality and resolution. Therefore, scientists are still uncertain whether it is a single chamber or a different room series. They’re also not sure what the chamber was for, and whether something hiding inside it could show us an entirely new perspective about this ancient world...

On the Verge of New Discoveries

It has been hypothesized for centuries that the ancient pyramids could be generating some kind of energy. However, we still don't have any substantial evidence to lead us in the right direction to investigate this theory. After the Great Pyramid's hidden chamber was located, scientists also ascertained that the pyramid collects electromagnetic energy in its interior rooms.

To make things even more interesting, the higher amounts of energy were recorded in the rooms where people found the remains of Pharaoh Khufu and his wife's chamber.

Discoveries From the Inside

On August 1st, 2018, archaeologists made one of the most recent discoveries when they found a precious statue during a restoration project. The statue was found inside the Djoser pyramid in Saqqara, and it depicted Osiris, one of the most well-known Egyptian gods. Archaeologists were baffled by such an unexpected discovery, as the statue was placed inside an unknown crack within the wall.

This discovery was so peculiar because no one could figure out why they would place such a cherished statue in a random spot within the wall. Did it have any meaning? Or was it hidden for some reason? The head of the Saqqara archaeological site speculates that “the statue was probably hidden in this way by a priest of Saqqara in antiquity.”

Mysterious Boxes Inside the Tunnels

Brien Foerster discovered one of the most enigmatic discoveries inside this tunnel; he found 20 boxes built from Aswan granite. These rocks were cut into boxes with staggering accuracy. What’s even more striking is that each box weighs around 100 tons. Some assumed that these boxes were a burial site for prized animals and livestock, yet no evidence has been found to prove this speculation.

Some experts believed that these mysterious boxes also held some sort of energy. However, more established authorities seem to deny this view. We cannot know whether there is a chance of such a phenomenon, and we cannot be sure that the scholars tell us the whole truth. This is truly a mystery that makes you think.

Some Chambers Can Generate Heat

Scientists have now discovered that the giant pyramids emit heat from some rooms within the chambers while other sections remain cool. So, where could this heat be emanating from? The first hypothesis was that some kind of ancient technology could produce heat. Could this be, or is it merely an accident resulting from their construction?

The heat points were located in the upper half of the pyramid. Because of this, we can’t guarantee whether the heat is created from the sun reaching the upper half section of the pyramid or because there are more mysterious and undiscovered chambers.

Was the Great Pyramid a Power Plant?

History books will tell you that the Pyramids were exclusively used as cemeteries for pharaohs and kings. If this is true, why would they build such grand and impressive structures for no other purpose than laying their royals to rest? Some conspiracy theorists share a far more intriguing idea that the Pyramids were power plants and that the ancient Egyptians were an far advanced society who even had electricity.

Ultimately, there is definitive proof in etchings that depicted Egyptians holding torches that appear to be powered by electricity. And water flowing through the underground tunnels can create an electrical current. Scientific evidence also proves that the shafts inside the pyramid are crafted from slightly radioactive granite, ionizing the air, and creating an environment comparable to a conductive insulating cable.

Built With Air Shafts

While we're on the subject of shafts, the Great Pyramid was the only pyramid built with airshafts. Nevertheless, nobody can explain why. More importantly, these precise shafts align with the stars, which opens up a whole new set of mysteries. How did they succeed in creating such precise cuts without advanced tools? And what is the significance behind it?

Some assume that the star alignment shafts has to do with sending the deceased to the afterlife. Some more radical conspiracy theorists suppose that these alignments might have been used to signal to aliens. But, not all shafts reach the external area as some were shut off for no apparent reason.

The Massive 20 Ton Pyramid Doors

Believe it or not, the doors entering the pyramid weighed 20 tons, and, even more surprisingly, you could open them with a single push. No human can push a heavy 20-ton door open just like that unless we're talking about the pyramid doors. These doors were constructed with such a precise balance that you could easily push them if you wanted to enter.

These doors were first discovered when the Great Pyramid was being explored in the 1800s, and it took very little effort to push the doors open from the inside. So, how did this ancient civilization manage to create such an impressive entryway with no technology whatsoever?

Are There Passages to the New Chamber?

One of the more intriguing findings was a new mysterious chamber called the “big void.” After all, it definitely is a void since the chamber is not connected to any passages inside the pyramid. So what was it for, and why did the Egyptians create a totally disconnected chamber? Scientists believe this chamber was built to relieve some of the weight and prevent the Grand Gallery from collapsing in.

Now, tourists can walk through the Grand Gallery if they hunch down through a long tunnel. The Grand Gallery is attached to the Queen’s chamber, which can also be visited. Overall, the new chamber is about equal in size to the Grand Gallery, and it sits directly above it.

Lined Up With Constellations

It would seem that the ancient Egyptians enjoyed aligning their constructions. It’s not only their shafts that were aligned with the stars. All three Pyramids of Giza are connected to outer space. The Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure’s pyramids are aligned exactly with the famous Orion’s Belt stars. The pyramids are aligned with three stars Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka.

Like many ancient civilizations, the Egyptians studied the skies, taking measurements from the stars to accurately align their pyramids. But what is puzzling is that Orion’s Belt wasn’t discovered until 2000 years after the pyramids were built.

Did the Pyramids Have a Connection with the Sun?

There are those that believe the pyramids were built by aliens, while others hold the more sober approach that the pyramids were used as power plants. If these don't sound plausible, there is yet another speculation, one about the pyramids devoted to supporting their king's ascension to Sun Ra, the God of the Sun.

This kind of guidance to the afterlife could clarify why they wanted to align the pyramids with constellations and stars. And that could also be why they buried their kings with objects they could use in the afterlife.

