”The central government could push a button and stop the bleeding in the property market whenever it wants. But it won’t let a good crisis go to waste, in Rahm Emmanuel’s phrase.”
In an extreme hypothetical case of mass local government defaults, the cost of transferring the cost of debt service to the central government would be trivial compared with overall government revenues.
a. 對中國文化和社會一知半解;導致他/她們的觀點不是霧裡看花,就是受到「夜間觀牛效應」的誤導 -- 「晚上一眼望去,所有的牛都是黑的」(《精神現象學》79頁)。 b. 根據他/她們自以為是「真理」的「當下美、歐霸權主導的國際秩序」,來評判在這個框架以外運作的中國和其它國家政府;導致他/她們如果不是「以管窺天,以蠡測海」,至少也是戴了一付有色眼鏡來看其它國家的事務。