This was an old story. It used to end at the place when the husband arrived to pay. The rest was added in this new version. It is a very dark and negative fictional story. What do we accomplish by circulating this story? We are in a society that likes to propagate negative feelings and thoughts against the society. I guess this is our human nature. The solution to this problem of our human nature should be: "Please always think first. What do I really accomplish by passing on a story like this?"
胡卜凱, 06/05/19
Karl Marx says in the “Eleven Theses on Feuerbach”:
“The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change
(These words are also inscribed upon his grave.)
Paraphrasing Marx, I’d say:
A more effective way of dealing with negatives is not to avoid it, to ignore it, or as the Chinese saying goes to 粉飾 it; but to change it or remove its cause.
By the way, “negatives” is an interpretation in itself. For the top 30% they are negatives or an inconvenient truth; for the bottom 30% facts of life.
No more different from U S bribe to be admitted to elite schools. Do not blow it up. No difference.
胡卜凱, 06/05/19
The difference is people in China can only get their justice in a novel or in political power grabbing; the people in the States have a chance of getting their justice in court.
剛剛上網找到《幫我買個單》。看到「本故事榮獲2008年度最佳故事情節獎,年度最讓人心酸故事獎」後,不禁聯想到:好在那時是2008胡錦濤、溫家寶主政的年代;作者得以榮獲「年度最讓人心酸故事獎」。如果在習大大時代,雖然「反貪打腐」喊得震天價響,但在「鞏固領導中心」的意識型態下,再加以上我之外兩位先生的「主流民意」,相信該文作者很可能被打成「反革命份子」。「苛政猛於虎」,其斯之謂與? -- 12/18/22,01:00 am
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