Greater Precision Than the Royal Observatory

It is possible that the ancient Egyptians might have been more advanced than our civilization since their chambers point north with much better precision than the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. We’re not speaking about the general North but the specific direction towards the magnetic North.

Founded in 1675, the Royal Observatory in Greenwich sets the actual clock to GTC (Greenwich Mean Time or Prime Meridian Time.) If it took so many centuries to build the Royal Observatory, we can't help but wonder what kind of technologies and strategies the Egyptians were working with back in their time?

Evidence of Mathematics

We have some evidence that proves the ancient Egyptians knew mathematical constants. If we subtract the Great Pyramid length from its height, the result we get is 314.16 – 100 times Pi. If we then add the two sides together in meters, it equals 100 times Phi, also known as the Golden Number used in architecture, art, and theology.

What makes this so bizarre is that Pi as an official mathematical constant was not identified until 1793. Ancient Egyptians used cubits to take measurements, where one cubit equaled 0.536 meters. So, the circumference of a circle that has the diameter of a single cubit equals Pi. This means that Egyptians were capable of making complex calculations way before we originally thought.

The Structures Surrounding the Pyramids

Today, it seems like the pyramids stand isolated in a desert area with nothing surrounding them, but it wasn't that way back in their heyday, as many structures were encompassing the grand pyramids. However, the pyramids were still essential town structures, despite being surrounded by Necropolis, the allegedly smaller tombs. It’s kind of eerie when we think about it since Necropolis translates to the City of the Dead.

Other structures and buildings in the area included religious buildings and temples for honoring the king. The staff who worked in temples and looked after the kings also lived close by. The majestic Great Sphinx of Giza is also situated near the pyramids.

Who Built the Sphinx?

Just like the pyramids, the Sphinx carries a similar mystery. No one claims to know who constructed it and why exactly it was built. Two theories examine who was behind building the Sphinx. Some maintain that Khafre was the one who created the Sphinx and the second largest pyramid. If this was correct, it would suggest that the Sphinx was built around 2500 BCE.

But some archaeologists and scholars hold that the Sphinx is older than Kharfe and that it was commissioned by his father Khufu; he was the one who ordered the building of the Great Pyramid.

17 New Pyramids!

As if all these discoveries weren't enough, archaeologists and scientists have also uncovered 17 more pyramids. They used satellite technology to detect hidden structures underneath Earth's surface, and they found 17 pyramids around Giza. But that's not all; they also revealed over one thousand burial sites hidden underneath the sand in the area thanks to their infra-red technology.

Crews on the ground are already studying and examining two of these newly discovered pyramids. Even though new pyramids are still being found, the oldest one remains the Pyramid of Djoser.

The Oldest Pyramid

The oldest of all known pyramids, the Pyramid of Djoser, is believed to be built during the 27th century BC. Unlike the Great Pyramid that is surrounded by burial sites and graves, the Pyramid of Djoser is enclosed by a courtyard and numerous ritual embellishments. The structure has sustained a lot of damage, as weather conditions severely corroded it.

Unlike other pyramids, the Pyramid of Djoser also features a smaller pyramid edifice known as the mudbrick structure, which comprises multiple complexes. Inside this pyramid, we will find a burial chamber, but, surprisingly, archaeologists did not find a body inside it when the pyramid was discovered. There is some indication that the pyramid may have been used as King Djoser's tomb.

A Structure Taller Than the Pyramid of Giza

The Pyramid of Giza held the title of the world’s tallest structure for a total of 3 871 years. In other words, it took humanity approximately 4 000 years to construct a new building taller than the pyramid. The next tallest structure that came close was the Lincoln Cathedral in England, which was built in 1311. What’s even more surprising is that the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids in 20 years, but building the English Cathedral took more than 200 years to build!

If we look at the Cathedral of Lincoln now, we wouldn’t consider it to be taller than the impressive Pyramid at Giza. Nonetheless, that’s because the Cathedral’s central spire collapsed in 1549, after which it was never reconstructed. This Cathedral was the world’s tallest building for a total of 238 years, but its importance lies in the record it broke!

The Last of the Seven Ancient Wonders

It is important to mention that the Great Pyramid is the only one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. This is quite unbelievable because it was built between 2584 and 2561 BCE. There is no doubt that this ancient structure has managed to stand the test of time as inclement and oppressive weather conditions could not destroy it throughout the centuries.

The Statue of Zeus was ruined by an earthquake, just like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Temple of Artemis was wrecked and ravaged by a Christian mob in 401 CE, while the Colossus of Rhodes was toppled down in 654 CE. In other words, none of these structures could compare to the pyramids in durability and strength.

On the West Embankment

It seems peculiar that pyramids were all built on the same side of the river Nile – along the west embankment. The pyramids had to face the Sun as it was believed that the Sun was the dead's home. Another reason is that the Egyptian kings dreaded that they would be robbed after death, which is why they took their gold and valuables into their tombs. They believed the pyramids could protect and guard them in the afterlife as well.

As brilliant as their plans and complicated designs had seemed, they weren’t quite sufficient to prevent grave-robbers. Even though the bodies were buried in chambers that could be reached only by those who knew their way around the secret passages, grave-robbers still managed to locate their way to the lavish tombs.

Into the Afterlife

Ancient Egyptians devoutly clung to their beliefs in the afterlife. That is why Egyptians were buried with different objects and possessions supposed to help them in the afterlife. These objects included everything from gold to expensive jewelry to random everyday items, even food!

Another thing Egyptians attempted to bring along to their “afterlife” were little statues. Historians and archaeologists eventually discovered that it was believed that these miniature statues come to life in the next world to help and care for the pharaoh. When one tomb was found, archaeologists recovered over 400 statues inside.

