謝謝大寶兄的介紹。Kilcullen教授這篇演講對韋伯思想的闡釋相當具有深度和廣度。尤其他對概念和詞彙沿革的說明,對我們這些外國人來說,受益匪淺。 我在其它他文章中提到韋伯「理論類型」和「僚屬體系」兩個概念(胡卜凱 2005a: 3.1.3);我也接受並詮釋過「效益理性」(通譯為「工具理性」) 的概念及其應用(胡卜凱 2007:留言33, 34;胡卜凱 2005b);我提到我正在寫一篇文章討論他的《論以政治為志業》的演講。轉貼其中一篇談「效益理性」的應用 於此。我很欽佩韋伯。不只因為他是學問上的巨人,也因為韋伯實踐了中國傳統對「知識份子」的期許。如Kilcullen教授所指出: But Weber does not believe that there is no point in resisting the inevitable. He was himself politically active, in a despairing kind of way - he did not expect to have success, but he went on 'resolutely', like a Stoic. Weber as politician takes his stand on certain values although (as a scientist) he cannot rationally justify them, and takes 'responsibility' for organising action aimed at realising those values although he knows that action may fail. 這種人物是當代中國社會所亟需,但在我看來,就比例而言,相當鳳毛麟角。 參考文章: * 胡卜凱,2005a,《社會變遷 – 淺談認知科學和社會學》 http://www.fokas.com.tw/news/newslist.php?id=1210 * 胡卜凱,2005b,《理性、法治、和革命》,https://city.udn.com/2976/1428674 * 胡卜凱,2007,《淺談理性》 http://tb.chinatimes.com/forum1.asp?ArticleID=944852&Page1=6&w=&q= 本文原載: 《淺談「現世人本論」》 -- 留言17 (回應韋大寶網友留言14, 15) http://tb.chinatimes.com/forum1.asp?ArticleID=1456090&Page1=1
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