如果我們同意:公民在「… 發現某一法律或或部分法律或行政命令是不合理時」,有「主動拒絕遵守政府或強權的若干法律,要求或命令,」的「正當性」,則也應該同意:公民在「… 發現某一『政策』或『行為』是不合理時」,有「主動拒絕遵守政府或強權的若干『政策』或『行為』」的「正當性」。這就是我所了解的「公民(有權)不服從」原則。
a. 「法律」和「命令」只不過是執行政府或統治者「政策」和「行為」的工具。
b. 「公民(有權)不服從」原則也適用於政府或統治者的「政策」和「行為」;並不僅僅限於執行兩者的「法律」和「命令」。
1. Evelyn Thomas: protest of Don't Ask, Don't Tell (《大英百科全書》第一個「公民(有權)不服從」原則案例)
(照片的文字敘述) U.S. Marine Corps veteran Evelyn Thomas being removed by police from a fence near the White House to which she and others had handcuffed themselves to protest the “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy regarding the service of homosexuals in the U.S. military, Washington, D.C., 2010.)
2. 15 Examples of Civil Disobedience (Which Have Made a Difference) by Caroline Grebbell, 11/03/20
What is civil disobedience?
Civil disobedience is the active, non-violent refusal to accept the dictates of governments. It informs them that unjust actions will be opposed and the people will act illegally if pushed to do so. (dictates 當然包含「政策」和「行為」。)
Civil disobedience causes disruption and focuses attention, while forcing debate with the aim of bringing about fundamental and progressive changes within our societies and our world. (抗議或抗爭的「目的」不只是表達「不同意」,更要帶來「政策」和「行為」的「改變」。)
1. Fight for Women's Suffrage: UK 1928 (爭取婦女投票權。)
2.The Salt March: India 1930 (甘地不合作運動的一部分。)
3. Segregation Defiance: USA 1955-56 (美國黑人民權運動 – 反隔離政策。)
4. Wave Hill Walk Off: Australia 1966 – 1975 (澳洲原住民爭取土地所有權運動。)
5. The Sip-in::USA 1966
Four men walk into a bar and ask to be served. Sevice is denied because they are gay — the men risk arrest to ensure their story is reported and shared.
6. Navy-Culebra Protests: Puerto Rico 1970
In 1970, Culebra islanders undertook a series of protests against the United States Navy for its use of the island for military training exercises.
7. The Tree Sitters of Pureora: New Zealand 1978
A group of friends and activists set up home in the branches of 1000 year old trees, while below them, bulldozers and chainsaws move to destroy the forest.
8. Resistance to Toxic Mining: Estonia 1987
Students and scientists rise up against the mighty Soviets in a fight to rid their country of exploitative and polluting large-scale mines.
9. Poll Tax Refusal: United Kingdom 1989 – 1990
10. Unethical patent laws: 1998 - Present day
Huge corporations seize seeds in a bid to control what we eat. Brave farmers all over the world risk ruination by refusing to accept this. Little victories can be inspirational.
11. Peasants revolt: France 1999
A French sheep farmer finds a symbolic way to protest against the influx of multinationals by taking apart a McDonald’s, one brick at a time.
12. Eviction Resistance: Spain 2008 - Present day
People take back the power to fight evictions as the government and banks do nothing to help an increasingly desolate population.
13. Digital civil disobedience: USA 2013
One man loses his freedom to expose what our governments are up to—watching and listening, collecting our data to manipulate and control us.
Whistleblowing is democracy’s safeguard of last resort
Edward Snowden, cybersecurity expert, copied and handed over a vast cache of close to ten thousand highly classified documents taken from the National Security Agency (NSA) when employed as a contractor with Booz Allen Hamilton.
When his concerns of unethical practice were dismissed, Snowden blew the whistle on secret details of surveillance programs conducted by the United States government (with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and European Governments).
14. The People’s Revolution: Sudan 2019
After decades of living under a brutal dictatorship, the Sudanese people rise up in a campaign of disobedience and resistance. It is a hard fight.
15. Gilet Jaunes: France 2018-2019
President Macron—France’s youngest head of state since Napoleon Bonaparte—is served some grassroots revolution by a discontent and angry population.
Je suis le peuple. I am the people
The Gilet Jaune (Yellow Vest) protest came about as a reaction to changes in labour laws, in particular a rise in fuel taxes, but grew to demand social and economic justice. Organised via social media, through colère (anger) groups, the people of France came together in solidarity, irrespective of political and social backgrounds.
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