其次,1956年前,中、蘇友誼不是到了大哥、伯伯、乃至於爺爺的份上嗎?1969年珍寶島事件發生,毛主席當時還不是翻臉跟翻書一樣快?中、美正式建交不過44年,現在雖然還沒有從打得火熱鬧到形同陌路,但惡言相向則時有發生。無視於這些當代史事實,把中、俄關係當做鐵板一塊的學者或官僚(David O. Shullman)不是白痴,也是有健忘症。
It’s a friendship testing the limits. Chinese leader Xi Jinping left Russia on Wednesday after three days of talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in which Putin endorsed China’s “peace plan” for Ukraine and the two leaders stressed the need to “respect legitimate security concerns of all countries” to end the war—a talking point Russia has used to blame NATO and legitimize its war of aggression. What did this visit do for Putin’s international standing? What role might China play in the war? How should Washington view this partnership? Below, our experts cut through the pageantry and diplomat-speak.