1. “… You are not entitled to your opinion. You are only entitled to what you can argue for.”
2. … but philosophy teachers owe it to our students to teach them how to construct and defend an argument – and to recognize when a belief has become indefensible.
3. The problem with “I’m entitled to my opinion” is that, all too often, it’s used to shelter beliefs that should have been abandoned.
4. Plato distinguished between opinion or common belief (doxa) and certain knowledge, and that’s still a workable distinction today: unlike “1+1=2” or “there are no square circles,” an opinion has a degree of subjectivity and uncertainty to it. But “opinion” ranges from tastes or preferences, through views about questions that concern most people such as prudence or politics, to views grounded in technical expertise, such as legal or scientific opinions.
a. 品味或偏好;
b. 關於大多數人都在意的「議題」的「看法」,例如正常的生活起居方式和政治;
c. 基於專業知識的「觀點」,例如法律或學術見解。
5. … The problem is that sometimes we implicitly seem to take opinions of the second and even the third sort to be unarguable in the way questions of taste are.
6. This response confuses not having your views taken seriously with not being allowed to hold or express those views at all – or to borrow a phrase from Andrew Brown, it “confuses losing an argument with losing the right to argue.”
1) 你/妳的意見是否值得被嚴肅的討論;與
2) 你/妳是否被允許擁有或表達你/妳的意見(所謂的「言論自由」 -- 卜凱)。
借用Andrew Brown的說法,它混淆了「你講不贏對方。」與「對方不准你講話。」(也就是我說的:「因此,一個人不能拿『寬容』或『言論自由』的概念來做為胡說八道的遮羞布或保護傘。」 -- 卜凱)
1. No, You're Not Entitled to Your Opinion – P. Stokes, http://www.realclearscience.com/articles/2012/10/09/no_youre_not_entitled_to_your_opinion_106384.html
Patrick Stokes is a lecturer in philosophy at Deakin University.
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