A Kurdish Ruler and the Pyramids

Someone brave enough aspired to demolish the pyramids and ruin the Ancient Egyptian legacy in the 12th century. Al-Aziz, a Kurdish ruler, wanted to destroy the pyramids, so he went along tried to execute his plan but he soon found that destroying the pyramids would be as expensive as it took to build them, and he gave up soon after.

Al-Aziz did manage to leave his mark on the Menkaure’s Pyramid. If you visit the pyramid today, you will see a massive slash on one side. That’s all that Al-Aziz managed to achieve during his intention to demolish one of the most stunning structures in the world. This score stands to establish just how unyielding and sturdy these structures genuinely are.

Seen From the Moon

According to scientific estimations, the pyramids could have been seen from the moon, thanks to their reflective surfaces. Even the people residing in the hills and mountains in neighboring Israel could view the majestic pyramids.

The ancient Egyptians termed the Great Pyramid “Ikhet,” which translates to “glorious light.” Nevertheless, we will never honestly know how bright the structure was.

The Temperature Inside the Pyramids

Even though it was evident that some parts of the pyramids produce mysterious heat, the building itself remains comparatively cold on the inside. The official temperature readings show that the most common temperature inside the pyramid is around 68 degrees Fahrenheit. So not only did the ancient Egyptians create such an architectural masterpiece, they incorporated a cooling system using nothing but “archaic” tools.

The pyramid’s ventilation system is made of airshafts that were strategically placed. Once these shafts are opened, they immediately let cool air inside the chamber. As soon as you open them, the temperature in the chamber drops quickly. However, what is so mind-blowing is that no matter the temperature outside, the temperature inside the pyramids always remains 68 degrees. No one knows how this is possible without any machinery and technologies maintaining the temperature.

The Pyramids Were Not Built By Slave Workers

We used to think that the pyramids, just like everything else, were built by slaves. However, recent research proves that the pyramids were constructed instead of paid workers who spent hours upon hours designing and planning these elaborate structures. It took over 20,000 people to build the pyramids, and these paid workers were highly valued for creating this work of art.

The evidence about these paid workers only came out in 2010. Before that, we all accepted that it was slaves who labored to build the pyramids at Giza. Archaeologists unearthed tombs of the paid workers during an assignment, and the fact that their bodies had been preserved in the sand and buried along with food explains that these people were not poor slaves.

The Substance Used to Glue Bricks of the Pyramids

We do not doubt that the pyramids are the most stable structures in the world. They were built of stone, but the ancient people needed something to keep the stones together. Unfortunately, even contemporary experts still don’t know what was used to glue the rocks together. It is evident that some kind of adhesive had to be put in place, but they still haven’t figured it out.

For all we know, the “adhesive” that ancient Egyptians used is incredibly strong. This strong paste between the massive stones is so strong that it has made the pyramids indestructible and able to resist earthquakes, unfavorable weather conditions, and intentional attacks.

The First Pyramids

As pyramid are geometrical shapes, they have four sides and a pointed tip, but not all pyramids had this point towards the sky. In fact, the earliest Egyptian pyramids originally had flat covers. These constructions did not even resemble the typical pyramids with the triangular sides. They were, however, used as tombs, just like the rest of the pyramids.

One of the oldest of Egypt's pyramids with a flat top is the Pyramid of Djoser, which is also the oldest pyramid in Egypt. All pyramids contained burial chambers, whether they had pointy tops or were flat. Although, the flat-top pyramids, known as Mastabas, had one particular purpose.

The Tombs of the People

Mastabas were small tombs with flat tops that contained their hidden chambers underground. However, it was not pharaohs who were buried in these tombs, but their loyal subjects. They were not as important to have their own pyramids, but they were given a place of rest in the flat-topped Mastabas.

Pharaohs wanted to bury their loyal subjects because they believed they would help and tend to them in the next world. Another popular Egyptian belief was that the dead needed to be guided so that their soul could move on to the afterlife.

The First Pyramid Architect

Many people are familiar with Imhotep, the famous character from the acclaimed movie, "The Mummy." And it was Imhotep who designed the first Egyptian pyramid. Imhotep was one of the most notable architects of his time, and he was also the chief minister of Djoser.

Imhotep outlined and planned the pyramid from the first blocks to the top. Because of this, King Djoser appreciated him so much that he authorized a statue to present Imhotep's name in the King's court, which was an honor like no other at the time.

The Egyptian Afterlife

We already established the purpose of the pyramids – to guide the kings and pharaohs’ souls into the afterlife. Egyptians seemed to have been obsessed with the afterlife. Therefore, they considered that life after death entailed returning to our origins.

However, unlike life on Earth, the ancient Egyptians maintained that life in the next world would be free from suffering and anguish of any kind.

The Hieroglyphics

We often associate hieroglyphics with the Egyptian pyramids, even though hieroglyphics were never encountered inside the pyramids. But there are chambers that are so little that only tiny robots can enter and explore them and a recent finding by one of these robots presented evidence of what seemed to be hieroglyphics.

The robot with a camera attached was able to capture footage of what looked like the first ever hieroglyphics found within a pyramid. Maybe these symbols could explain and clarify some of the mysteries attached to these ancient remains.

Could the Pyramids Tell Time?

The pyramids' incredible design was also planned in such a way so that it won't cast any shadows at noon. In other words, the Great Pyramid was not only an immemorial tomb but also a sundial, and it is one of the most complicated sundials ever built.

Sundials were used as one of the earliest objects to tell time. These age-old clocks would cast a shadow based on the sun's position and tell the time as accurately as the contemporary clocks we have today. What is positively startling is that ancient people succeeded in building such a large pyramid and use it as a sundial.

