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宇宙學和方法論 -- Live Science

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Theory of Everything: Holy Grail or Fruitless Pursuit?

LiveScience.com, 03/08/11

NEW YORK – Einstein died before completing his dream of creating a unified theory of everything. Since then, physicists have carried on his torch, continuing the quest for one theory to rule them all.

But will they ever get there? That was the topic of debate when seven leading physicists gathered here at the American Museum of Natural History for the 11th annual Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate.

The quest for a theory of everything arises because two of the most celebrated, successful theories in physics are contradictory.

The theory that describes very big things – general relativity – and the theory that describes very small things – quantum mechanics – each work amazingly well in their own realms, but when combined, break down. They can't both be right.

And we can't just sweep that fact under the rug and continue to use them each as they are, because there are some cases in which both theories apply – such as a black hole.

"Its size is small in terms of length; its size is large in terms of mass. So you need both," explained Brian Greene, professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University.

Scientists hope that a unified theory would resolve this incompatibility, and describe anything and everything in the universe in one fell swoop.

Vibrating strings

Many physicists say our best hope for a theory of everything is superstring theory, based on the idea that subatomic particles are actually teensy tiny loops of vibrating string. When filtered through the lens of string theory, general relativity and quantum mechanics can be made to get along.

For that reason, string theory has inspired many physicists to devote their careers to developing it since the idea was first proposed in the 1980s.

"There's been an enormous amount of progress in string theory," said Greene, a proponent of string theory whose 2000 book "The Elegant Universe" described the theory in layman's terms. "There have been issues developed and resolved that I never thought, frankly, we would be able to resolve. The progress over the last 10 years has only solidified my confidence that this is a worthwhile direction to pursue."

But other experts are getting weary of string theory, which has yet to produce concrete, testable predictions. Perhaps string theory, and the whole idea that a single theory can explain the universe, is misguided, they say.

Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the museum's Hayden Planetarium, suggested that string theory seems to have stalled, and contrasted the lack of progress of "legions" of string theorists with the seemingly short 10 years it took one man – Einstein – to transition from special relativity to general relativity.

"Are you chasing a ghost or is the collection of you just too stupid to figure this out?" deGrasse Tyson teased, beginning a friendly banter that would continue throughout the night.

Greene admitted that string theorists have not produced testable predictions that experiments can confirm, but said it wasn't time to give up.

"As long as progress is carrying forward, you keep going," he said. "To say there's no progress, come on man, that's just not right!"

The theory is so complex, he charged, and deals with such fantastically small scales that are inaccessible to experimental data, that no wonder it's taking a while to crack.

"Nowhere is it written that we "have to solve problems in one human lifetime," agreed Janna Levin, a physicist at Barnard College in New York. I don't see why we should be shocked that solving incredibly challenging problems may take more than one human life span."

Hidden dimensions

One aspect of string theory that riles many is that many versions of it require the universe to contain more than the three dimensions of space and one of time that we are familiar with.

The most popular version of string theory, in fact, calls for 11 total dimensions.

"Why don't we see them?" Levin said. "It might be that they're very, very small. Or it might be that we are somehow confined to a three-dimensional kind of membrane. Or it might be that they're not there. But these are very interesting ideas that have some very compelling consequences."

Yet such a bizarre notion is disquieting to many.

"I'm a higher dimensional refusnik," said physicist Jim Gates of the University of Maryland-College Park, who argued that sometimes it seems like physicists invoke higher dimensions when they can't make their theory work as it is.

"It is not at all that we can't solve a problem so we pull extra dimensions out of a hat," Greene said.

"I'm just saying it looks that way," deGrasse Tyson said, carrying on the friendly debate.

Testing string theory

Luckily, the question of higher dimensions isn't entirely restricted to the theoretical domain. There is some hope that experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider – the world's most powerful particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland – will be able to provide experimental evidence of hidden dimensions in the universe.

The evidence may be in the absence of certain particles, or missing energy, that might result when a particle leaves our normal dimensions and enters one of the hidden ones.

"What we have to do is go to the highest energies at accelerators and send something off into the extra dimensions," said Katherine Freese, a physicist at the University of Michigan.

