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Blood Is On The Square! (血就在廣場上!) |
修改|刪除 | 2004/06/05 15:37 瀏覽7,309|回應4|推薦0 |
| Blood Is On The Square! (血就在廣場上!) (1989, words and music by Phillip Morgan) “Philip” Morgan? [根據網路上流傳的唯一錄音[asf檔]校正了網路上流傳的唯一歌詞,並譯之為中文。衹是把句子譯成句子,不講究韻腳。逐句轉換,不拿它當詩。2003-Sept-16.] [於2003-9-11把這個asf檔錄成wav檔,然後把它壓成wma檔。2003-Sept-16.] [修潤譯文。2003-Sept-17.]
[第一段] A song was heard in China — in the city of Beijing. 在中國 —– 在北京,曾經響著一首歌。 In the spring of 1989, you could hear the people sing. 在一九八九年的春天,你能聽到人們唱。 And it was the song of freedom that was ringing in the square. 迴盪在廣場上的正是自由之歌。 The world could feel the passion of the people gathered there. 全世界都能感覺到聚在那兒的人們的熱情。 — Oh children, blood is on the square! —– 啊!孩子們!血就在廣場上!
[第二段] For many nights and many days, waiting in the square. 多少個日夜過去了,人們一直在廣場上等待。 To build a better nation was the song that echoed there. 建造一個更好的國家乃是在那兒回響的歌。 For we are China’s children, we love our native land. 因為我們是中國的孩子,我們愛我們生長的地方。 For brotherhood and freedom, we are joining hand in hand. 為了手足之情和自由,我們在這兒手拉手。 — Oh children, blood is on the square! —– 啊!孩子們!血就在廣場上!
[第三段] Then came the People’s army, with trucks and tanks and guns. 然後人民的軍隊來了 —– 坐著卡車坦克帶著槍。 The government was frightened of their daughters and their sons. 政府怕它們的子女。 But in the square was courage and a vision true and fair — 但是在廣場上有勇氣和一個既真又美的幻想 —– The Army of the People would not harm the young ones there. 人民的軍隊不會傷害那兒的年輕人。 — Oh children, blood is on the square! —– 啊!孩子們!血就在廣場上!
[第四段] On June the 3rd, in China, in the spring of ‘89, 在六月三日,在中國,在八九年春天, an order came from high above and passed on down the line. 從最高處來了一道命令,下達到行伍間。 The soldiers opened fire, young people bled and died — 士兵開火了,年輕人流血死去 —– The blood of thousands on the square that lies can never hide! 廣場上幾千人的血謊話絕不能遮掩! — Oh children, blood is on the square! —– 啊!孩子們!血就在廣場上!
[第五段] For four more days of fury, the people faced the guns. 在隨後四天的狂暴裡,人們面對著槍口。 How many thousands slaughtered when their grisly work was done? 在它們獰惡的工作完成之時,到底有幾千人已經被屠殺了? They quickly burned the bodies to hide their coward shame, 它們快手快腳地燒掉了屍體,藉以掩藏它們怯懦的羞恥, but blood is thick upon their hands and darkness on their names. 但是它們的雙手塗滿鮮血,它們的名號卑污無光。 — Oh children, blood is on the square! —– 啊!孩子們!血就在廣場上!
[第六段] There are tears that flow in China, for her children that are gone. 淚水仍然在中國流動,為了她逝去的孩子們。 There is fear and there is hiding, for the killing still goes on. 人們仍然懼怕並且躲藏,因為殺戮還在進行。 And the iron hand of terror can buy silence for today, 恐怖的鐵手能為今天買到緘默, but the blood that lies upon the square cannot be washed away. 但是仍然攤在廣場上的血是洗不掉的。 — Oh children, blood is on the square! —– 啊!孩子們!血就在廣場上! — Oh children, blood is on the square! —– 啊!孩子們!血就在廣場上! — Oh children, blood is on the square! —– 啊!孩子們!血就在廣場上! |