The Amount of Stones Used to Build the Pyramids

If we were to take all the stones used to build the pyramids, we could make a wall around France's entire border. We could theoretically make a ten-foot-tall wall solely utilizing these stones. The wall would be one-foot thick, and it would probably be one of the sturdiest walls in the world.

This leaves us questioning where did the ancient Egyptians acquire so many of these massive stones? Several experts hold that these were rocks that were collected around the Nile while others came from the nearby Quarries of Aswan. These sites still exist today, even though most of them have been flooded many times over the centuries.

Not a Tomb

The purpose of the Great Pyramid at Giza persists as the biggest mystery surrounding the ancient pyramids to this day. Because we are still nowhere near the truth, this enigma might persist for years to come. There was never an actual corpse or a mummy discovered in the Great Pyramid at Giza, causing many experts to deem that this pyramid was never meant as a tomb.

The pyramid was first explored back in 820 AD by Arab travelers, who only encountered a granite box identified as the “coffer.” This could suggest that the tomb was looted, and the mummy was stolen. However, there is still a chance that the Great Pyramid was not intended to be a burial site at all.

The Location Has a Special Meaning

According to the calculations by Dr. Joseph Seiss, he arrived at this thrilling conclusion in 1877, that the pyramids are located at the precise location where the world's most extended lines of longitude and latitude meet. The pyramids continue to surprise us, was this ancient nation aware of this when constructing the pyramids, or is it a genuine coincidence?

If it is a coincidence, then it is quite an exceptional one. This means that the Pyramids at Giza are so far the most carefully aligned structures in the entire world for all we know.

New Discovery Confuses Experts

Egyptologists were excited when they found a new pyramid, but what they found below left them with more questions than before! The discovery was made in Dahshur, a royal necropolis located in the desert on the Nile's west bank, around 40km from Cairo.

Archaeologists also unearthed the foundation of an immense tower that belongs to the 13th Dynasty. During the last few years, archaeologists have carefully investigated and examined the remains, eventually making their way down to the burial chamber.

Mystery Woman

Bits and pieces of wood were found in this burial chamber and they have finally been secured together; it turns out this a coffin lid with a beautifully carved face. The restoration has unveiled something surprising; this isn’t a king; it is a mystery woman.

The answer may lie in another article found near her grave, a case decorated with hieroglyphs. Experts were not only shocked by this discovery of this mystery lady within the burial chamber, but they also have no inkling who she might be.

What Is Her Name?

Coffins typically had similar features to the owner but idealized because they would look like for eternity. She was wearing the Hathor wig that was common throughout the Middle Kingdom and was worn only by women. What’s significant about this case is that we know it belonged to a princess because it reads ‘daughter of the king,’ with her name following.

But her name has the most damaged to it, which is very frustrating for the experts. Ancient Egyptians held firmly to the notion that the worst thing you could do to someone was to erase their name.

A Special Crown

This specific kind of design is particular to a king; it’s not what we would expect a lower royal family member to be in. Usually, a princess would only have a shaft tomb with a chamber at its base, making this entire discovery such a cryptic puzzle.

They also found other relics from the same era, including the crown of a Princess from Dahshur, made out of gold and decorated with semiprecious stones. The newly uncovered tomb believably contained materials very similar to this, many precious metals like gold, which was probably stolen a long time ago.

100 More Coffins

The Egyptian antiquities authority has published a discovery of at least 100 ancient coffins, some with mummies still inside, and about 40 intricate statues in a huge Pharaonic necropolis south of Cairo.

Sealed sarcophagi and statues that were laid to rest more than 2,500 years ago were presented in a makeshift display at the feet of the famed Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara. Archaeologists opened one coffin, with a well-preserved mummy encased and bound in cloth.

The Latest Findings

Khaled el-Anany, the tourism and antiquities minister, said in a news interview that the objects date back to the Ptolemaic dynasty that ruled Egypt for 300 years from about 320BC to about 30BC.

He clarified that they would move the artifacts to at least three museums in Cairo, including the Grand Egyptian Museum, that Egypt is building near the famed Giza Pyramids. This acquisition at the renowned site is the latest in a range of archaeological findings in Egypt.

Still More to Discover

With all these spectacular discoveries, there is still more to unearth, but urban development and sprawl threaten this cultural heritage. By no means has everything been explored and excavated around the Pyramids and its surroundings. The same is true of the great catacombs and tombs like the one in Saqqara.

For over 3,000 years, it was the main cemetery of the Egyptian capital, Memphis. If we were to look at old maps from the early 19th century, we could see that there are many sites to be excavated; archaeologists just haven’t got around to it until now.

It's a Race Against Time

Even with the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities' active support, the teams of archaeologists and scientists are under tremendous time pressure. It seems that many people are considering going to Egypt as well at some point because of these fascinating discoveries.

Nowadays, there are far more sight-seeing opportunities than there were just a few decades ago. And that, of course, is also always a good reason to go back to Egypt.