Another possible test for string theory will be analyzing the detailed observations of the light left over from the Big Bang, called the cosmic microwave background radiation, which permeates space. This radiation is thought to preserve an imprint of the tiny fluctuations in density that would have been present in the early universe, and might reveal evidence for some of string theory's predictions.

"If we're lucky we can actually use this to test some of the ideas of string theory by looking at imprints in the cosmic microwave background," Freese said.

Should we even be searching?

Ultimately, some physicists say the search for a theory of everything will be a fruitless chase.

"To me the problem of a notion of a theory of everything is that it implies we will eventually know everything there is to know," said Marcelo Gleiser, a physicist at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. "For me physics is a work in progress."

As our knowledge of physics grows like an island, he said, so too will the "shores of ignorance increase." Thus there will always be more to know, bigger questions, greater areas of uncertainty.

"I have a disquiet with the dream of a search for the final theory," said Lee Smolin, a theoretical physicist at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario, Canada. He said the quest was incompatible with the modern way of physics, which has outpaced the scientific methods of Newton, in which scientists do experiments over and over, varying the initial conditions, to isolate the generalities, or laws, that apply.

Now, Smolin said, "we no longer can do experiments over and over again. There's one experiment, which is the universe as a whole."

We can't run other universes in test scenarios to understand cosmology, he said.

"No longer can we separate out the laws from the initial conditions. We are left with the question not just what are the laws, but why these laws? Why these initial conditions rather than other initial conditions? The method that Newton gave us no longer tells us how to go ahead. We have to change the methodology by which we try to understand the universe."

You can follow LiveScience senior writer Clara Moskowitz on Twitter @ClaraMoskowitz.

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Black Strings: Black Holes With Extra Dimensions 

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宇宙形成新理論 -- Space.com


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Did the Universe Begin As a Simple 1-D Line?


A refreshingly simple new idea has emerged in the complicated world of high energy physics. It proposes that the early universe was a one-dimensional line. Not an exploding sphere, not a chaotic ball of fire. Just a simple line of pure energy.

Over time, as that line grew, it crisscrossed and intersected itself more and more, gradually forming a tightly interwoven fabric, which, at large distances, appeared as a 2-D plane. More time passed and the 2-D universe expanded and twisted about, eventually creating a web — the 3-D universe we see today.

This concept, called "vanishing dimensions" to describe what happens the farther one looks back in time, has been gaining traction within the high energy physics community in recent months.

If correct, it promises to bridge the gap between quantum mechanics -- the physics of the very small -- and general relativity – the physics of space-time. It would also make sense of the properties of a hypothetical elementary particle called the Higgs boson. And best of all, it would do so with elegant simplicity.

"In the last 30 years, [physicists] were trying to make our theories more complicated by introducing more particles, more dimensions," said Dejan Stojkovic, a physicist at the University of Buffalo who researches vanishing dimensions. "We decided to go the other way and make theories less complicated in the high energy realm. At high energy [in the early universe], we are changing the background on which the standard model of particle physics is formulated. In 1-D, the problem greatly simplifies." [The Strangest Things in Space]

Life on a line

According to the theory, for the first thousand-trillionth of a second after the Big Bang, up until the moment when the universe cooled to an average temperature of 100 teraelectronvolts (TeV are actually a measure of energy, but energy and temperature correspond), it was a 1-D line.

So what would the young universe have been like?

"In 1-D, there's a new sense of unification," Stojkovic told Life's Little Mysteries, a sister site to SPACE.com. "Right now, you see the diverse world because you're in 3-D. When you go down to 1-D, things become much simpler. Properties that distinguish all the different particles don't exist anymore, so they all become alike. There is no rotation. All you have is forward and backward, and energy moving in either direction."

"As time goes on, the 1-D string universe evolves, intersecting itself many times to build a fabric," he said. The second dimension is built, and later, the third, in the same way that a 2-D sheet of paper can be folded to make a pop-up book. [Does the Universe Have an Edge?]

But Stojkovic hasn't yet identified the mechanism that causes the universe to evolve as time passes.

"We need to explain what caused the evolution from different energies to happen. You need a precise model that starts with a string and creates higher dimensions as it evolves in time to create the space-time we see today," Stojkovic said.

In its skeletal form, Stojkovic calls vanishing dimensions a framework rather than a theory. "As a framework, it's beautiful. But we need to work out the details," he said.

