會前雙方笑臉相迎,近三個小時後圓滿結束。中、美關係應從解凍逐漸回暖(「將回歸正常部長級溝通」,見Nierenberg女士報導的最後一節 -- 「其它相關新聞」)。
會談結果對兩國利益和國際政、經的穩定都有幫助。我2005年 (《淺談中、美關係》)和羅賓生先生2011年(In China, Eyes Wide Open)的分析和評論,應該都仍然適用。
Here is what to know about Monday’s summit.
Katie Rogers and Chris Buckley, 11/14/22
BALI, Indonesia — President Biden and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, met for nearly three hours to hash out some of the thorniest issues in their relationship, including tensions over Taiwan, the economy and a return to climate negotiations.
Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi made a cautious promise to try to improve a relationship that is at its most rancorous point in decades, and he pledged to send his top envoy to China soon.
Mr. Biden warned Mr. Xi that China’s aggressive stance toward Taiwan threatened stability in the region and could ultimately jeopardize the global economy. Mr. Xi replied that Taiwan’s independence was as incompatible to peace and stability as “fire and water.”
“I do not think there’s an imminent attempt on the part of China to invade Taiwan,” Mr. Biden said at a news conference after the meeting.
About the global economy, Mr. Biden said that the United States would “compete vigorously, and I’m not looking for conflict. I’m looking to manage this competition responsibly. I want to make sure that every country abides by the international rules of the road.”
China, in its statement, said that teams from each government would work on implementing the points of consensus and “promoting the return of China-U.S. relations to a stable track of development.”
Though both sides left the summit without finding common ground on some of their most contentious disagreements, both leaders appeared eager to downplay the idea that Washington and Beijing were headed toward Cold War-era confrontation.
“I absolutely believe there need not be a new Cold War,” Mr. Biden said.
What else to know:
· The White House, in a separate statement, said that Antony J. Blinken, the secretary of state, would travel to China at some point after the meeting.
· Compounding tensions between the two countries is Beijing’s partnership with Moscow. Mr. Biden, the White House said in its summary, raised the invasion and threats by the Russians to use nuclear weapons. Both leaders “reiterated their agreement that a nuclear war should never be fought,” the White House said. According to the Chinese account, Mr. Xi said that “China is highly concerned with the current situation in Ukraine.”
· …
· Mr. Xi came to the meeting as the most powerful Chinese leader in decades, weeks after a Communist Party congress gave him a groundbreaking third term in office. And Mr. Biden was buoyed by a better-than-expected performance for Democrats in the midterm elections last week. (這就是我在《「習、拜會」淺談》一文中說的:「對民調一直不見起色的拜登總統來說,至少在「習、拜會」時不輸陣。」)
Your Tuesday Briefing: Biden and Xi Discuss Taiwan
Amelia Nierenberg, 11/14/22
President Biden and Xi Jinping, China’s leader, met for nearly three hours yesterday.
In their first face-to-face conversation as top leaders, the two men made a cautious pledge to improve the relationship between the U.S. and China, which is at its most rancorous point in decades.
Taiwan was at the top of the agenda, and both leaders urged “peace and stability” in the Taiwan Strait in their summaries after the meetings.
The summary from the U.S. said that Biden warned Xi that China’s aggressive stance toward Taiwan threatened regional stability and could jeopardize the global economy. China’s statement said Xi replied that Taiwan’s independence was as incompatible with peace and stability as “fire and water” and called it a “red line.”
President Biden and Xi Jinping, China’s leader, met for nearly three hours yesterday.
In their first face-to-face conversation as top leaders, the two men made a cautious pledge to improve the relationship between the U.S. and China, which is at its most rancorous point in decades.
Taiwan was at the top of the agenda, and both leaders urged “peace and stability” in the Taiwan Strait in their summaries after the meetings.
The summary from the U.S. said that Biden warned Xi that China’s aggressive stance toward Taiwan threatened regional stability and could jeopardize the global economy. China’s statement said Xi replied that Taiwan’s independence was as incompatible with peace and stability as “fire and water” and called it a “red line.”
Reaction: Afterward, Biden told reporters, “I do not think there’s an imminent attempt on the part of China to invade Taiwan.” Xi did not take questions from foreign journalists.
Climate: The two countries, the world’s largest emitters, restarted climate talks, which had been frozen since August
Analysis: Both leaders described the talks as candid. But although Biden seemed determined to stay on the current course, Xi expressed more dissatisfaction with the direction of relations.
Other updates:
l Antony Blinken, the secretary of state, plans to visit China next year.
l Biden described a new framework for dealing with China in which relevant cabinet secretaries would meet with their Chinese counterparts to resolve mutual concerns.
l Anthony Albanese, Australia’s prime minister, will meet with Xi today, The Associated Press reports.
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