This article originally appeared on our sister site: 

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重大發現!世界第一在湖北面世 為史前文明再添實證






世界第一在湖北面世 為史前文明再添實證





據測算,現存壩頂高約2米、寬約13米,壩底寬約27米,南北長約 180 米。水壩東側為蓄水區,與自然崗地合攏面積約19萬平方米;西側為灌溉區,約8.5萬平方米,植物考古的研究工作顯示該區域存在史前稻田。溢洪道位於蓄水區的北部缺口處,入口寬約 26 米,出口北抵青木壋河中上游,呈南高北低的走勢,展示出因地制宜的科學建設理念。



出土遺物、測年資料顯示,晚期壩的年代為屈家嶺文化早期晚段,絕對年代約4900年至4800年。 早期壩的年代不早于油子嶺文化晚期,不晚于屈家嶺文化早期晚段,範圍為5100年至4900年,是迄今發現最早且明確的水利設施。

蓄水用水旱澇不侵 5000年前古人治水智慧盡顯





史前文明已出現階級分化 或有古城統治者









文明探源 活化歷史場景助力創新傳承


距今 5100 年左右,屈家嶺遺址所在的漢東地區率先從油子嶺文化嬗變為屈家嶺文化。在屈家嶺遺址,油子嶺文化規劃、營建的水利系統被屈家嶺文化所繼承,並經過改造升級,發揮了更大的作用,促使聚落規模從105萬平方米擴展至284萬平方米。這一時期,龐大的聚落規模、縝密的水利系統、規整的環壕設施、高超的建築工藝,反映出屈家嶺遺址作為壕堰式聚落的典型特徵,代表了長江中游地區與大型城址同級的新型中心聚落形態。



長江雲新聞記者 趙黎黎 王磊 楊嵐)

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查海遺址:非同一般的發現與意義 -- 翟德芳


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查海遺址位於遼寧省阜新蒙古族自治縣沙拉鎮北查海村西南約 2.5 千米的向陽臺地上,1982 年文物普查期間發現。遼寧省文物考古研究所於 1986—1994 年對之進行了 7 次考古發掘,已發掘面積 7800 餘平方米,發現的遺跡包括房址、室內室外窖穴、居室墓、中心墓葬和龍形堆石等;出土完整和可修復陶器 1177 件、石器 2411 件、玉器 44 件,以及大量的陶器殘片等。經碳十四測定並加樹輪校正,遺址年代距今約 8000-7000 年,是我國北方西遼河流域發現年代較早、保存完整、文化內涵豐富的一處新石器時代古人類聚落遺址。


遺址的 55 座房址佈局密集,排列有序,依據建築方法和佈局分析,這是一處精心規劃、長年形成的早期部落居住地。其中早期的房址集中在北部,以後由北向南分佈,同期房址成行排列,並有中心廣場和壕溝。

房址分為大、中、小 3 種類型。大型房址僅1座,面積約 120 平方米,中型房址面積 40-60 平方米,小型房址面積 15-20 平方米。大型房址處於聚落中央,房內只有少量的生活用器,推測這一大型房址可能是查海居民的聚會場所。由此分析,查海聚落已進入了成熟的、尊卑有序的氏族社會。人們通過這一較大的議事場所研究、決策氏族裡的重大事項,甚至是氏族的一切。


幾乎所有的房址都是方形圓角,房址的居住面下凹、鑿入基岩。在那個沒有金屬生產工具的時代,這種鑿岩為穴的方法是有很大難度的。當時人們建房時,是在房址中間設 1 2 個灶址,四周分佈有序的柱洞,這是查海遺址房址建築獨有的特徵。查海遺址的房址多無門道設置,為防禦寒冷、抵禦野獸和外敵,建築形式都是屋頂開門。有的房址在南面東端向外突出,推測為出入口。









在查海的聚落中心、大型房址的西南方,用紅褐色玄武岩石塊擺塑了一條長 19.7 米、寬 1.8-2 米的巨型龍形堆石。其龍頭、龍頸、龍體、龍鱗、龍爪、龍尾等擺放分明,龍頭向西南,龍尾向東北,昂首張口,體如彎弓,尾向後甩,有如正在騰雲駕霧。龍的前半部身體寬大,下方用石塊堆砌出像足又像雲霧的襯托物;由頭自身體向尾部逐漸變薄、變少,尾部更加鬆散細小且上翹,似雲中若隱若現。用於擺塑龍形的石塊大小相若,排列有序,龍頭、龍身的石塊堆砌得比較厚密,龍尾則比較鬆散,遠遠看去,紅褐色的石塊有如龍體鱗片,十分威武。就目前的發現看,這是我國新石器時代年代最早、體量最大的龍,可以稱其為中華第一龍






查海遺址出土了十分珍貴的玉器,其中有玉斧 7 件、玉鑿 7 件、玉玦 7 件、玉匕 13 件、玉管 6 件、小玉環 1 件等。這些玉器的質料均為透閃石、陽起石,全部為真玉。玉器加工中,琢磨、鑽孔、拋光技術已經相當成熟,玉器製成品小巧精緻,加工規整,實用性強,反映出北方地區新石器時代早期玉文化的特點。重要的是,查海玉器的年代是在 7000 年以前,較紅山文化要早一千年,證明這裡是我國遠古玉器的一個重要的發展階段。


在玉器的用途方面,既有玉斧、玉鑿等生產用具,也有玉玦、玉管等生活裝飾品,還有一類是有特殊用途的,比如 7 號房址居室墓出土大、中、小三對玉匕,就可能是一種既能佩戴、又能治療疾病的用具,類似今天的刮痧玉片。查海的玉玦,有的出土于房址內的居室墓主人頭部兩側。這類墓葬的陪葬品不多,墓主人卻隨葬玉匕、玉玦,可能不是為了顯示財富,而表明玉器在這裡已初顯的功能。


據研究,在北緯 40—50 度的東北亞地區,以遼寧西部為中心,有一個玦文化圈。此前遼河流域的興隆窪、白音察汗等遺址先後有玉玦出土,這次有 8000 年歷史的查海又出土了玉玦。查海玉玦年代早、數量多、功用特定、形制規範,堪稱玦文化的代表,閃爍著文明的火花,影響力遍及東北亞各地。



