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First of all, I said "some". As long as there are someone who have the false sense of superiority, my observation holds. Whether these people are in their 20’s or 50’s is irrelevant. Secondly, you are absolutely right that I was talking about people in their 40’s and older.

To make a semi-formal discussion, I will present a simplified conceptual framework and a few personal observations.

To begin with, as far as I know, there are three conditions/processes which can shape or determine a person’s consciousness, namely:

a.  social existence,

b.  social construction, and

c.  personal experience and associated (personal) psycho-dynamism.

I left Taiwan in 1967, and therefore, I don’t have the first hand knowledge about the socio-economic development from 1967 – 1993 there. Based on talking with friends and general reading, it is safe to say the society in Taiwan underwent a transition from a semi-agricultural one into a industrial-commercial one. That event was propelled by several factors, including the invention of transistor/semiconductor and the subsequent blossom and spreading of related industries; the Vietnam War which made Taiwan an ideal R and R place for the GI’s as well as a logistic support and maintenance/repair base for the US military; and a booming construction industry among others.

For the purpose of analysis, I will separate the mainlanders immigrated to Taiwan starting and around 1949 into the first and second generations.

Comparatively speaking, the first generation mainland immigrants do have higher educational level and social status. Psychologically, it is much easier for them to identify themselves with the ruling group or class with or without any factual support. More ridiculously, in hinder sight at least, they consider themselves as “guests” and not as immigrants or settlers. All these three factors, among other conditions of their social existence, contributed to the formation of the false sense of superiority harbored by the first generation immigrants that I talked about.

Unfortunately, this false consciousness gets transmitted to their offspring, or the second-generation mainlanders, by the social constructing process. Although the latter had a very different social existence.

Due to the economic take-off in the mid-60, the educational level and social status of theso called "Taiwanese" are at least the same as if not better than the mainlander immigrants for the post-80’s generation. This explains why the mainlander immigrants in their 20’s or 30’s (the third generation which are not affected by their grandpa and grandma, generally speaking) do not have the false consciousness.

The false consciousness itself is O.K. at a personal level or being kept as a private matter. However, upon facing the incompatible socio-economic reality, some of the mainlanders, albeit a minority, would turn the false sense of superiority into resentment. Provoked by the TI ideology and discourse, these people will vent the resentment not only toward the TI crowd, which is also a small minority, but indiscriminately also against “Taiwanese” at large. That is when the false consciousness becomes ugly and poisonous.

Whether Mr. S has this false consciousness subconsciously is not for me to judge. I only stated my observation in general as an explanation for his comparing the Chinese ruling regime’s action against Chinese people with a foreigner’s similar action and somehow condone it. To me this is not acceptable.

Unless you can offer a rational explanation for his logic, I’m afraid mine at least is worthy of consideration. We should all look out for those shadowy or rather dark emotions, lest we make statement that inadvertently really hurt people's feeling and make a precarious situation even less manageable.


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謝謝你提到「吹台青」 的政策,和以「魔障」來描述這種缺少現實基礎的「優越感」。

自以為自己比某些人「優越」倒無可厚非,但如果因此而衍生出對某個「群體」 的一般性「歧視」或「敵視」 ,則是「種族主義」的前晁。  

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    回應給: 胡卜凱(jamesbkh) 推薦1


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市長找了個好話題: 「優越感」也者, 某些人自己心裡魔障罷了! 最有名的 是白種人的優越感」 流行於歐美, 而以美國為甚. 雖然打了場南北戰爭, 制度上給予黑人"平等"待遇, 甚至黑人已經當上了總統. 但是, 美國高層社會裡的白種人的優越感」,  反而越來越厲害!

回頭看臺灣, 外省人優越感, 早在蔣經國時代的吹臺青行動之下, 摧毀怠盡!

李扁執政二十年, 臺灣流行的是臺灣人優越感. 本市前副市長 blackjack 發言, 常以外省人為弱勢群體角度, 就是一個明證!

喜歡優越感的人, 完全是自己EGO作祟, 咱們聯網就有這樣子的人, 市長的標題, 那個風水市長歪先生, 馬上躍然紙上, 而尋王之盟的文市長, 則是典型的臺灣人優越感代表.

這樣子自大而愚蠢的人, 咱們離他們遠些.

范蘭欽, 也是一樣!

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