Put to the test

Unlike string theory, a similarly beautiful concept that describes the architecture of the universe, the vanishing dimensions framework may be verifiable through experimentation: This month, Stojkovic and Jonas Mureika, a physicist at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, have published the first peer-reviewed article on the topic in the prestigious journal Physical Review Letters, and in it they lay out an experiment designed to test whether the early universe really was one-dimensional.

The experiment involves gravity waves — faint oscillations thought to emanate from massive objects and travel through space-time. Gravity waves have never been detected, but their existence is predicted by the standard model of particle physics, and physicists hope to observe them within the next decade using a network of satellites in space.

Gravity waves carry an energy signature of the objects that created them. If Stojkovic is right, then no gravity waves should exist from before the time the universe became three-dimensional.

"Gravity waves don't travel in less than three spatial dimensions," Stojkovic said. "If you go down to two dimensions, gravity waves don't exist. Neither do they exist in one dimension."

"If our proposal is correct, the crossover from 2-D to 3-D happened when the energy of the universe cooled to 1 TeV," Stojkovic added. That happened one-trillionth of a second after the Big Bang. "When the early universe was 1 TeV hot, it transitioned from 2-D to 3-D, and at that point gravity waves began to be produced — only after that crossover, not before," he said. An absence of gravity waves with associated energies greater than 1 TeV would give this theory weight.

Cosmic frequency fracas?

When future satellites measure the frequencies (and corresponding energies) of gravity waves, Stojkovic hopes that they'll see a frequency cutoff.

"There would be a cutoff in frequencies above which you don't measure gravity waves, corresponding to the transition from 2-D to 3-D," Stojkovic said. If these instruments identify the cutoff that Stojkovic predicts, vanishing dimensions will get a big boost. [Top 10 Revelations of the Space Age]

Some physicists object to the premise of the experimental test; namely, that gravity waves will cut off above a certain frequency.

"There is gravitational radiation at all frequencies," high energy physicists Thomas Sotiriou, at the University of Cambridge, and Silke Weinfurtner, at the SISSA Institute in Italy, wrote in an email. "This is not to say that this gravitational radiation will not carry some imprint of the vanishing dimensions," they explained – but not in the way Stojkovic and Mureika have laid out. "It would not be a generic absence of any radiation over a certain frequency, as Stojkovic and Mureika suggest."

Sotiriou and Weinfurtner also object to the lack of an underlying mechanism to explain the evolution of the universe and the emergence of dimensions. "The [PRL] Letter by Stojkovic et al. is quite vague," they wrote. "They refer to vanishing dimensions at high energies and in the context of gravity but they practically say nothing specific about the mechanism via which this would be achieved."

"The idea of vanishing dimensions is quite interesting and potentially fruitful, as long as one clarifies exactly what is meant by 'vanishing dimensions.' Without a concrete, mathematically well-defined model of how dimensions will vanish, one cannot say much," Sotirious and Weinfurtner wrote. Along with Matt Visser of Victoria University in New Zealand, have presented their views on vanishing dimensions in an article posted to the physics arXiv.

Cosmic ray hints

Vague as the concept may be, there may be one hint of evidence in favor of vanishing dimensions already. "When cosmic rays collide with particles in the atmosphere, this creates a shower of other particles," Stojkovic said. "That shower looks like a cone. And as you can imagine, a cross-sectional slice of the cone looks like a circle." [What Are Cosmic Rays?]

"Well, it looks like the highest-energy cosmic ray collisions are instead planar, meaning they happen in 2-D rather than 3-D," Stojkovic added. Dimensions seem to vanish for particle collisions that are as energetic as the early universe. In two dimensions, "a cosmic ray hits a particle, then creates a shower of particles that travel out in a circle. A slice of the circle looks like a line, and that's what detectors very high up in the atmospheres have seen."

Experiments at the Large Hadron Collider should be able to probe high-enough energies to see the same 2-D realm, researchers said.

"The LHC should see the same alignment," Stojkovic explained. "The particle events should align on a plane."

If that happens, the new vanishing dimensions framework will gain more traction, and the beautifully simple picture of the early universe will come into greater focus.

This article was provided by Life’s Little Mysteries, a sister site of SPACE.com. Follow Natalie Wolchover on Twitter @nattyover.

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Does the Universe Have an Edge? 

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