據文物考古工作者調查,在西遼河上游,以查海遺址為中心,周邊至少有 5 處(查海、他尺西溝、賈家溝西、程家梁、朝力馬)類型相同的遺址,從而構成了查海文化的遺址群。在查海遺址發現和發掘前後,考古工作者在查海西北 150 公里外的西拉木倫河南岸發掘了興隆窪遺址,從而確定了興隆窪文化





根據發掘者的研究,查海遺址的動物形象有著象徵氏族崇拜的特殊含義。查海居民的平均壽命也就是 18-25 歲,最大年齡僅在 50 歲左右,故此祈求多子的生殖崇拜是最迫切的。選擇蟾蜍、蛇、龍等作為自己的氏族圖騰,希求人能夠具有蟾蜍那樣強大的繁殖能力,並希望借助龍、蛇、的強大實力來保護本族,大概是其塑造蟾蜍和龍蛇的真實含義,也由此可以推測查海所屬的部落是由蟾蜍和蛇兩個圖騰氏族構成的,他們又共同崇拜一個神祇,這就是那條巨龍。



作者介紹 (請至原網頁閱讀)
圖片 | 翟德芳
排版 | 小謝
設計 | 子彤
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「最老金字塔」報告引發爭議 - Dyani Lewis


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A 27,000-year-old pyramid? Controversy hits an extraordinary archaeological claim

The massive buried structures at Gunung Padang in Indonesia would be far older than Egypt’s great pyramids — if they’re even human constructions at all.

Dyani Lewis, 11/28/23

A headline-grabbing paper1 claiming that a structure in Indonesia is the oldest pyramid in the world has raised the eyebrows of some archaeologists — and has now prompted an investigation by the journal that published it, Nature has learnt.

The paper, published in the journal Archaeological Prospection on 20 October, garnered headlines around the world. Its central claim is that a pyramid lying beneath the prehistoric site of Gunung Padang in West Java, Indonesia, might have been constructed as far back as 27,000 years ago.

That would make it much older than first colossal Egyptian pyramid, the 4,600-year-old Pyramid of Djoser. It would also mean it pre-dates the oldest known megalithic site, Göbekli Tepe in Turkey, which was built by stone-masons around 11,000 years ago. And it would completely rewrite what is known about human civilization in the area. “The pyramid has become a symbol of advanced civilization,” says paper co-author Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, a geologist at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) in Bandung, Indonesia. “It's not easy to build pyramids. You need high masonry skills,” he says.

It’s exactly such claims that have left many fellow researchers cold. Lutfi Yondri, an archaeologist at BRIN in Bandung, Indonesia, says his work has shown that people in the region inhabited caves between 12,000 and 6,000 years ago, long after the pyramid was supposedly built, and no excavations from this period have revealed evidence of sophisticated stonemasonry.

“I'm surprised [the paper] was published as is,” says Flint Dibble, an archaeologist at Cardiff University, UK. He says that although the paper presents “legitimate data”, its conclusions about the site and its age are not justified.

Shaky foundations

Gunung Padang comprises five stepped stone terraces, with retaining walls and connecting staircases, that sit atop an extinct volcano. Between 2011 and 2014, Natawidjaja and colleagues investigated the site using several ground-penetrating techniques to determine what lies beneath the terraces.

They identified four layers, which they conclude represent separate phases of construction. The innermost layer is a hardened lava core, which has been “meticulously sculpted”, according to the paper.

Subsequent layers of rocks “arranged like bricks” were built over the top of the oldest layer. The layers were carbon-dated, using soil lodged between rocks obtained from a core drilled out of the hill. The first stage of construction, according to the paper, occurred between 27,000 and 16,000 years ago. Further additions were made between 8,000 and 7,500 years ago, and the final layer, which includes the visible stepped terraces, was put in place between 4,000 and 3,100 years ago.

Dibble says that there is no clear evidence that the buried layers were built by humans and were not the result of natural weathering and movement of rocks over time. “Material rolling down a hill is going to, on average, orient itself,” he says. But Natawidjaja says that the column-shaped stones were too large and orderly to have simply rolled there: “The neatly arranged, shaped and massive nature of these rocks, some weighing up to 300 kilograms, dismisses the likelihood of transportation over significant distances.”

The authors also report finding a dagger-shaped stone. “This object’s regular geometry and distinct composition, and its materials unrelated to the surrounding rocks, signify its manmade origin,” says Natawidjaja. But Dibble says it’s unlikely that the rock was shaped by humans. There’s no evidence of “working or anything to indicate that it's man-made”, he says.

Extraordinary claims

The Gunung Padang site featured in the 2022 Netflix documentary Ancient Apocalypse, hosted by British author Graham Hancock, who promotes an idea that an advanced global civilization was wiped out 12,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age. The authors acknowledge Hancock for proofreading their paper.

Natawidjaja says that because Gunung Padang was constructed before the end of the last ice age, it shows that people from that time were capable of building complex structures, and “this makes it a very interesting monument”.

But Bill Farley, an archaeologist at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, says the paper has not provided evidence that an advanced civilization existed during the last ice age. The 27,000-year-old soil samples from Gunung Padang, although accurately dated, do not carry hallmarks of human activity, such as charcoal or bone fragments, he says. Archaeological records show that the transition from hunter-gatherer societies to complex societies occupying large settlements occurred after the commencement of the Holocene 11,700 years ago. The oldest known city is the 9,000 year old site of Çatalhöyük in what is now Turkey2.

Archaeological Prospection and its publisher, Wiley, have since launched an investigation into the paper. Eileen Ernenwein, an archaeological geophysicist at Tennessee State University in Johnson City, who is co-editor of the journal said in an e-mail to Nature: “The editors, including me, and Wiley ethics team are currently investigating this paper in accordance with Committee on Publication Ethics guidelines.” She declined to elaborate on the nature of the concerns raised.

Farley says that people should celebrate Gunung Padang for what it is — “an amazing, important and cool site” — rather than because it can be written into any particular narrative about the development of human civilization.

Natawidjaja says that he hopes the controversy does not cause animosity in the community. “We are really open to anyone researchers around the world would like to come to Indonesia and do some research programme on Gunung Padang,” he says. “We know very little about our human history.”

doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-03546-w


*  Natawidjaja, D. H. et al. Archaeol. Prospect. https://doi.org/10.1002/arp.1912 (2023). Article Google Scholar 
*  Orton, D. et al. Antiquity 92, 620–639 (2018) Article Google Scholar 

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確認了!三星堆遺址祭祀坑年代 -- 安寧


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北京大學新聞網,11/17/23資訊來源: 紅星新聞編輯:安寧 





青銅器科技分析 三星堆擁有獨特制泥芯技術


上海博物院研究團隊通過X-ray CT成像技術研究了三星堆遺址出土的12件青銅器製作工藝,並與中原同時期青銅器製作工藝作比較研究。發現三星堆與中原青銅器的鑄造技術既有相似的共性,也有鮮明的個性。相似的共性為:1.陶範法鑄造;2.金屬墊片及定位泥芯撐技術;3.鑄接技術。鮮明的個性為:1.盲芯中普遍存在細長的長方體木條,是三星堆獨特制泥芯技術的反映;2.普遍使用了以青銅合金為焊料的鑄焊技術。













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三星堆文化文物展 -- Christy Choi


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Faces of Sanxingdui’: Bronze Age relics shed light on mysterious ancient kingdom

, CNN, 11/16/23

Editor’s Note: A version of this story appeared in CNN’s Meanwhile in China newsletter, a three-times-a-week update exploring what you need to know about the country’s rise and how it impacts the world. 
Sign up here.

Hong KongCNN — A golden face with patinaed turquoise eyes stares out of the darkness. Illuminated around it stand three other bronze heads — some have flat tops, others round — all looked over by a giant bronze statue almost 9 feet high. All have the same piercing, angular eyes.

There’s something about the “Faces of Sanxingdui” — as this collection of sculptures is being billed — that feels both familiar and alien. Currently on display at the Hong Kong Palace Museum, they may appear Mayan or Aztec to the untrained eye, but these over-3,000-year-old sculptures weren’t unearthed anywhere near Mesoamerica’s ancient civilizations. They were discovered on China’s Chengdu Plain, at an archeological dig site called Sanxingdui (which translates as “three star mound”).

Thought to be the largest and oldest site left by the Shu kingdom, a civilization in southwestern China once only hinted at in myths and legends, Sanxingdui was not discovered until the 1920s, when a farmer stumbled across objects while digging an irrigation ditch. The site has since been found to contain the ruins of an ancient city made up of residences, sacrificial pits and tombs enclosed by high dirt walls. Archaeologists from the Sanxingdui Museum say the city was established some 4,800 to 2,800 years ago, until it was abandoned around 800 BC for unknown reasons.

The Chinese government has long promoted Sanxingdui as evidence of the country’s long, uninterrupted history — with the discoveries included in history textbooks for more than a decade. And while thousands of visitors have already flocked to the groundbreaking exhibition in Hong Kong, some analysts suggest that the items are also being used to support the Chinese government’s vision of national identity.

The mysterious and talented Shu

The Shu kingdom, which emerged in the Sichuan basin during the Bronze Age, is believed to have developed independently of the Yellow River Valley societies  traditionally considered the cradle of Chinese civilization. Its inhabitants created exquisitely crafted bronze, jade, gold and ceramic objects, depicting fantastical beasts, kings, gods and shamans with bulging eyes and enlarged ears.

Around 120 of the items are currently on display in Hong Kong, and it’s the first time many of these objects, most of which were excavated between 2019 and 2022, have been showcased outside Sichuan province.

Remarkably, the sculptures predate the Terracotta Army, a collection of earthenware statues depicting the armies of China’s first emperor Qin Shi Huang, by at least 1,000 years. Wang Shengyu, an assistant curator at the Palace Museum told CNN said the objects are far more advanced, imaginative, and artistic than those being produced anywhere else in China at that time.

“You can tell that it’s very sculptural and very artsy,” Wang told CNN at the exhibition opening, pointing to a roughly 1-foot-tall bronze figure whose fantastical, braided hair extends out to three times the height of its body and, had it not been broken, would stretch much further. “You can imagine how magnificent it was. From above his nose and all the way up, it would’ve been over 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) tall, according to the fragments (archeologists) found. The end of the pigtail is on his shoulder.”

Little is known about the Shu kingdom other than what’s been discovered on the 3.6-square-kilometer (1.4-square-mile) site outside Chengdu. There is no evidence of a written Shu language, and historical literature contains scant information about its culture other than a handful of myths and legends, including a reference to a Shu king called Can Cong whose eyes were said to have protruded — perhaps explaining why so many of the 13,000 relics recovered from the site feature bulging eyes.

After the Shu state was conquered by the Qin dynasty in 316 BC, Shu culture was “buried” under the “mainstream” culture that later emerged on China’s central plain, Chinese authorities wrote in a 2013 UNESCO submission seeking to have Sanxingdui and two nearby archeological sites recognized as World Heritage Sites. They are currently on UNESCO’s “tentative list.”

Since 1986, eight excavated pits at Sanxingdui have yielded giant masks of gods with bulbous, insect-like eyes and protruding ears, mythical creatures with gaping mouths and an almost 4-meter-tall (13-foot) bronze “tree of life” sculpture decorated with ornaments like a Christmas tree. All the items were found shattered, burned and buried, leading experts to believe the pits were used for ritual sacrifices. Some have now been painstakingly re-constructed by archaeologists. “It took 10 years to reconstruct the tree,” said Wang Shengyu, an assistant curator at the museum who helped curate the exhibition.

That tree is not on show in Hong Kong, as it is considered too precious to send abroad, but a section of one of six others discovered and ornaments are on display at the museum, as well as a 3D holographic projection of what experts think it would have looked like – its layers and branches adorned with birds, flowers, fruit, dragons, bells as well as jade and gold foil ornaments. The set are thought to have been part of a theater space.

‘Historical myth’ of a continuous civilization

The exhibition places these items in the context of other ancient civilizations and includes the Shu among the many societies to have existed in the country’s “5,000-year history.” According to a press release from organizers, museum and Hong Kong government officials at the opening stressed the “continuity, inventiveness, unity, inclusiveness and emphasis on peace and harmony” of Chinese history.

Henry Tang, chairman of the governing body behind the West Kowloon Cultural District (where the Palace Museum is located) and a former candidate for Hong Kong’s top leadership role, said in a statement that the district and museum are looking to “promote cultural and artistic exchanges between China and the world, ‘tell China’s story well’, and strengthen the public’s cultural self-confidence.”

But the narrative that the Shu kingdom was innately Chinese is contentious, according to Ian Johnson, a senior fellow for China Studies at US think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations.

“Over the past few decades, the (Chinese Communist Party) has been trying to push a historical myth that all the peoples who have ever lived inside the current borders of the People’s Republic are ‘Chinese,’” he told CNN over email.

“The basic idea is that the PRC (People’s Republic of China) encompasses people who naturally belong together and therefore, from today’s standpoint, form a nation. Hence any effort to have autonomy or even independence is taboo — it runs against history.”

The People’s Republic of China was established in 1949, and its government has often used China’s continuous history as evidence that ethnic groups such as the Tibetans and the Uyghurs have always belonged to China.

Johnson said that there was little support for the idea that civilizations along the Yellow River had much in common with those in the Sichuan Basin.

“They have commonalities but are not the same — just as ancient Assyrians and Phoenicians and Greeks weren’t the same, even if they shared certain things in common,” he said, adding: “sponsoring these kinds of exhibitions are popular and win the government credit.”

When asked to comment, the Hong Kong Palace Museum said the exhibition was “curated based on academic and archaeological research” and that it reinforces its mission to deepen audiences’ “understanding of the lives and cultures of various regions and ethnic groups as well as exchanges among them in ancient China, which have contributed to the magnificence of China’s civilization and its ‘diversity in unity’ pattern of development.”

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古城故事 – Joel Day


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Ancient Chinese city mystery unlocked after evidence of 'human sacrifice' unearthed

The ancient site offers a captivating glimpse into China's long-lost ancient culture - and reveals a darker side to the region's past.

JOEL DAY, 11/15/23 

Shimao (
石峁) sits in China's far north, an ancient settlement that likely played a central role in the region's culture and trade thousands of years ago.

Archaeologists believe it played this role during the early Xia Dynasty, and was once referred to as the "Stone City" given its advanced fortifications and installations.

Thriving for over three centuries, Shimao dates back to 2000 BC and is the largest known walled site of that period of China.

Researchers originally believed that the city's fortifications were once a part of the Great Wall, but on discovering pieces of jade, realised that they had found a Neolithic-era settlement.

Perhaps the darkest of all the 
discoveries made at the site have been in the piles of human bones, hinting at a culture of human sacrifice, and the first of its kind in China.

Before excavations were briefly suspended due to the 
coronavirus pandemic, archaeologists uncovered 70 beautiful relief sculptures in stone, impressions of serpents, monsters, and half-human beasts similar to Bronze Age icons found in China.

Radiocarbon dating astonished the researchers when they found much to date from 4,300 years ago, making it nearly 2,000 years older than the first section of the Great Wall, and 500 years before the 
Chinese civilisation (千島湖) emerged in the Central Plains to the south.

The most grisly of all the discoveries came underneath the city's eastern wall in the form of 80 human skulls clustered in six pits.

No skeletons were attached to any of the skulls, and their number and placement suggest a ritual beheading was committed during the laying of the wall's foundation.

The earliest known example of human sacrifice in Chinese history, forensic scientists determined that almost all of the victims were young girls, most likely prisoners who belonged to a rival group.

Li Min, an archaeologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who has visited and written extensively about Shimao, told 
National Geographic: "The scale of ritual violence observed at Shimao was unprecedented in early China."

The skulls, according to Li, preempted what would become a culture of human sacrifice and a "defining attribute of Shang civilisation" many centuries afterwards before dynasties eventually put an end to the practice.

Skulls are just one indication that the gates to the city marked the entrance to another world, for anyone crossing the threshold would have been amazed at the relatively advanced architecture.

Stone blocks in the high terrace walls were carved with lozenge designs to make them appear like giant eyes gazing down at the East Gate.

And, wedged into the stone walls at regular intervals were thousands of pieces of black and dark green jade, ornaments that shimmered in the sun and warded off the evil eye and displayed the power and wealth of the Shimao elites.

It wasn't an insular society, however, and the vast wealth of 
jade artefacts found at the site suggests Shimao — which had no natural jade of its own — had distant trading partners.

Ideas, technology, and goods are thought to have been exchanged from a host of other cultures across modern-day China, from the Altai steppe to the north to coastal regions near the Yellow Sea.

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